lose weight, diets, super diets, Weight loss before and after history of photo diets how to lose weight

If you can’t bring yourself to go on a diet, be inspired by their example! Woman’s Day talked to fellow countrywomen who were able to shed the excess, and learned how they managed to change once and for all.

Result: -35 kg in 8 months

Age 24 years

Growth: 170 см

Weight “before”: 90 kg

After weight: 55 kg

What it does: Sales Representative

The secret of success: diet and treadmill

Daria: “I’ve always been slim. But during pregnancy she did not deny herself anything, she could, for example, sit down at 9 pm and eat a stick of sausage. As a result, at the age of 21, when I was discharged from the hospital with my sons, I weighed under 90 kilograms! I wanted so much to be beautiful, to wear dresses and stilettos. And I decided – I need to pull myself together, close my mouth and lose weight.

In the morning I drank tea for weight loss, ate boiled chicken for lunch, fermented baked milk for dinner, and generally tried to lean on dairy, but low-fat products. If you wanted something sweet, I allowed myself a marshmallow. And spent hours on the treadmill.

For the first two months, the kilograms did not want to go away, but I was not upset, I just didn’t have time to even think about it – after all, there was a tiny child in my arms. I continued to drive myself on the treadmill and then began to notice how I became smaller and smaller in volume. It was happiness! Well, then summer came, vegetables, fruits went, dieting became much more pleasant. By the fall, I already weighed 55 kilograms and became the former slender Dasha. “

Result: – 25 kg in 1,5 years

Age 27 years

Growth: 166 см

Weight “before”: 94 kg

After weight: 69 kg

What it does: tourism manager

The secret of success: sports, fractional meals and plenty of water

Maria: “I got married successfully, relaxed and … gained almost 30 kilograms. My husband said that anyone loved me, but I strongly disliked myself and decided to act. First I went to fitness, then I started to eat right. I ate only useful things! Vegetables, protein (chicken or fish), sweets only up to 12 noon. My food became fractional – small portions five times a day. And I drank a lot. 2-3 liters of clean water per day. The first three months, the weight went off very slowly, but I did not lose hope, I adhered to the developed system and the kilograms began to melt more actively. I follow all these rules to this day. Three times a week for an hour of sports, proper nutrition and plenty of water. I began to like myself and others. But most importantly, there was a feeling that you can do everything. I want to turn the world upside down! There is so much positive energy that there is nowhere to put it. “

Whose result and weight loss recipe did you like the most? Vote for this girl on page 8!

Result: -15 kg in 3 months

Age 37 years

Growth: 178 см

Weight “before”: 100 kg

After weight: 85 kg

What it does: theater actress NET

The secret of success: don’t eat after 18:00 + walk

Marina: “The impetus was the realization that now I have one hundred kilograms of happiness !!! Why happiness? I am married to the most handsome man, Oleg Alekseev, who is also an honored artist. How can you not start to gain from such a happy life, and I also love to cook. It turned out like everyone else: I got married and calmed down. By the way, in “Romeo and Juliet” Shakespeare has the words: “From men women grow fat.”

But at school I was 61 kg, tall, slender. I decided to lose weight, because I felt sorry for such beauty, given by nature and parents, to spoil. My desire to change coincided with a trip to Kislovodsk: there I had many kilometers of walks, properly prepared food. And today I brought out 3 important points for myself: do not eat after 18.00, reduce the number of servings, and instead of doing fitness, I have race walking.

I came up with a pleasantness for myself: I dropped the extra kilogram and went to pamper with new things. It is so wonderful to buy something and where it was impossible to do it before.

Life has not changed in any way, but there are more enthusiastic looks.

I will give one piece of advice to all women – love yourself already! We give and give a lot! Leave at least a little to yourself! And always know: you are just beautiful !!!!

Result: -33 kg in 1,5 years

Age 26 years

Growth: 175 см

The weight “to”: 95 kg

After weight: 62 kg

What it does: the hairdresser

The secret of success: regular sports activities (water aerobics, exercise on simulators) + low-carb nutrition

Natalia: “Everyone in my family is large and for a long time I did not have any complexes about my weight, I ate buns, chips, crackers. And in the hairdresser’s with colleagues and cakes, and buns dabbled. Once a friend pulled me with her to water aerobics. For the first month, even without changing anything in my diet, I lost 5 kg and received a lot of compliments. Then she decided to lose weight and introduced restrictions: sweet, flour, smoked, fried, and salty foods were banned. And every month I lost from 3 to 5 kg without any stress. For six months, my lifestyle was fully applied – I cannot imagine myself without playing sports, and there was a clear understanding that until you close your mouth, nothing will change.

