“Loosening the restrictions may extend the third wave of the coronavirus”
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The government decided to partially loosen the restrictions. In 11 voivodeships, children from grades 1-XNUMX are returning to learning in the hybrid system. Hairdressing and beauty salons will also be open there. Is the peak of the third wave actually behind us and we should defrost the economy? In an interview with Medexpress, the situation in the country is commented on by Dr. Jerzy Jaroszewicz, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology of the Medical University of Silesia at Specialist Hospital No. XNUMX in Bytom.

  1. According to the doctor, the high number of infections in Poland will persist for several weeks
  2. Dr. Jaroszewicz claims that the restrictions have brought the expected results, but loosening them too quickly may have fatal consequences
  3. The expert points out that it will be crucial to vaccinate a significant part of the population to reduce the size of the next, fourth wave of the epidemic
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus: when to lift restrictions in Poland?

– A few days ago we had the peak of the third wave of the coronavirus. The number of infections remains high. I expect it to continue for a few more weeks – said dr hab. n. med. Jerzy Jaroszewicz.

According to Jaroszewicz, the restrictions introduced by the government had an effect. Thanks to them, there are fewer infections and deaths. But is the worst behind us and can we get ready for a slow extinction of the epidemic? – I am afraid that the loosening of the restrictions, incl. returning children to school could extend the third wave of coronavirus – said Jaroszewicz.

According to Jaroszewicz, compliance with the restrictions by Poles will have an impact on the course of the coronavirus epidemic. – Summer is coming. Poles buy trips for foreign trips. I am afraid that they will not behave reasonably, they will not obey the restrictions, and this will increase the incidence of the disease – he explained.

He added that vaccination is an important part of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. – In Israel, over 50% of people have been vaccinated. citizens. This resulted in a reduction of new cases. I think if we vaccinate 70 percent. citizens, during the fourth wave of the coronavirus, we can expect several dozen infections a day – said Jaroszewicz.

Coronavirus in Poland: the current situation

According to the data of the Ministry of Health, in Poland the infection has been confirmed in over 2,7 million people. As a result of COVID-19, 63 thousand people died. 743 patients.

Recent days have brought a decline in the number of new cases compared to the record-breaking days at the turn of March and April. Today, 13 thousand. 926 new infections. Another 740 people died.

According to experts, we will still see high values ​​in the statistics – this is the effect of Easter. He talked about it, among others Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski. Death rates are also very high. This may be due to infection records from several weeks ago. Doctors emphasize that after about 2-4 weeks from the peak of incidence, there is an increase in deaths.

Author: Martyna Chmielewska / Medexpress

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