
Lop-earedness – protrusion of the auricle, due to the anatomical features of the body. The size and shape of the ears usually suit the patient, and the main drawback lies in their location relative to the head. Some consider protruding ears to be their feature, others – an important aesthetic flaw. Often, a specific type of ears becomes the cause of complexes and psychological disorders. What you need to know about protruding ears, why does it develop and at what age can the deformity be corrected?

General characteristics of the state

From a medical point of view, protruding ears are a congenital deformity of the auricle. About 50% of the world’s population is born with lop-earedness of varying severity. According to statistics, the deformation occurs in equal numbers among both girls and boys. Most female representatives can “hide” protruding ears behind a mop of hair, so it may seem that men face the problem more often.

Lop-earedness is not only a physiological, but also a psychological problem. Often, children and adolescents become the cause of ridicule, which gives rise to internal complexes or fears. In adulthood, they can seriously affect the personality, its integrity and self-sufficiency. To avoid this, it is important to instill in the baby love for himself, the world around him and explain that external beauty is much inferior to internal qualities. If conversations and acceptance do not help, and the psychological state of the child worsens, consider surgery.

Possible Causes of Ear Deformity

The formation of the outer ear begins at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. In the course of intrauterine development, folds and a unique relief of the auricle are also laid, the combination of which determines the appearance of the ear. Prominent ears can be recognized immediately after the birth of the baby. Exactly during this period, it will be possible to eliminate the deformation of the auricle without surgical intervention. How is this possible?

The doctor can fix the ears in the desired position to change the degree between the auricle and the back of the head. During the period of active growth and development of the baby, the fabric will take the necessary shape or position, in which it will remain for life. Non-surgical elimination of protruding ears can be carried out at the age of up to 6 months. After that, it is impossible to stabilize the cartilage without surgical manipulations.

Normally, the angle between the ear and the head is 30°, and the distance between them (from the edge of the auricle to the skull) is about 2 centimeters.

The deformity can affect both ears or affect only one. The degree and nature of the changes cannot be predicted because they are extremely chaotic. That is why in medicine there is no single medical tactic for eliminating protruding ears. The doctor must examine the organ and make individual recommendations for plastic surgery. Among the anatomical features that affect lop-earedness, there are:

  • a special shape of the tail of the curl (the outer curved edge of the auricle);
  • smoothness or insufficient development of the antihelix (a protrusion on the inside of the ear, located parallel to the curl);
  • hypertrophy of the cartilaginous structure of the ear;
  • protrusion of the urine;
  • uniform enlargement of the entire auricle;
  • disproportionate placement of the ear relative to the facial skeleton;
  • rapid growth of the ear or one of the halves of the face.

Do I need to correct droopy ears?

Approximately 50% of the population is affected by lopsided ears. Some people do not notice the problem at all, others are trying hard to hide their own anatomical features. Since protruding ears are visible from early childhood, the question of its correction lies with the parents. Doctors advise either to immediately start dressings to change the location of the ear, or to wait 6-8 years for the execution. By this time, the bones of the skull will increase significantly, the angle between the auricle and the back of the head will decrease, which will make the protruding ear invisible. If age-related changes did not affect the problem in any way, and parents and the child want to get rid of the deformity, you should seek help from a surgeon.

Lop-earedness will in no way affect the character, success, choice of future profession or social status of the child. This is one of the variants of the normal development of the ear, which also does not affect health and hearing in particular. Analyze the need for changes, weigh the pros / cons, and only then proceed with the operation.

What you need to know about otoplasty?

Otoplasty is one of the branches of plastic surgery. The intervention is aimed at correcting the shape and position of the auricles. It is otoplasty that allows you to get rid of protruding ears. The operation is indicated for congenital disorders of the anatomical structure of the auricle or mechanical injuries. Plastic surgery is often performed in childhood (from the age of 6), but we should not forget that any intervention is a colossal stress for the body. Before you decide on the correction of the ears, be sure to consult a doctor.