Now, wherever I come to work, I always promote proper nutrition, I myself never eat cakes and chocolates and I try to wean my colleagues with my example. If I could, so can you. You just need to understand: if you want to be slim, then you give up bad things and sweets for the rest of your life, this is not a one-time diet, but a way of life. But sweet and tasty is easily replaced by new dresses of incredibly small size, the delight of girlfriends and the attention of men. It’s a myth that guys like fat ones. I met my beloved when I had already lost weight.

Many, going to lose weight, usually object: there is no money for healthy food, a gym, there is no time and many other “no”. These are all excuses, everything can be done if you take and love yourself, and not regret whining. You can run for free in the stadium, there is boiled chicken and cottage cheese no more expensive than fried.

I sometimes allow myself now both sweet and salty – I love what to hide. But when I go on a food binge the next day I put myself in additional physical activity. This is the only way to keep the weight. “

Whose result and weight loss recipe did you like the most? Vote for this girl on page 8!

Result: -35 kg in 2 years

Age 40 years

Growth: 170 см

Weight “before”: 106 kg

After weight: 71 kg

What it does: Chief Accountant

The secret of success: consultations in a weight loss center + aqua aerobics and body flex

Natalia: “The work of an accountant involves snacking on buns, sweets, you get home after 20:00, the whole family sits at the table and waits for mom. This is how I gradually crossed the line into a centner of weight and began to fit only into the 56th size. But even in my 106-kilogram weight, 7 years ago I felt like an absolutely happy woman and did not even think about losing weight: my husband loved and loves, my sons are helping. What more could you want? True, the pressure became too high and the doctors said: “You should lose weight.”

And one day my work colleague invited me to a weight loss session at one of the weight loss centers. I went for the company and stayed there (by the way, my friend then left). In the first 3 months, I lost 10 kg, learned how to calculate the calorie content of dishes, and eat fractionally. Of course, I began to receive more compliments, especially from people whom I rarely saw.

The weight was gone, and the skin sagged, and I went for aqua aerobics and with the help of sports I easily lost 10 kilograms. Then she began to go to bodyflex breathing exercises. I never thought I’d be watching my weight so closely; now, if I gain 2-3 kilograms during the holidays, I’m terribly worried, I don’t want to switch to another size again. But thanks to the family, they support me, in the evenings they meet me from training, on weekends – I go to the pool, and they clean up. And the eldest son also began going to the gym and closely monitors our diet – asks that there is only healthy and proper food.

By the way, when I lost a lot of weight, I began to go to LPG massage, alas, I will say that this is a pumping out of money. It brings too short an effect, and a lot of money has been invested. The same anti-cellulite massage and aqua aerobics give a longer and lasting result. “

Result: -10 kg in 5 months

Age 35 years

Growth: 173 см

Weight “before”: 80 kg

After weight: 70 kg

What it does: housewife, mother of three children

The secret of success: consultations with an endocrinologist + calculating the calorie content of dishes + aqua aerobics and body flex

Tatiana: “I tried to lose weight many, many times, I can be called a fan of diets. Sat on a Japanese diet, buckwheat, protein. I can say that all diets bring results, but only in the short term. Until you change your lifestyle, nutrition system and start going to fitness, nothing dramatic will happen. And you need to lose weight slowly and unhurriedly – then the result will be better. I put on my weight during the breaks between childbirth and especially in the summer. Now I will explain why: I have 3 children and in the summer, going out with the same mothers to the bench to look after the children, we simply gnawed a bag of seeds. Firstly, seeds are a terribly high-calorie food, and secondly, seeds were a dessert after a regular meal. So after the summer I gained kilograms. But this summer I said to myself, “Enough. The children have grown up, and I want to be an example for them of a mother who looks after herself, is fit and thin. ” And to be slim is fashionable and sexy, everyone likes it. I wanted to have time to do it before 40, while I’m young. This time, I first went to an endocrinologist, to be honest, I expected to hear words of consolation from her, they say, your girlfriend after 3 births changed hormonal levels, you do not eat anything, but you get fat. But alas, she said that I was just eating more kilocalories than my image requires. You need to eat less and move more. The endocrinologist, in principle, did not tell me anything new, but for some reason I just believed her and practically the next day I began to eat right. It is “right” that is the key word. What it is? First, the way food is processed is steamed or boiled, stewed, not fried. Secondly, for breakfast – necessarily complex carbohydrates, for example porridge, I always have snacks, and after dinner – protein food. Plus 2 liters of clean water. The result was not long in coming: exactly a month later, the kilograms began to easily leave my body.

