Lorch potato varieties: reviews and characteristics

At the beginning of the 1931th century, on the basis of the station for breeding new varieties of potatoes (Research Institute in the Moscow region), the breeder A. Lorkh created a debut potato variety, named after the scientist. The culture is zoned in the Central Black Earth region, intended for the food industry. The variety quickly earned popularity, in 80 it entered the list of the State Register. For more than XNUMX years, it has been one of the five most popular varieties grown in Central Our Country. For those who are not familiar with the culture, a description of the Lorch potato variety, photos and reviews will help to get a general idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe plant.

Lorch potato varieties: reviews and characteristics

Description of the potato variety Lorch

Potato Lorch belongs to the medium-late variety, after planting it sprouts within 14 days, after 120 days the tubers reach biological ripeness and are ready for harvest. The Lorch potato variety shown in the photo, according to the description of the originator, is a frost-resistant crop. In case of damage to young sprouts by return frosts, it is completely restored in a week, the negative factor does not affect fruiting, the ripening time does not increase.

The culture is light-loving, for photosynthesis it requires a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation. In the shade, vegetation slows down, the tops brighten, stretch, and become brittle. Tubers are formed in smaller numbers and with reduced weight; small root crops predominate in the bush. The variety is highly drought-resistant, it perceives the drying of the soil normally, waterlogging causes rotting of the root system and stems, which is the cause of the development of fungal infections.

External characteristics of potatoes Lorch:

  1. A tall plant, reaching a height of 80 cm. It forms five powerful, thick stems. The bush is compact, the tops are upright, not sprawling. With an excess of moisture, the stems do not lose elasticity, do not break.
  2. The leaves are light green, large, opposite, fixed on a long petiole. The leaf plate is rounded, slightly dissected, the surface is corrugated, densely pubescent with veins. The edges are wavy.
  3. The flowers are simple with the presence of anthocyanin along the edge, collected in panicles, the core is bright yellow. The variety forms a small number of berries.
  4. The root system does not grow to the sides, it occupies only the space of the hole, forms 10–12 root crops.
  5. Tubers of the same size, weighing 90–115 g, oval, non-marketable potatoes, not more than 2% in the bush.
  6. The peel is thin, yellow, with fine pigmentation, smooth, the eyes are small, recessed, present in small quantities.
  7. The pulp is dense, juicy, white, does not oxidize during cleaning, does not darken during cooking.
Important! The size of the root crop allows mechanized harvesting.

Potato Lorch is well stored, safely transfers transportation. It was created for the food industry, suitable for cultivation in summer cottages and household plots.

Taste qualities of potatoes Lorch

Before entering the variety in the State Register, the culture underwent tasting testing. On a 5-point scale, she received a score of 4,8 points. 20% of the chemical composition of tubers is occupied by starch. In the food industry, the variety is used for the production of starch. In cooking, potatoes are used for cooking first courses, side dishes. The variety has proven itself when stewing, frying. The fruits after hot processing retain their shape. Potatoes are moderately crumbly with a characteristic taste.

Lorch potato varieties: reviews and characteristics

Pros and cons of the variety

According to the characteristics of the variety and reviews of Lorch potatoes, the culture has a number of advantages:

  • high yield. Fruiting does not depend on weather conditions;
  • frost resistance. After freezing of seedlings, it quickly forms a replacement;
  • fruits of leveled mass, convenient for mechanized harvesting;
  • root crops with a high tasting score, universal use, with an optimal content of starch and solids;
  • undemanding to agricultural technology and soil composition;
  • drought tolerance, no watering required;
  • long storage and good transportability.

The disadvantages of potatoes are: poor tolerance of waterlogging of the soil, average resistance to infections.

Planting and caring for Lorch potatoes

To reduce the growing season, the characteristics of Lorch potatoes indicate that it is better to plant medium-late varieties with germinated seeds. The optimal length of sprouts is 3-4 cm, longer ones break when planted, and the potatoes will take time to form new ones, and the ripening time is extended.