Otoplasty is divided into three main categories – aesthetic, reconstructive and decorative. Aesthetic intervention is aimed at changing the shape of the ears. During a reconstructive operation, the surgeon creates a new organ or restores a partially missing auricle. Ornamental otoplasty is a form of body modification. The client can independently choose the size and appearance of the organ (for example, elf ears).

A Brief Historical Reference

The history of otoplasty dates back to Antiquity. Already in the XNUMXth century BC, the doctors of ancient India began to correct the shape of the ears, nose, lips and genitals. The knowledge and experience of ancient Indian scientists formed the basis of some modern methods of plastic surgery. European otoplasty originated in the XNUMXth century. The Germans were the first to take up the elimination of protruding ears. They excised “problem” areas of cartilage, changing the shape and size of the ear.

In the 170th century, thanks to the efforts of Harold Gillis, otoplasty experienced a new round of development. It was Gillis who performed the first operation to correct protruding ears, while maintaining the integrity of the outer ear frame. Despite the rapid development of the industry, early otoplasty cannot be called successful. The transplanted cartilage did not always take root, and patients often died from concomitant infections. At the end of the XNUMXth century, a method of laser correction of the auricle was developed, the basics of which are still used today. Modern otoplasty includes more than XNUMX different techniques that continue to be improved for the sake of safety, comfort and maximum result of the operation.

Indications/contraindications for

Indications for otoplasty:

  • irregular shape, deformation of the auricle;
  • an increase in the angle between the ear and the back of the head;
  • smoothed front surface of the ear;
  • partial or complete loss of the ear (both congenital and acquired);
  • body modification.

A contraindication to the operation is a violation of blood clotting and oncological diseases. Before deciding on a surgical intervention, you should undergo a comprehensive diagnosis and preparation of the body. In addition to physiological parameters, it is important to take into account the psychological health of the patient. The desire to completely change the appearance may not be dictated by a direct need, but by public opinion or a lack of self-confidence. Think carefully about the decision, consult with loved ones, visit a psychologist, if necessary.

The course of the procedure and rehabilitation

Directly before the intervention, local or general anesthesia is applied. Local anesthesia is most often used for adult patients, and general anesthesia for children and adolescents. The technique of the operation is determined by the surgeon, based on the preferences of the patient and his anatomical features. In most cases, the doctor makes an incision on the back wall of the ear (to hide traces of intervention), dissects the cartilage, excised excess tissue and builds a new shape of the ear.

The new position and type of cartilage are selected in advance. It is very important to take into account the physiology of the patient, the specifics of his appearance, so that the “new” ears look organic. Sometimes, along with otoplasty, the shape of the earlobe is also corrected. The average duration of the intervention is 1 hour. To preserve the new shape of the organ, special rollers are placed on the ears, and a fixing bandage / bandage is attached on top, which are forbidden to be removed for a month. During this time, swelling and pain disappear, and the tissue has time to partially recover.

Get ready for a recovery period. At first, the face may swell, bruise and look unusual. This is a natural reaction of tissues to surgical intervention, which should simply be waited out. After a few days, the condition will stabilize, the bandage will not cause discomfort, and the body will gradually return to its usual shape.

The first two weeks after the operation, the patient should regularly visit a doctor to assess the condition of the ear and make a dressing. Dressings are carried out 1 time in 2-3 days. On days 8-10, if the operation was successful, the doctor may remove the stitches if they are not self-absorbable.

It should be understood that the desired shape of the ear will not appear on the second day after the intervention. Full tissue repair can take up to several months. The speed of rehabilitation depends on the individual characteristics of each patient. Find out about all the nuances of otoplasty, browse thematic forums, ask for advice from people who have gone through a similar operation. Another important aspect is the choice of surgeon. Focus not only on reviews, experience, but also on the work of the doctor. If the result of the performed operations suits you, contact a specialist. Only the joint work of the doctor and the patient will provide the desired result.

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