Losing extra pounds after pregnancy? Is it so hard? See for yourself!
Losing extra pounds after pregnancy? Is it so hard? See for yourself!

During pregnancy, usually – as it is often colloquially said – a woman “eats for two”. Often, a woman also “gets” strange cravings for her, when she wants a dish of her choice, and thus can eat much more than normal. Pregnant women also have a much greater appetite. However, doctors agree on one thing: it is much healthier to eat much more during pregnancy than to undereat! So, it is better not to avoid specific foods that we feel like eating during pregnancy, or not to follow a limited diet, because it will not be favorable for the baby. And the unnecessary kilograms that will gain during such a lifestyle are really easy to lose after pregnancy, when the baby will be whole and healthy in the world. Losing weight and dieting after pregnancy can be easy!


Breastfeeding period and doctor’s opinion

First of all, before starting weight loss after pregnancy, it is worth consulting your doctor and asking him about the most optimal time to start a diet. Physical exercises can be practiced from the very beginning after childbirth, as soon as the woman feels well and efficient enough. When feeding your baby naturally, however, you must not use fasting or other fast methods to lose weight. The most important thing is to lose weight in a healthy and smart way, taking care of your health and that of your child. 


How to lose weight after pregnancy?

It is worth doing exercises after the first days after pregnancy. The following exercises are recommended to help you get back in shape quickly

  • Kegel muscle exercise – simple exercises that can be done every day while doing household chores. They will help a woman return to her pre-pregnancy shape faster, and will help to avoid, for example, post-pregnancy urinary incontinence
  • Running and walking – you can take a child in a stroller for walks, which is even recommended. Mom leaves running on her own, you can start with 10-15 minutes of running a day. It is important not to push yourself too hard, but to introduce physical activity slowly into your life. It is also worth buying a special bra for running or other exercises involving many muscle groups that will protect women’s breasts
  • Exercises for belly: At home, it is especially worth doing sit-ups or other exercises for the abdominal muscles, because it is in this place that, even after applying a diet, fat folds popularly known as “donuts” remain after pregnancy. To get rid of this “shortcoming” of beauty, it is worth doing exercises for abdominal muscles (e.g. Weider’s Aerobic 6, also recommended for women)


The use of slimming drugs

For pregnant women and young mothers, it is also not recommended to use special slimming drugs when breastfeeding. However, they can take advantage of vitamin supplements and those that provide the body with the necessary micro- and macroelements.

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