Planting material is harvested from autumn in boxes, they are taken out of storage, placed in a lighted room, germinated at a temperature not higher than +15 0C. Provide normal air circulation in the room.

Seeds can be selected in the spring (in March) from the total mass of potatoes. Pour into boxes or lay out in a thin layer on a flat, well-lit surface. Planting material will be ready in 45 days. Potato planting is carried out in early May.

Important! Tubers for planting are selected weighing 60–70 g.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

A place for planting Lorch potatoes is set aside in a sunny area. Lowlands where rainwater accumulates are not suitable for the variety; potatoes cannot be planted in an area with nearby groundwater. The composition of the soil should be neutral, light, with good drainage. The site is prepared in the fall, 30 days after harvest:

  1. Plow or dig by hand.
  2. Remove the remaining tops, weeds and roots.
  3. If the composition of the soil is acidic, alkaline products are applied.
  4. Scatter organic matter.

A lot of organic fertilizer is not recommended. A high concentration of nitrogen will affect the weight of the fruit. The bush will look powerful, the tubers will give small ones. In the spring, the site is dug up again, ammonium nitrate is added.

Preparation of planting material

Before planting potatoes in the garden, the germinated seeds are subjected to stratification. Within 2 weeks lower the temperature. Hardening will ensure rapid vegetation after placing the tubers in the ground. If the seed potatoes are large, they are cut into pieces a week before planting. Each fragment must contain 2 full-fledged sprouts. Potatoes are treated with copper sulphate or placed in a solution of boric acid and manganese. This measure will prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Lorch potato varieties: reviews and characteristics

Rules of landing

Lorch potatoes are planted in two ways: in holes or furrows. If the bed is small, it is advisable to plant it under a shovel (in holes), in a large area they plant it in furrows. The seed distribution scheme is the same in both cases:

  1. Planting recess – 15 cm, row spacing – 50 cm, distance between nests – 30 cm. Per 1 m2 – 5-6 bushes.
  2. Tubers are placed in 2 pcs. in the nest, the distance between them is 8 cm.
  3. From above they fall asleep with a layer (5 cm) of peat mixed with ash.
  4. Cover with soil.

Lay out the potatoes with sprouts down, take them carefully so as not to damage the shoots, do not water them after planting.

Watering and top dressing

Potato variety Lorch is a drought-resistant crop, it tolerates drying out of the soil better than excess moisture. Bushes have enough seasonal rains, watering for vegetation is not required. If there is an abnormal drought, the plant is abundantly watered under the bush in the furrows once a week.

Fertilizers are applied 30 days after the laying of seed tubers, urea or phosphate agents are used. After flowering, potash fertilizers are given to the potatoes. Organics are not used, the amount that was introduced during the preparation of the site is sufficient.

Loosening and weeding

Lorch potatoes are not touched until the seedlings define clear row boundaries. At the beginning of the growing season of potatoes on fertile soil, weeds grow intensively, so loosening and weeding coincide in time. The frequency of weeding is determined by the appearance of weeds, it is removed constantly until the variety fades.


Single nests are covered with earth from all sides, a hill is obtained, the potatoes are spudded along the upper leaves. Seeds planted in furrows fall asleep on both sides in the form of a ridge. Sequence of work:

  1. The first hilling – the tops grew to 20 cm.
  2. The second – after 3 weeks.
  3. After 10 days, the embankment is trimmed, the topsoil is loosened.

After flowering, weeds are not afraid of potatoes, the tops no longer grow, all nutrients go to the growth and maturation of tubers. The plant no longer needs care.

Diseases and pests

Hybrids are obtained in the laboratory, they have a high immunity to infections and pests at the genetic level. Potato Lorch is a varietal representative of the culture, created by cross-pollination of varieties in the natural environment. Therefore, the resistance of the plant is average.

In the rainy season at low temperatures, Lorch potatoes are affected by late blight. Fungal infection manifests itself in the second half of summer with brown spots on the tops. The disease can destroy the plant, including tubers. For preventive purposes, planting material is treated with manganese and boric acid. At the first signs of the disease, antifungal agents are used: Exiol, Oxygumat.

