Lop-eared ears: how to eliminate it without surgery at home? Video
Lop-earedness is a fairly common cosmetic defect. This is a congenital feature that is formed in the fetus already during intrauterine development. From the point of view of medicine, it is possible to radically correct lop-earedness in adulthood only by surgery. Nevertheless, many are interested in whether it is possible to somehow get rid of this problem without surgery.
Pop-eared ears: how to fix it
Correction of protruding ears without surgery
It is best to start correcting lop-earedness immediately after the birth of the baby. If parents do not ignore this problem, it can be fixed without surgery.
Up to 6 months the baby’s auricle is fixed in the correct position using a special silicone mold. A baby needs to wear such a clip for six months. Since the cartilage tissue in an infant is amenable to correction, the problem of lop-eared ears is solved painlessly and effectively.
It is possible to remove or slightly reduce lop-earedness if child no more than 5-7 years old… To do this, he should constantly wear, including at night, a special elastic bandage, a tennis elastic band, a kerchief or a thin dense cap that will tightly press his ears to his head.
If conservative methods do not help correct the child’s lop-earedness, this problem can be eliminated only with the help of surgical intervention.
Surgery – Correction of Lop-Ears
The operation to correct the shape and size of the ear is called otoplasty. However, it has some limitations, for example, this operation cannot be performed on children under 6-7 years old. Before reaching this age, the growth and formation of the ear and its tissues take place.
The duration of the operation is maximum 50-60 minutes. In the process of otoplasty, an incision is made in the area of the posterior surface of the auricle, and therefore postoperative scars will be invisible. Moreover, now self-absorbable sutures are used, which will not need to be removed after the operation. Discharge from the hospital occurs in children every other day, and in adults – in a few hours.
If you are afraid of surgery, laser ear cartilage correction may be an option.
When deciding to undergo surgery, it is important to ensure that it is performed by a qualified, experienced doctor. This will minimize the possibility of various complications.
What you need to know about otolastic: the plastic surgeon answers
– An operation that solves the problem of a patient’s protruding ears is called otoplasty. Currently, this intervention is carried out in several ways: using laser correction of the auricles or traditional surgery. The latter method is considered laborious, so it is preferred if the patient has serious congenital defects.
Contraindications for otoplasty are cancer, pregnancy, lactation, juvenile age, exacerbation of chronic and viral diseases, diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation, inflammatory ear diseases.
By time surgical intervention lasts from half an hour to 2 hours and directly depends on the severity of the problem and the need to work with cartilage tissue. After otoplasty, the patient for some time (1-2 days) remains under the supervision of medical staff in the clinic. If the operation involved the usual correction of the shape of the ears, then the discharge can be made 2 hours after the intervention.
Rehabilitation period after otoplasty it takes about 3 weeks. In this case, the final recovery in some cases occurs after the weather after the intervention. During the rehabilitation period, the patient wears a bandage without fail, during the first two weeks it is not recommended to wash his hair, it is forbidden to visit the pool, sauna and solarium.
Lop-eared: how to hide this flaw with a hairstyle
If you want to get rid of lop-eared ears at a later age, then the only non-surgical way in this case is the appropriate hairstyle. Of course, it is impossible to fix the problem in this way, but a properly chosen hairstyle will allow you to hide protruding ears.
In order to hide protruding ears, do not use tape or plaster. You will constantly feel tension around your ears and be tense. In addition, from the frequent use of such funds, irritation will appear on the skin.
There are various hairstyles, the styling principle of which is based on the extension from the crown to the ears. The length of the haircut does not really matter, since the main task is to hide the protruding ears. Suitable as a short haircut semi-long asymmetry, regular bob, hat model or graduation, which will not only visually hide problem areas, but also allow you to look fashionable and stylish.
However, the haircut should not be too short, as the hair should cover at least half of the ears.
You can also hide lop-earedness with the help of long hair. For this put your hair in a ponytail or scythe not at the back of the head, but slightly below. Thus, the hair around the ears will lie loose and cover part of them.
You can also leave several strands in the area of uXNUMXb uXNUMXbthe temples freeto hide the side of your face. If you like a high ponytail or bun, leave some of the hair free at the temples, and after creating the hairstyle, fasten the strands to the sides of the nape so that they hide the upper protruding part of the ears.
Strands trimmed along an oblique line can fit outward or inward, covering the ears. In this case, the hair will fall down on the sides of the face. On straight hair, you should also curl the ends inward using a round brush. Curly hair falls down naturally.
In addition to hairstyles, you can hide protruding ears with the help of a headdress – baseball caps, scarves, bandanas, hats with a tight elastic band, as well as a fashionable headband.
Lop-eared: how to get rid of the complex
There is also an alternative view of lop-earedness – not as a defect in appearance, but as a kind of zest, which gives a kind of uniqueness to the owner of protruding ears. And for some, protruding ears even go, especially in the case when the hairstyle is correctly selected.
For example, Hollywood actor Will Smith, Russian actress Evgenia Kryukova, leading top model Natalia Vodianova, Julia Roberts, Emma Watson have ears that are far from ideal. Moreover, this feature does not prevent celebrities from being popular and successful.