My dietary supplement menu is made up of 1200 kcal per day, sometimes, alas, I sort it out – up to 1500 kcal, but I eat only the right food. I don’t eat any sweets, mayonnaise, smoked meats, pickles and bread.

And also regular fitness classes appeared in my life: 3 times a week I have body flex breathing exercises, 3 times – strength exercises, and sometimes I dance zumba at will. By the way, it is very important to find your own coach. I have it Yulia Chubarova, who charges me with her optimism for a new result. “

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Result: -15 kg in 10 months

Age 37 years

Growth: 170 см

Weight “before”: 75 kg

After weight: 60 kg

What it does: Sales Manager.

The secret of success: sports, sports and again sports. Specifically – gym exercises, TRX hanging loops, Pilates, aerobic exercise

Olga: “My husband didn’t want me to work. And when I gave birth to my second child, I forever said goodbye to the idea of ​​getting somewhere. In principle, everything suited me: he provided for us, I took care of the house, the children, took them to the circles, cooked, fed and finished eating for everyone. And in the evenings, putting them all to bed, ate buns with tea and thought: “Is this how my whole life will go, a continuous Groundhog Day – every day is similar to the previous ones.” And so I gained 14 kilograms. But I arranged for my husband and such, if only I would sit at home and not rock the boat.

Once I met a friend, she told me: “Ol, how big you are.”

The words just flattened me, and at that moment I did not think about my weight, but about the fact that I became an aunt in every sense: I do nothing, I do not move anywhere, I live in some kind of cocoon that my husband brought me. Immediately in the evening I told my spouse that I was going out to work and wanted to lose weight. Scandal after scandal, but I got a job. The problems in the family grew, and I ate and ate, seizing my problems. Weight grew, uncertainty grew; maybe my husband is right that I’m only a good housewife. My friends did not understand me when I was about to finally break off the relationship, they say, they provide you, they love you as you are, even complete, and you are mad with fat. But for myself, I decided that I want to live by my own rules, I want to work.

Accidentally got a job at the Wellness Park fitness club as a sales manager. And there everyone is smart, positive, and I am such a tech in my 35 years. Weight, alas, does not make you younger.

I decided to lose weight, but not from food restrictions, but from sports. In the fitness club, they made a training program for me, but until I found my favorite type of load, the weight went away slowly. For myself, I highlighted my favorite areas – these are exercises in the gym, TRX suspension loops, Pilates, aerobic exercises. In general, it is very important to do everything with a positive attitude, and lose weight, and start a new business. True, at first I had to love myself again, because when I was married, a bunch of complexes developed in me. So that this does not happen to you, remember that all women, even those who sit with children at home, must definitely find an hour or two just for themselves and at this time devote only to themselves.

As soon as I began to actively engage in fitness, I realized that it was necessary to change the nutritional system, it was elementary difficult in the gym. I left two full meals – breakfast and lunch, and refused dinner. In the morning and at lunchtime, I try to eat proteins separately from carbohydrates, and in the evening I have a light snack – kefir, cottage cheese, boiled meat or poultry. I am a bun-eater and in the morning I allow myself to eat my favorite bun, but this is now, when I have already achieved the desired result. And the first nine months of active weight loss, I refused buns, sweet, fried and salty. For 9 months I threw off 14 kilograms.

When I got into my favorite jeans, which I wore before the second birth, there was no limit to joy. I went to the store and already bought things in size S. For me it was a crazy thrill. Together with the new figure, I had a different sense of life – I am a light butterfly, soaring and rejoicing in a new day. And the wrinkles are smaller. Probably, a happy inner peace has a positive effect on everything.

Children are proud of their young mother, an adult son constantly compliments me ”.