Lorch potato varieties: reviews and characteristics

A threat to potatoes is rhizoctoniosis, a fungal disease that develops at any stage of the growing season. Initially localized on the leaves, the lesion spreads to the tops and root crops. The disease develops quickly, the infection rapidly spreads to neighboring plants, within two weeks it can completely destroy the potato plantation. Signs of rhizoctoniosis: black spots on tubers, dry patches on tops. Infected plants are removed from the site, burned. For the next three years, the site is not used for planting nightshade crops. Potatoes are treated with Agat-25 or Baktofit.

The Colorado potato beetle parasitizes on the culture. If there are few larvae, they are collected by hand and burned. With the mass distribution of insects, the bushes are treated with Actellik or Decis. The gall nematode causes great damage to the crop, the parasite infects the root system, the plant lags behind in development, the leaves dry, the tops are exposed, the tubers are small, underdeveloped. It will not be possible to destroy the worm completely and save the plant. There are no drugs against the nematode. The plant is completely removed from the ground, removed from the site, and the planting site is poured with boiling water. Neighboring plants are sprayed with Aldicarb, Heterophos.

Potato yield

According to the characteristics of the variety and the reviews of vegetable growers, Lorch potatoes are highly productive. For many years of cultivation, the variety does not lose its leading position in terms of yield and taste. The culture grows on any soil, is frost-resistant, tolerates drought well, these qualities are the guarantor of crop stability. One bush of the Lorch variety gives about 2 kg of root crops, from 1 m2 collect 10–12 kg.

Harvesting and storage

The mid-late variety Lorch reaches biological maturity in early September. Harvesting is carried out before the onset of the first frost. After ripening, the tubers are well preserved in the ground for a long time, do not lose their presentation and taste. An indicator that the growing season is over, and the roots are ready for harvest, is the state of the tops, it dries and falls on the garden.

Potatoes removed from the soil are poured into a dark place. It is not recommended to leave the tubers in the light, because the surface turns dark green. The cause of pigmentation is corned beef – a toxic substance, the synthesis of which occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Before storage, root crops are scattered in a thin layer to dry. Then the potatoes are sorted, the damaged ones are removed, distributed by weight.

Planting material is collected in separate boxes, taken out to an area open to the sun. The synthesis of solanine will protect the culture from rodents and increase immunity to infection.

Important! Store Lorch potatoes in a dark, well-ventilated area – at +5 0C, air humidity within – 80%.

Tubers are preserved until the beginning of June, the losses are small, within 4%.


The description of the Lorch potato variety, photos and reviews of vegetable growers are fully consistent with the characteristics given by the originator. Medium-late variety, suitable for cultivation in home gardens and large farm fields. In the food industry goes to the production of starch. The crop is grown according to standard agricultural practices, the yield is high, the indicator does not depend on weather conditions.

26.08.2017/XNUMX/XNUMX We remove one of the varieties of POTATOES-LORCH.

Lorch potato reviews

Lyudmila Vasilyeva, 30 years old, Tambov
The name of the variety was in my ear all my childhood, my parents planted only this potato. I decided not to break family traditions, got acquainted with the description and photo of the Lorch potato variety and planted it in my country house. My parents grew crops in the Krasnodar Territory, so I was worried that I would not get a harvest in our climate. Absolutely in vain, one bush on average gave about 2 kg, perhaps the year was favorable, it seemed to me that our climate is more suitable for the variety.
Roman Khristenko, 52 years old, Samara
I have been growing the Lorch potato variety on my site for many years, I have tried different varieties, they cannot be compared with this. The culture is fully adapted to a temperate climate, has time to ripen by autumn, and is well preserved until spring. The tubers are large, tasty, there are very few small potatoes in the bush. In care, the culture is unpretentious. After 5 years, I renew the seeds, every autumn I collect a good harvest.

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