Losers who became great people: examples from life

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers of the site! Gentlemen, poor students who have become great people, have proved that high marks at school are not the most important thing, it is more important to find yourself and do what you love.

Despite all the controversy and discussion, we have all known for a long time that in order to achieve success in life, it is not necessary to be an excellent student. Of course, high academic performance and a medal can open additional doors to life. But if you are a genius by nature, you don’t need schooling.

At least, low school performance did not prevent the heroes of our article from reaching incredible heights of self-development, becoming successful writers and brilliant scientists.

The article “Losers who became great people” will focus on people who, with their lives, have proved to everyone that our world is full of conventions, and bad marks at school do not mean at all that you have brain problems.

Great Losers

Hardly any of us could call Darwin a fool or doubt the intellectual abilities of Einstein or Newton. Nevertheless, these people during the school years did not have enough stars from the sky, but on the contrary, they belonged to hooligans and children with extremely low academic performance.

If your child is not doing well in any subject, you should not despair about this. It is better to help him show his talents in the best possible way, and believe me, everyone has them.

So, back to the famous Losers, who can rightfully be called geniuses.

Winston Churchill

The brilliant politician Winston Churchill, who was admired and admired by millions, the Nobel Prize laureate in literature, did very poorly at school. He was one of the worst students. He did not teach lessons, did not do his homework, did not have absolutely no interest in the subjects that were studied at school.

Losers who became great people: examples from life

Neither the governess nor the school teachers could force him to study. The beatings, which at that time were an integral part of the English education system, did not help either. Nevertheless, all this did not prevent him from becoming an outstanding politician, a famous orator and a skillful writer.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

The famous poet Vladimir Mayakovsky dropped out of school altogether. Having fallen into the maelstrom of revolutionary events, an eleven-year-old teenager dropped out of school. It was then that he developed a hatred for many cultural values, from which there was a fake air.

Losers who became great people: examples from life

And all this did not prevent Mayakovsky from becoming an outstanding poet, having gathered an army of millions of fans of his work.

Honore de Balzac

The legendary Honore de Balzac was also included in the list of genius-failing students. The classic of world literature was sent to study at a monastery. And there, as you know, manifestations of non-standard thinking and character were severely punished.

The guy did not want to study at all, no matter how hard the cruel monks tried to force science into his head. In the end, the father waved his hand at the guy. Honore became what he was supposed to be – a talented writer.

Anton Chekhov

Do not be surprised, but Anton Pavlovich Chekhov did not shine with knowledge in the gymnasium. Not because he did not want to study, but for another reason: he worked a lot in his father’s shop and sang in the church choir.

Losers who became great people: examples from life

In fits and starts, he did his homework, sitting in a shop without heating (so that the food would not spoil). The ink in his inkwell turned to ice. The future writer was twice left in the second year!

Al Capone

Alphonse Capone was an American gangster operating in the 1920s and 1930s in Chicago. A prominent representative of organized crime in the United States of the era of Prohibition and the Great Depression, which originated and exists there under the influence of the Italian mafia. Capone in the fifth grade had a fight with the teacher and dropped out of school.

Losers who became great people: examples from life

Richard Branson

Among the geniuses of his contemporaries, billionaire and philanthropist Richard Branson is on the list. This outrageous rock businessman suffered from dyslexia at school. Nobody has heard of this disease there yet. As a result, Branson, who could not close two words together at the blackboard, was simply considered a dropout.

Losers who became great people: examples from life

In adulthood, he overcame the disease, showing the whole world what he really is.

The list of famous Losers goes on and on:

  • Konstantin Tsiolkovsky;
  • Joseph Brodsky – Nobel Prize Laureate;
  • Andrey Tarkovsky;
  • Thomas Edison;
  • Bill Gates;
  • Steve Jobs;
  • Isaac Newton;
  • Napoleon Bonaparte;
  • Alexander Pushkin;
  • Adriano Celentano graduated from only 5 classes of a comprehensive school. A singer and musician can write, read and count – what else does a talented person need?

All of them at school were almost the worst students. And nevertheless, the incredible strength of the spirit, the desire to prove to the world their perfection, some kind of inner fire allowed them to become great.

Losers who became great people: examples from life

By the way, another famous poor student from our Taganrog is Pavel Derevyanko, a Russian theater and film actor. At school he did not study well, there were problems with his behavior, but he found himself. Now he is popular and starred in many films, he is known not only in Russia.

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