Result: -8 kg in 3 months

Age 26 years

Growth: 165 см

Weight “before”: 64 kg

After weight: 56 kg

What it does: mom on maternity leave

The secret of success: sports and a small amount of food

Natalia: “I gained 23 kilograms of excess weight during pregnancy. Before she weighed 58 kilograms. Having given birth to my daughter, I lost up to 64 kilograms. And the weight on this figure seemed to have stopped. I couldn’t do anything! I tortured myself, tried a bunch of diets, starved. But the scales stubbornly showed 64. And after the New Year holidays, I went to the Zebra fitness center. For three months of training, the kilograms went away quickly, I began to weigh even less than before pregnancy! I work out in the gym with a trainer three times a week. At first, the training lasted an hour, and the load and the time of training gradually increased. Before starting to do exercises with a trainer, I run 8-9 kilometers on a treadmill, then an hour with a trainer, after that I go back to the treadmill and cover another 4-5 kilometers.

My diet is like this now. For breakfast, green tea with curd cheese, for lunch, soup, which I cook for my little daughter, without overcooking, for the second pilaf or breast with boiled potatoes, dinner – a glass of kefir or an apple. In the afternoon I have a grapefruit snack. I allow myself sweets once a week. And I drink more than two liters of water a day. I feel great! “

Tatiana Kardashova

Result: -23 kg in 10 months

Age 42 years

Growth: 158 см

Weight “before”: 90 kg

After weight: 67 kg

What it does: accountant

The secret of success: sports and proper nutrition

Tatiana: “Excess weight just interfered with my life, I suffered from heartburn, my back hurt. In early April last year, I started going to the gym. Kilograms began to go away after the very first trainings. At first, I wrote down everything that I ate. The coach looked at my notes and said that they need to be removed. Butter, sweet and flour, left my diet. For the first months, I adhered to a rigid diet. Weight went very actively. The process of losing weight continues to this day. Twice a week I go to the gym, work out with a trainer for an hour and a half, alternating strength and aerobic loads. I have breakfast at work, as a rule, it is cottage cheese with sour cream. For lunch, soup, meat, fish or chicken, from the side dish we eat only buckwheat. For dinner – a salad of fresh vegetables. On days when there is workout, I do not have dinner. No strength left! But on weekends I eat everything that I cook for the family. Goulash, pilaf, soups. Sometimes I allow myself sweets. On Shrovetide I ate pancakes with jam. And nothing! Weight is still going down. Itself was surprised!

During this year I realized that I have absolutely no food cult. I can be content with little. Previously, I just ate the wrong way, that’s why I gained extra pounds. “

Whose result and weight loss recipe did you like the most? Vote for this girl on page 8!

Result: -35 kg in 2 years

Age 45 years

Growth: 170 см

Weight “before”: 120 kg

After weight: 85 kg

What it does: veterinarian

The secret of success: pills to reduce appetite, giving up bread and sugar, water aerobics and body flex

Irina: “Until the age of 40, I was spinning like a squirrel in a wheel: I worked at home around the clock, providing veterinary care, my husband and I were building a house, putting aside any penny for repairs, raising children. I didn’t even think that I could live for myself, buy something fashionable for myself, go somewhere, just relax with a book. The children have grown up, the house has been completed, but when will we live? The reason for my weight was not only irregular meals, sometimes with snacks after work at night, but also a skin disease that required hormonal treatment. Once, after traveling to Baskunchak, I noticed that the skin problem was gone, and I was able to buy myself boots with heels for the first time. Those boots became my incentive; I’m standing in the store looking at myself, the boots with heels are very beautiful, and what a big woman was wearing them. And I decided to lose weight. And I bought diet pills and appetite suppressants at the pharmacy. Within a month, I lost 3 kilograms. I liked it so much that I decided to speed up the process and stopped eating bread, sugar, chocolate, cakes altogether. She rarely allowed herself marmalade or marshmallows. Of course, from time to time I wanted to eat something harmful and forbidden, and at such moments I went to the store and allowed myself to buy everything, but only from the category of useful products: shrimp, olives, squid. The loss of kilograms affected my body, alas, the skin began to sag. I bought a disc for colonetics classes and every day I made sure to do it at home for 50 minutes. The weight began to go even faster. How I liked myself so renewed. I became young again, with the desire to buy myself a new skirt or blouse. I got a job at a veterinary clinic, but it’s more interesting in a team than at home alone. Then I started going to classes in water aerobics and body flex 3 times a week. Now there are fewer restrictions on food, but thanks to physical activity, it is possible to keep the weight in one pore. By the way, I noticed that my adult son became less ashamed of his mother, sometimes he calls me and my daughter to the cinema. And from my classmates I regularly hear compliments: how could you lose weight at that age. Yes, age is not a problem, on the contrary, over the years a woman begins to understand that it is impossible to live all the time for someone, that you need to love yourself and then others will love you even more. “

Result: -8 kg in 3 months

Age 40 years

Growth: 158 см

Weight “before”: 67,2 kg

After weight: 59 kg

What it does: medical center administrator

The secret of success: sports and proper nutrition

Natalia: “We decided to take care of ourselves together with my husband. I just want to look younger, and kilograms, of course, add age. Well, then, I work as an administrator, in fact, the face of the company, which means that you need to look the same.

