Losing weight by the summer. Week 3: Difficulty, colds and bad mood
Tina and Ivanna, the winners of our site, continue to study at the #Sekta School of the Ideal Body. And we continue to monitor their progress towards excellence.
Tina Pepelyaeva, 30 years old: everything will work out!
The third week began with discouragement. I am still breastfeeding. My daughter is already eating less breast milk, and I am in the process of hormonal changes. Once again I looked in the mirror – and it became sad. After all, you want everything at once. But it doesn’t work right away. Shared with her friends, “sectarian” in the chat. The responses were inspiring: “Tina, hold on! You are an ideal for me, you do so much, cook so much, so much energy in you. Everything will work out! ” A more experienced “sectarian” who had already completed the course inspired me: “For some of us, too, the result at first hesitated, and then quickly went.” And the curator encouraged me at all: “Tina, how much did you eat, how did you eat? Little time has passed. Nine weeks is not enough for someone. ” In general, the gloom lasted a couple of days, and then I continued to work on myself at a new pace.
Training. The second task was the introduction of training with children, which did not become a difficulty for me. We were asked to begin to closely monitor the technique of the exercises in order to increase the effectiveness of the training. The difficulty in training was the lack of time in the evenings on some days of the week. I chose classes on Monday (the hated fit test), Tuesday (favorite Pilates) and Thursday (inspirational yoga). Plus to the loads are constant walks and classes with children.
Water, water … The first task for the third week was the obligatory use of 8 glasses of pure water per day and the request to take a picture of the “before” face. For me, initially, the use of such an amount of liquid seemed transcendental – I got along with a couple of cups of tea during the day and drank tea and water in large quantities at night, which is why I had terrible swelling in the morning. Thanks to the even intake of fluids throughout the day, my water balance returned to normal, I no longer needed to drink plenty of fluids before bed. And as a result – a pretty face in the morning! This task was not a problem, since I had already gotten used to drinking so much in the first two weeks.
Massage… Chinese press massage was also added. “In schools of martial arts, strikes on the press are practiced, because when struck, the muscles contract many times more,” the curator told us. – During such a massage, there is a maximally directed load on the abdominal muscles. It is this complex that is most effective for getting rid of fat deposits in this area. ” After such a massage, the skin on my stomach was red!
Carrots, apples, peppers! The week was not easy for me – term papers, a lot of speeches from my eldest daughter … I wanted something tasty. And the girls advised me to cook cottage cheese balls with a nut. I bought cashews and fresh cottage cheese. I rolled balls, rolled them in cocoa and enjoyed the taste. The curd balls even passed the test by my guests!
You can always take fruit with you
This week, the constant state of thinking has disappeared: what else to cook? Cooking has become much easier, and the girls and I have already begun to come up with our own recipes and share them in the group. Newly tested: lentil soup, cottage cheese balls, sprouted mung bean in salad, oat pancakes and more!
At the end of the week, my eldest daughter Marusya took part in a competition, we had to leave home for a long time. I cut a full container of carrots with me into cubes. When we were already waiting for the results of the competition, I took out a carrot and crunched with such pleasure! And shared with the girls from my daughter’s art class. Everyone really liked this snack, because recently parents have been giving their children buns, sandwiches, and I was no exception. Now only carrots, apples, peppers!
Result of the week: –0 kg. The weight is still worth it. But on the other hand, I learned how to drink water correctly during the day, the morning puffiness disappeared.
Ivanna Blinova, 18 years old: it was not easy, but everything is over!
On Monday and Tuesday, I felt bad because of a cold and therefore could not do a contrast shower, morning work. I could not drink enough water as my throat was very sore and unpleasant to drink. Well, I missed the evening workouts. These days I was unhappy with myself. It seemed to me that I eat too much, move a little, do not complete tasks. In general, I was in a bad mood.
Bigger and cooler! On Wednesday, I decided to go to training, although I still had a slight weakness. Oddly enough, after training, the general state improved: both physically and emotionally began to feel better. On Thursday, I was finally able to do the morning work, albeit only 5 laps. And by Friday I was completely back to my routine and even drank 8 glasses of water!
On Saturday there was an open training session. It’s great when you can do more and cooler than beginners, although he himself recently died in the first training session.
Since this week, the press began to massage. And it turns out to be very effective.
Culinary Experiments. A friend of mine came over for dinner on Friday. I cooked brown rice with mushrooms and vegetables, baked cauliflower with cheese, and made lentil patties. She liked it. I also made brown rice sushi. I didn’t turn out very cool, but if I know how to do it, it turns out delicious.
An active walk with friends will cheer you up!
On Sunday we wanted to go on a picnic with friends, but the weather failed. Then my friends and I went for a bike ride and stopped at a vegan fast food, which was canceled last week due to illness. I took one burger with a cutlet, it seems, from wheat protein. I didn’t like it very much. But the rest of the cutlets were very tasty! (I tried a little at my friends.)
And why do the treats run out so quickly?
In general, according to the recommendation, a Sunday treat should fit into a glass. You can eat half a cake in the morning and half a pizza in the evening, for example. But they must fit together in a glass.
Curator Christina noted that I eat too many fruits (preferably one per day). There is nothing wrong with fruits, but during the training in #Sect it is recommended to reduce their number in order to give a chance to products with a less intense taste. And she also recommended that I diversify carbohydrates, because mostly I eat only rice and buckwheat.
Result of the week: –0 kg. But the abs became tougher, the belly – flat, and the silhouette in the mirror – more slender.