Losing weight by the summer. Week 1: cheerfulness instead of extra calories

Losing weight by the summer. Week 1: cheerfulness instead of extra calories

The winners of the competition on our website will try to get prettier by the summer in nine weeks. True, out of the three winners, only two reached the training stage – one failed to fit regular exercises into her schedule. On the other hand, the other two actively joined the classes at the #Sekta Ideal Body School and are ready to share their impressions of the first week of the course.

Tina Pepelyaeva, 30 years old: changing the diet

A mother of two, is on parental leave. Classes at the School of the Ideal Body will be held remotely.

“After the first birth, I easily got back into shape, but after the second I became two sizes larger,” says Tina. – Moreover, the situation has not changed after a year. I really wanted to put on my “pre-pregnant” clothes, and not buy new ones! And the suffering began … I even tried to starve, but a nursing mother cannot do that.

Problem: lose weight by 15 kg, tighten muscle tone. Get into “pre-pregnant” clothes!

Food. We were told that the first week would be called austere and recommended to give up salt, seasonings and other things. As simple as possible food, certainly water, a bunch of the right carbohydrates, and … a lot, a lot. Limit carbohydrates just before bed. “Until I sleep – I eat!” – there is such a golden rule in #Sekta. It shocked me! I radically changed my diet and by the end of the week I realized that I did not regret it at all. I learned a bunch of new products: quinoa, mash, bulgur …

“School #Sekta Issued a Food Diary”

Physical exercise. The obligatory morning warm-up seems simple at first, but already on the eighth circle you realize that you are a weakling. The exercise machine does not give the development of such endurance. And there are also evening trainings! They give us new ones every day in the group: there is stretching, Pilates, and yoga.

Beginners – just attention

The result of the first week is minus 2 kg! And this is not muscle or water, but precisely those kilograms with which I so wanted to part.

By the way, I was glad that for us, the “sectarians”, Sunday is a day free from training. At the same time, a compulsory favorite treat is added to the diet. At the end of the first week, I chose a portion of the rolls.

We continue on! It’s very interesting, what else do we have to do? The girls and I, as we can, support each other and are confident that we will go through these 9 weeks and achieve our goals. After all, #Sekta is every day new discoveries that benefit my body.

A little patience and everything will work out!

Ivanna Blinova, 18 years old: I got used to oatmeal on the water in advance


Problem: become strong and resilient. Make healthy eating a habit. Love your body. And so that the press appears!

First workouts are not easy, but great

Food. It turns out that you can eat before bed! But it is important – just not high-calorie food. The portion size was also surprising: it should fit into a glass (that’s a lot!). And the intervals between meals should be 2-3 hours.

Daily regime. The day of the “sectarian” begins with a glass of water and a morning work — a five-minute exercise. It consists of two dynamic alternating exercises for 15 seconds – and so 10 circles. The first 15 seconds is an active run with high knees. The second 15 seconds – running to the plank position (press the knees to the chest). At the very beginning, I barely did 5 laps. While in the chat (each newly recruited #Sekta group has its own chat with curators), newcomers wrote about four! To make it easier to navigate in time, I installed a timer program on my phone.

Then you need to eat oatmeal or buckwheat on the water and without everything! No butter and milk, no sugar. The first week should be austere. We kind of give a signal to the body that it can work in such conditions. They say that for many at first it is very difficult, and in our chat they wrote that they eat up oatmeal by force. I knew about morning oatmeal, so on the eve of the course I reduced the amount of sugar for several days and could eat it without anything. Only it turned out every other time, or after the oatmeal I could eat a couple more sweets. In general, with oatmeal in the early days, it was also not so difficult.

On the evening of the first day at School there was a fit test (interval training, where you write down your results so that you can later see your progress). It was the most powerful workout of my life.

Fruits, nuts and yogurt are the best snack in lectures

Difficulties. During the day, you need to eat every 2-3 hours. It was difficult for me to fit so many meals into my daily routine, because I am studying at the university. I didn’t want to carry a bunch of containers with me. They saved nuts, yoghurts and fermented baked milk. At home, by the way, my mother constantly tried to seduce with something sweet, but the curators motivate you so well that it was easy to refuse such things.

First achievement. On the third day, we went with our girlfriends to a small restaurant. I easily chose a salad that met all the rules. Girlfriends jokingly shouted: “Sectarian!”

Vegetables can be eaten frequently

Output. Week is gone. It got easier every day. And here it is – Sunday – a day off! No charging and training. On this day, you can and even need to eat something forbidden and tasty. I chose round thin Viennese waffles. Ate one, the second. Then she pushed it aside, realizing that it wasn’t worth it for so many days of waiting.

Then I went to my birthday. On the table – kebabs, vegetables and marmalade. I don’t eat meat, but marmalade … Plus, I didn’t keep track of portion sizes and intervals at all. It turned out that it is very difficult to follow the principles of proper nutrition in a large company.

In general, when I came home, I could not resist buckwheat. Although it is better to limit carbohydrates at night.

First week result. I began to look at food differently. I’ve learned a lot of great recipes, but haven’t found the time to cook these dishes yet. In addition, I used to be very sluggish during the day. Morning work corrected this situation. What else? Self-confidence has increased, and the stomach has decreased. It’s great to know that you’re doing what’s best for you. It seems that I began to love myself and my body a little more.

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