Losing weight by the summer. Week 6: tasty is aesthetically pleasing!

Losing weight by the summer. Week 6: tasty is aesthetically pleasing!

The girls are the winners of the competition on our website, almost at the finish line. They have three weeks left until the end of the basic course at the #Sect Ideal Body School. What assignments did they receive this week?

Tina Pepelyaeva, 30 years old: I am steadfast!

Now 6 weeks have passed. I fell ill: a terrible cold attacked me, and by the middle of the week I fell out of my life.

After detox, we were asked to introduce animal products gently, little by little. But I missed the curd and chicken and did not seek to be neat. It was a bit hard, but not for long. The downside was about 1 kg. I practically stopped doing work. I decided to give myself a week or two to recover and laziness.

Do you want to eat? Take a picture first! During the week, we were asked to photograph everything we eat and send it to the chat. “From the very beginning of the program, we asked you to describe the emotions that you experience at one time or another in relation to food. Now we want you to share these emotions in the form of photos. ” The ability to eat carefully and beautifully can give a person more pleasure than a quick meal, eaten in between. With this task, we must learn to pay more attention to the aesthetics of our meals, because sight and smell are also involved in starting the digestion process. Already when looking at the plate, the body begins to produce the enzymes necessary for digestion. Our photo diary was supposed to be a tool to take a break before eating and give it a worthy place. Give it meaning in your daily routine. In general, photographs were expected from us.

Test with dumplings. At the end of the week, I had a trip to my husband’s parents, a difficult test by the road (about 4 hours driving) and my mother-in-law’s goodies. I prepared eggplant rolls and curd balls with me, as well as a bottle of water. The family ate sausage sandwiches and bananas. But when they felt the aroma of my rolls, they chewed with me and were pleased with the taste.

Knowing how our grandmother feeds us, I took cereals, vegetables, cheese with me. I prepared bulgur pilaf with mushrooms in advance, lentil soup. Also, a shish kebab was planned for Sunday, and so that it was without harmful additives, I pre-marinated the wings in sweet and sour sauce.

Upon arrival, I was constantly offered to try hand-made dumplings, various salads, cake, wine … But I was unshakable! I was a little strained by the fact that the tradition of sitting down at the table with everyone, as a large family, is important, but I didn’t want to sit with everyone and had to eat more often. It was a little uncomfortable, I explained to them in detail how important it was for me, and they tolerated it. But the food was offered anyway.

I can say that I am accustomed to nutrition, accustomed to the UUOOOBOBOBO regimen (carbohydrate, protein, vegetable). The only thing that is not easy on the road or in the country is to drink 8 glasses. It’s inconvenient on the road, but at the dacha I simply forget about it. I’ve been breaking this rule for almost a week now. Again the feeling of dry mouth returned in the evening, we will try to debug.

Result of the week: -1 kg.

Ivanna Blinova, 18 years old: I like myself in the mirror!

The week has been difficult in terms of getting back on track. In the beginning, I couldn’t do the morning work, I just didn’t have the strength in the morning. Julia said that this is due to lack of sleep in the previous week. After that I was just too lazy to get up early for the work. There were also problems with the diary. I either thought “I’ll write it down later,” or I was very busy, ate quickly and did not remember the time.

The task of the week was a photo diary. Since I could not even keep a regular diary, I also had problems with the photo diary. I either didn’t like the look of the food, or I was in a hurry and just forgot to take a picture. But I did take a few photos. It also seems to me that I began to eat more portions, I don’t know what this is connected with.

Decorate porridge with vegetables! Useful still life

Better not to miss. At the first training session, after a long break, I felt again, as in the first week. But soon she entered her usual pace. There was a pair workout on Friday. I hesitated, and I got the curator Julia as a pair. It was hot, but in principle, training with the curator is even more interesting, since the curator does not get tired as quickly as the student, and you need to adjust to his pace.

The abdominal massage is not nearly as bad as it seemed in the third week. Christina approached, did, and it was very even tolerant. She asked if I was doing a massage, but I just gave up. Advised to do it again.

Sandwich, smile! You are being filmed))

Results of the week: 0 kg. The weight has not decreased, but in the mirror I like myself so much. I can’t walk by. There is no belly, the press begins to be seen, the butt is more beautiful and fit!

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