Three months ago, she began to play sports under the guidance of a trainer from the Zebra fitness center. And of course, she changed her diet. I do not eat flour and sweets, only twice a week I allow myself a small piece of chocolate in the morning – for the mood. I dress vegetable salads with linseed oil, in my diet turkey, chicken breast, fish – all steamed, stewed vegetables. I try to have dinner at six in the evening, and after returning from training, it usually happens at about nine in the evening, I drink kefir or eat cottage cheese. 59 kilograms is not the limit for me! I want to drop a couple more. Friends have already begun to call me skinny. Very nice! Just my dresses, which I wore when I was a little younger and weighed less, became me. “

Result: -22 kg in 6 months

Age 39 years

Growth: 172 см

Weight “before”: 104 kg

After weight: 82 kg

What it does: cook

The secret of success: food restrictions, cancellation of late dinners and tremendous willpower

Anna: “I gained weight after giving birth. For many years the weight held on, “stood”. I decided to take on myself. Has limited food. She stopped eating supper. It was hard at first, I didn’t eat after six in the evening. After a couple of weeks, I stopped eating after four o’clock in the afternoon. Only because of this alone, I lost 6 kilograms in a month. This made me very happy, and I decided to continue. After 15 pm I stopped eating, only drank: water, tea, low-fat kefir. But in the morning I didn’t deny myself anything! Even in a slice of cake! I have no special physical activity. Working as a cook is a lot of movement, on my feet all day. That was enough for me. For six months I have lost 22 kg! I updated my wardrobe. It was both a necessity and a pleasant encouragement at the same time. Life without excess weight has become much easier! Anyone who wants to get in shape must definitely believe in themselves, that the result will be. In general, in order to lose weight, you just need to stop eating a lot. Restriction on food solves the problem, all the weight – from late dinners. If you want to eat, drink some water! “

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Result: -18 kg in 1,2 years

Age 28 years

Growth: 162 см

Weight “before”: 70 kg

After weight: 52 kg

What it does: active mother of 3 children, economist by profession.

The secret of success: healthy lifestyle + proper nutrition + daily exercises in the gym

Alina: “Until the age of 20 I was slim, and then I got married and had children. From time to time I went on a diet, but it was such turns, up and down. At some point, I realized that I didn’t want to be told about me: “She has three children, what can I get from her. Like, where does a good figure come from after three births. ” Sometimes she herself justified her laziness, food addictions and addictions. I also said to myself: oh, Alina, you have hormonal imbalance after childbirth.

Came to coach Roman Gantimurov at Wellness Park; then my back hurt badly, but I was only 27 years old. I came and stayed, I got involved and I can’t imagine my life without daily strength exercises. The back has passed a long time ago, as well as the kilograms, slowly and surely they also go away. But I chose the right motivation – not just to lose weight, but to become healthy, beautiful, active and sexy.

We often seek approval from others. We are so arranged – we want to be liked. But before asking your husband a question, when you have a blurry body, look at yourself from the outside – you like yourself so much. Let this be your impetus to change your whole life. I am lucky, I have a loving husband who liked me anyway, but I am most comfortable in this body. Not only my taste habits have changed, but my whole lifestyle and philosophy have changed. Now I think that in this life every person has a choice of how to look, where and with whom to be, and how much we are willing to pay for it. I have not abandoned my children and family, I also cook breakfast and lunch for them, although I cook it separately for myself. Where do I find time for everything? I use it rationally.

What am I eating? A woman who wants to become slim needs 1300-1500 kcal per day. This is 30% protein, 40% long carbohydrates, 30% correct fats. For example, Omega-3, which is necessary for good hormonal levels; I take it from flaxseed oil, fish oil. I try to maintain this balance.

