This anthology contains the works of leading experts in the field of body-oriented psychotherapy.
To transfer relations with the body from the master’s (we «own» it like a master a slave) into a friendly one (we help the body, it helps us) — this is how psychologist Vladimir Baskakov defines the goal of body-oriented therapy. Among the authors of the reader are the best experts in various methods in this field. So, a member of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy, Victoria Berezkina-Orlova, offers to master a technique that helps to free the body from clamps and improve well-being.
«Diagnostics. Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Mentally walk through the whole body, determine the most stressful part. Focus on this clip. Pay close attention to how you feel.
Dialogue with the image. What kind of images arise from this? What is (or who)? What colour? Is it something warm or cold? Get close to this image. Ask what he wants from you.
Memory. Do you remember when you felt happy? Watch how the image changes.
Well-being. Imagine a feeling of absolute well-being, let it flow through your entire body. Direct this flow to those places where you often experience tension. Enjoy the experience of physical well-being.»
«Free body. Reader on Body-Oriented Practices, ed. V. Baskakova. IOI, 76 p.