Losing weight by the summer. Week 2: massage and shower – thrill!
Our two winners continue to work intensively on themselves at the #Sekta School of the Perfect Body. They share their new impressions of the second week of the course with the readers.
Tina Pepelyaeva, 30 years old: the process is underway!
Well … the second week promised surprises! After another morning photo, I noticed how the fold on the back had diminished. It became clear that the process was underway! The scales showed another one and a half kilograms less, although, as the curators explained to us, the scales are not an indicator. The best indicator is a photo and a measuring tape.
Morning workout. Two exercises for problem areas were added to the morning workout, 50 times to choose from. I opted for a squat and a leg-to-chest exercise. Morning work on some days is very difficult for me. Laziness – everyone has it. But the focus on results is overwhelming, and I try to complete at least most of the session. And the plank time in two weeks of training increased to one and a half minutes!
A complex approach. We also received new assignments for the week: this is an integrated approach. We were strongly encouraged to take some time for ourselves even on the busiest days. “After all, our task is not only to learn to work with our eating habits and make physical activity a part of our lifestyle, but also to stay in good health, to learn how to enjoy taking care of our body.” Systematicity is important so that the skin has time to tighten and improve blood circulation in problem areas.
After the training and massage, we head to the shower and begin a wonderful invigorating play of water contrasts. Either hot or cold – very invigorating! If the shower is in the morning, then we finish with a cold one, giving vigor. If evening, then you can finish with warm water – to calm down. After showering, apply your favorite aromatic cosmetic oil to your skin. After a few days, the skin says “thank you”. And most importantly, you feel like a woman! Well-groomed and refined …
Salad is an important part of the menu
Food. It was recommended to leave the food the same, only you can start (if necessary) season and add a little salt, but if I cook only for myself, then I do not need salt. My favorite foods are: a sandwich – whole grain bread + avocado + chicken breast or white pickled cheese. Unrealistically delicious! Salad – bell peppers, tomato, cucumber, olives, pickled cheese, sesame seeds and olive oil. I really like the combination of wild and brown rice with avocado.
The second pleasant bonus was the return to the fruit menu! But … one fruit a day is recommended, half an hour after the first morning oatmeal.
Difficulties. The main difficulty is, of course, to find time for myself, since I am a mother of two children, the wife of the head of the family who constantly disappears at work, a student and a member of the initiative group for the house in which I live. But I will not give up, because the goal is so close and thanks to the #Sekta school it is real and achievable!
Way out. In the first week, it became clear that preparing several different dishes for family members and yourself is not easy. So I came up with an insidious plan to implement a nutritional policy. Of course, I do not take away sweets and bread from family members. I continue to bake cakes and pancakes for them, but I began to adapt such dishes as soup for myself. Potatoes and sautéing have disappeared from soups, and new ingredients have been added – mung bean and beans. The family accepted soups easily!
And in order to combine the morning training and the position of a mother, I began to do squats with my 14-kilogram daughter on my shoulders. The second daughter, nine years old, does all the exercises with me. Children are delighted with this new joint communication!
Results of the second week: minus another 1,5 kg! In total, 3,5 kg were gone. Regime and sleep improved, problems with insomnia disappeared.
Ivanna Blinova, 18 years old: everything works out for me!
New exercises – only for pleasure
The second week had a cool assignment – brushing and contrast showers, and adding circles to the morning work. Everything worked out for me, and I got high.
Food. It turned out that the mung beans and lentils recommended to us have an interesting quality – they have more carbohydrates in composition than proteins, but these carbohydrates are not absorbed. I tried lentils – I didn’t like it. I got out of the situation – I made delicious cutlets out of it. I tried to make healthy cheese cakes and biscuits, but the curators said that in the first month it is better not to abuse it.
Training. I didn’t go to workouts in the second week: concerts, rehearsals, meetings with friends, or asked a lot at the university. But she did the morning work every day and adhered to proper nutrition.
Many friends became interested in my diet, training. Some even try to eat right, but from time to time throw off pictures of festive tables, signing: “Today I am not a healthy lifestyle.” One friend who does more strength training listens to my stories about #Cecta and says either: “Yes, that’s right” or, if he doesn’t agree with some rules, “I won’t argue.”
Difficulties. Sometimes there are temptations in the form of some kind of sweetness, but this rarely happens. Immediately I remember the goal, and I don’t want something sweet anymore. Or you tell yourself you can safely eat this thing on Sunday.
On Sunday I got sick. The plan was vegan fast food – postponed to the next week. And I ate the yummy in the form of a cake. During my illness, I only drank tea with honey once, there were no more deviations from the rules.
Results of the second week: minus 2 kg. And I finally feel my abs!
The curator will always tell you