Here is my usual and favorite food. In the morning – long carbohydrates (oatmeal with fruit, a slice of cheese), lunch – chicken or turkey with vegetables, in the evening, be sure to have proteins – fish or cottage cheese. Snack – nuts or whole grain bars.

Almost every day I have a load, mainly strength, functional training and cardio. I believe that it is power that helps burn fat faster. For comparison, 30 minutes on a treadmill can be replaced by squats with a barbell for 3 sets of 10-15 times, depending on weight. Recent trends and modern fitness techniques prove that strength training improves shape and body composition by reducing the fat component better and more than traditional cardio workouts. After training, be sure to take a protein shake. The fact is that during training, the muscles are exposed to serious stress and this leads to their decay (the body must take energy, and it is easier to get it from the muscles). To protect them from decay and force the body to consume fat, you need to drink a protein shake for 20 minutes, and then eat normally after a 2 hour break. In general, nutrition is 80% of success, and after physical exertion, this is especially important. All work can be nullified if you do not improve your relationship with food, and no amount of force will help here if you continue to eat fast food and drink soda.

I am grateful that I met a very competent trainer, who is not only my guide in the world of fitness, but teaches me the right way of life and rational nutrition. Of course, at first it is very difficult for an ordinary person to correctly build a training process because of the full house and “super methods” from the Internet. Therefore, in my opinion, such a person as a coach is necessary. It’s like going to a teacher’s school to learn, it’s the same here.

Of course, I’m not a robot, on vacation I allow myself both a cake and sweets, however, now I want less and less such a wrong meal.

I know for sure that laziness is a fear stretched out over time. The worst and hardest thing is to start! Take this step, however small. Start waking up 30 minutes earlier, drink a glass of water, and do morning exercises for at least a few minutes. Then all this good will become a habit, especially after you see the result of rational use of your time – beauty, health and inner strength.

Do not set a goal to lose weight, set a goal – to become healthy and beautiful, and let a slender figure and cubes on your stomach be a pleasant bonus. “

Result: -21 kg in 6 months

Age 22 years

Growth: 167 см

Weight “before”: 82 kg

After weight: 61 kg

What it does: designer at SushiVesla

The secret of success: jogging around the house, avoiding fatty, fried, starchy foods and dinners after 6 pm.

Alena: “I have been dancing since childhood, then I quit and began to recover quickly. When the scales began to show an eerie 82 kilograms, and the reflection in the mirror was a very plump girl, I decided that it was impossible to continue this way, and began to act. I started to run in the morning, just around the house, started with one circle, then brought it up to 12. I didn’t eat anything fatty, fried or sweet. After six in the evening, I didn’t sit down at the table either. And the result was not long in coming! Kilograms melted before our eyes, the waist became thin, the reflection in the mirror was becoming more and more beautiful. And then I got pregnant. And the lost kilos returned, thank God, not all. I left the hospital with my daughter and weighing 76 kilograms, having stopped breastfeeding, I again began to follow the rules developed before pregnancy. I got into shape very quickly! Now I have already gone to work, there is no time for diets and sports yet – my daughter is still very young and requires a lot of attention. But I keep my weight – 61 kilograms! “

Whose result and weight loss recipe did you like the most? Vote for this girl on page 8!

Result: -24 kg in 1,5 years

Age 28 years

Growth: 170 см

Weight “before”: 87 kg

After weight: 63 kg

What it does: territorial manager of a cosmetic company

The secret of success: small portions + frequent meals + low-carb foods + the right way to cook

Victoria: “With each new pregnancy, I put on a lot of weight. During the second, she gained 97 kg, gave birth and became 87 kg. I am 26 years old, I seem to be still young, but already looks like an aunt. Dissatisfaction with my own image in the mirror, my work in public, knee disease that stuck to me due to excess weight, and forced me to review my entire diet in one day. And I am genetically predisposed to be overweight, my mother weighs 120 kg, the twin brothers were also very dense until they lost 30 kg. So one day I decided to start losing weight on my own. I took and eliminated all junk food – smoked meats, potatoes with pasta, mayonnaise, baked goods and sweets, pickles.

For a year and a half I lost 24 kg. Today, there are never any harmful foods on my table. As soon as I relax for the holidays, the weight begins to grow up. But I’m already used to eating only what benefits me. I try to feed my household members with healthy food. I am in the car all day, it is not always possible to have a full meal, and I take boiled chicken, meat, vegetables in containers for the whole day. I have never calculated the calorie content of dishes; I just do not eat everything high in calories – that’s all I decided! Alas, because of work, I have little time left for sports, but I want to bring elasticity to the body and I still go to the gym in fits and starts.

