Losing weight by the summer. Week 4: cakes are in the past
The winners of the competition on our website are great! They have been studying at the # Sekta School of the Ideal Body for a whole month and have not given up their positions.
Tina Pepelyaeva, 30 years old: I’m on the right track!
So the fourth week has come to an end … This week has completed the first month of study at the School. The jeans began to slide out, and it was a shame that they were new. The “pre-pregnant” dress was easily and pleasantly buttoned from the waist to the last cervical vertebra. All this was incredibly pleasant and, of course, caused delight and pride.
I’ve learned a lot of new recipes. The most important realization after the fourth week was that I was independent of food. Food is fuel! And just as I don’t fill my car, which eats AI-95, with diesel fuel, so I don’t want to throw low-quality or unsuitable fuel into myself. I stopped constantly thinking about what to cook. Everything worked out!
Lunch without TV. The assignment for the week was to build relationships with food intake. Refusal from gadgets, TV, books and other items while eating. Learning to enjoy food and taste. In order to learn how to return consciousness to the moment of the present, you need to do exercises. For example, this:
This exercise should be done before every meal, no matter if you are eating or just having a snack or drinking tea. Its meaning is to be able to be completely in the present moment, to experience the experience of the current meal as a full-fledged experience. Not to be absent in consciousness or body, not to be somewhere else.
A. Name one smell you are currently smelling.
B. Name two sounds that you are hearing now (the beat of your own heart also counts).
C. Describe three bodily sensations your body is currently experiencing (the texture of the clothing that touches the skin, the temperature, how your feet rest on the ground).
D. Name the four colors that surround you now.
E. Name five objects that are in front of you.
Its meaning is to be able to be completely in the present moment, to experience the experience of the current meal as a full-fledged experience, not to be absent in consciousness or body, not to be somewhere else.
Avoiding discomfort. Another task for the week: give up one, in our opinion, the most uncomfortable rule. “The dynamics of your progress will not decrease. And also by maintaining the level of personal comfort, you will be able to invest more energy and inspiration in other aspects of the program, – explained the curator. “This also simulates another important component of your work: the ability to independently adapt the regime for your personal comfort. We will learn this in the last weeks of the program, but now it is important to start moving in this direction. “
I gave up the daily work, decided to practice only when there is an opportunity or mood. But I began to walk more and more actively with the children.
Competition. Our creative curators proposed a competition for moms “One day of a mom in the rhythm of #Sect”. But in the middle of the week, my eldest daughter got very sick. I hardly slept for three nights because of the high temperature in the child. The girls made amazing presentations, and apart from a thermometer with a temperature of 39,8, I had nothing special to show. But one cool day before my illness, my daughter and I had, and albeit with a delay, but I also boasted. It came as a surprise that we were awarded, and soon the gift will arrive by mail!
Weekend without cake. Over the weekend, my treat was 90% wholesome #Sect style: whole grain pancakes with chicken and beans. And this finally showed that I was on the right track, and my body was not particularly interested in fatty cakes. Now the fifth week and full DETOX are ahead, I have already prepared for this shake-up for my body!
Result of the week: –2 kg. In just a month, 4,5 kg in a month have gone steadily, at the waist – 4 cm, according to clothes – 1 size.
Ivanna Blinova, 18 years old: I have become strong!
Training shows that I am getting stronger. I can stand in the bar while the track is playing without lowering my face. The abdominal massage is no longer as painful as it seemed at first.
There was one rule to be canceled this week. I really love apples – they are healthy and tasty. And according to the rules, you can eat only one fruit a day. At the end of the week, it was necessary to understand: did this rule really hinder you or is it better to leave it. And I decided to abandon this rule in favor of fruits.
On Sunday, I couldn’t come up with a tasty treat for a long time. The pizza recipe was dropped in the chat. I really wanted to try it, and I cooked it.
Result of the week: -1 kg. Total – 3,5 kg.