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Often I get hung up on some situation, I start chewing on it, I try to swing my fists after a fight. With my mind I understand all the senselessness and harmfulness of such chewing, but it is not always possible to cope with oneself.


Waving your fists after a fight is our everything. I screwed up at work yesterday, and for half a day I have been playing out a conversation with my boss in my head. Which took place this morning…

When I catch myself that the internal dialogue has dragged on and is not going to stop, I give it a clear time and place. I set aside an hour a day to deal only with the chewing of the situation and nothing else. Or I write letters to myself from one email address to another, speaking on the one hand as a person who is thirsty for help and support, and on the other hand as a wise expert … A schizophrenic way, of course, but it’s easier for me to think about a situation when it is described in words than when it consists from emotions.


My internal monologue practically does not stop, and when there is a problem, it goes in cycles. There is such a stop technique: when you notice a loop, you say to yourself: stop! I sometimes have 10 stops in a row. If you do not stop in time, morning insomnia begins (which is much worse than evening insomnia: if you fall asleep in the evening, you fall asleep). This is the brain trying to solve the problem when your personality wants to just let it go as unnecessary.

Meditation also helps, as well as doing something more important.

The fundamental solution lies in the plane of healthy indifference — if we are not able to influence the situation, it must be accepted.

The main advice: consider any such problem as training, imagine yourself at the training surrounded by fans who evaluate your behavior. You become ashamed of yourself: you read different books, you consider yourself an advanced person, so what? How will he press, so freaked out?


Waving your fists after a fight is a must.

Just for yourself, you can note that it’s not chewing, but working on mistakes and anchoring your own state, which in the future will help to avoid such a mistake. If you don’t chew, then “hello, beloved rake.” If you are worried about the error, then see →

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