😉 Hello dear readers! The article “Lope de Vega: biography, creativity, facts, video” is about the life of a Spanish playwright, poet, author of short stories and comedies. He is the author of more than five thousand works. Unfortunately, most of which have not survived to this day.
The interest in his work among the readership is due to the choice of the direction in literature – humanism, as well as the fact that he is considered to be the same age as William Shakespeare.
The life of Lope de Vega
The future writer was born in the late autumn of 1562, his full name sounds like this: Felix Lope de Vega and Carpio.
Little Lope’s father was a craftsman: he sewed with gold threads. When the boy was ten years old, his talent as a translator from a foreign language was revealed. At the same age, he made his first rhymed translation of a work about the abduction of Proserpine by Claudian.
He could not graduate from the University of Alcala – although he showed his teachers an excellent knowledge of subjects – as he dared to make an unsuccessful joke on his beloved, who rejected his sincere feelings.
For this joke, he was even expelled from his hometown, and he could not return there for ten years. This event is described in his work “Dorothea”.
Vega returns to the capital of Spain and secretly marries his new bride, Isabel de Urbina. They lived poorly, which prompted the young man during the military operations of his country with England to join the “Invincible Armada”, which suffered a fiasco, and the writer left for Valencia.
There he writes his works, mainly of the dramatic genre. The royalties for the books were quite enough to provide the family with everything necessary.
He worked for the Duke, Marquis from 1590 to 1598. During this period, he writes his most popular works, organizes banquets and theatrical performances. Secular evenings, confusion of feelings and vicissitudes of passions were reflected in the storyline of “Arcadia”, written in 1598.
Four years before the publication of this book, his wife Isabel dies. The tragedy in his personal life also left a mark on his subsequent literary creations.
The playwright marries again, this time to the merchant’s daughter Juana de Guardo. However, he dedicated poetry to his beloved actress Michaela. She became the prototype for the heroine Camila Lucinda. But during the period of depression, which happened to the writer quite often, Lope ended his relationship with this actress.
The most famous and well-preserved works of the writer: “Dog in the Manger”, comedy “Star of Seville”, “Sheep Spring”. These works have become the subject of study in schools, performances in modern theaters.
With a light motion of his hand, a certain set of rules for writing works of art, “A Guide to Composing Comedy” (1609), appeared. There is no clear instruction on “how it should be”. Here, instructions are given to navigate in writing works at the will of the common viewer, his desires and preferences.
He sees in art a reflection of the present, real events in people’s lives, and not the pretentious and fantastic.
In the same year, he voluntarily begins to serve the interests of the Holy Inquisition. His mental health deteriorates due to the death of his son Carlos and his wife. In memory of them, he writes dramatic poems collected in the book “Sacred Poems”.
A series of personal disasters
Having met new love in the face of twenty-year-old Martha, the writer is inspired to write short stories and comedies. This is how The Adventures of Diana, published in 1621, as well as The Valencian Widow and Prudent Vengeance …
The funeral of Lope de Vega
After giving creative searches almost all his life, Lope lost his family. In 1632 Martha, who was blinded and lost her mind, died. After a short time, the daughter disappears. The son dies in one of the sea battles. How can you survive all this? Three years later, death overtook the writer himself.
An innovation in literature can be considered the works of Lope de Vega, which are considered comedies, but in fact are not. The beginning is optimistic and even comical, but the denouement always causes sadness and sadness in the audience.
Russian Commissar of Education A.V. Lunacharsky spoke of Lope de Vega’s comedies with sincere enthusiasm. He believed that they cannot be read without laughing. They are full of intrigues of the staff serving gentlemen, sayings and playful phrases.
Read more about Lope de Vega: Biography in this historical adventure film
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