I don’t want to be fat, I like the enthusiastic looks of people about my figure and willpower, I like tight dresses that I can now buy in any store. The kilograms are gone and there is lightness in everything.

You need to start losing weight not for the sake of someone, but for the sake of your beloved. And first, be sure to fall in love with yourself and such a big one, you will lose weight – you will like yourself even more. And the surprise of those around you will be provided! “

Result: -30 kg per year

Age 23 years

Growth: 173 см

Weight “before”: 105 kg

After weight: 75 kg

What it does: professor

The secret of success: diet, massage, sports and yoga

Polina: “Until the age of 14 I went in for sports, then I quit and started gaining weight. She herself did not notice that she had become a chubby, but my mother really sat down on me. She said she couldn’t look like that. And it became difficult to find clothes in stores. And then I decided: it’s time. An acquaintance of mine and her husband, a professional massage therapist, took over my patronage. They made sure that I ate no more than 1200 calories a day. I had a strict diet and massage. It was difficult, but I survived. Having started losing weight in April, by mid-June I had already got rid of 15 kilograms! Then cardio loads were added to the diet.

Every day I spent an hour and a half in the VolgaFit fitness club. Not running, but walking. Then she worked with a coach to pull up. Now I continue to eat right and do yoga. If meat, then with vegetables, cereals – also with vegetables, pasta – with tomatoes. I love yummy, like all girls. But all sweets are strictly up to 12 noon, so that you can burn calories. And I don’t eat four hours before bed. Maximum – kefir or vegetable salad. There was a desire to become even better! If before I seemed to myself a nice kolobok, now I see all my shortcomings – there I have to tighten up, there to remove. So work on yourself continues! “

Result: -37 kg for 1 year

Age 32 years

Growth: 163 см

Weight “before”: 90 kg

After weight: 53 kg

What it does: the hairdresser

The secret of success: low-calorie diet and professional help

Olga: “Completeness in our family is hereditary, my mother, grandmother, sister – all donuts. That is why they told me that it is useless to lose weight, they say, you can’t argue against a gene. In a word, no one believed in me. In addition, all the relatives liked to watch me eat deliciously. My husband loved me and complete. But I wanted to please other men too! I wanted people to turn around after me. And I thought and still believe that a woman weighing 90 kilograms cannot be attractive.

Realizing that the fight against excess weight is going to be difficult for me, I turned to the specialists of the Dr. Gavrilov Center for help. I was examined and prescribed a low calorie diet. I could eat no more than 1800 calories a day. Almost everything is allowed, but a little bit. I ate with a small spoon. The process seemed incredibly fun to me! For a week and a half it took 7 kilograms. When another 12 kilograms “melted”, the weight suddenly rose. Stood two weeks. I almost fell into depression. But then how it began to deflate! Having initially set myself the goal of reaching a weight of 65 kilograms, I realized that I wanted to be even slimmer and lost another 12 kilograms. Now I hold on to my cherished 53 kilograms! This is my ideal weight. I have never felt so comfortable in my life. I try not to break the diet developed over the year. I have breakfast an hour and a half after waking up, usually cottage cheese with sour cream. For lunch, steamed fish or chicken with stewed vegetables, afternoon tea – yogurt with cereals, salad for dinner. I eat fruit strictly before lunch. Sometimes I allow myself dark chocolate and marshmallows. And I drink 2,5 liters of water every day. “

Whose result and weight loss recipe did you like the most? Vote for this girl on page 8!

Whose result and weight loss recipe did you like the most? Vote for this girl!

Voting ended on April 2, 2015. Prizes to the winners of the voting will be awarded at the site editorial office. Contact your brand manager at 8-961-661-54-85.

The four girls with the most votes will receive as a gift:

1st place – low-calorie mega-set from the SushiVesla company Alina Kolomenskaya (707 votes).

2nd place – a set of jewelry from KLINYA Maria Abuzyarova (517 votes).

3rd place – a shopping bag from the Aquarelle shopping and entertainment center Daria Abramova (279 votes).

4th place – Natalia Vakh, a fashion prize from the Woman’s Day website (247 votes).

And the commentator under the nickname suskova.olga receives a special prize – a set of books from the “Life is Beautiful” series that will help you become even more feminine.

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