From the portal “Málaga se eats” this artistic initiative is led to help promote the gastronomy of Malaga.
This is the second Gastronomic Photography Contest, which aims to disseminate gastronomy and of course artistic creation.
Under the sponsorship of the promotional brand “Taste of Malaga” and with the collaboration of Cortijo La Reina Hotel, La Garganta Rural Tourist Complex, Grupo Gorki, The Reserved Restaurant, the Victoria Beer and the Antonio Muñoz Cabrera Winery it is intended to reach participation levels higher than the first edition.
In the style of the best still life, it seeks to immortalize the typical dishes of Malaga and as well as the traditional regional festivals of the Andalusian province.
For years mobile devices have been present in our lives and their cameras portray the daily activity of each individual.
Gastronomic photography begins to take on a special relevance when it comes to sharing content among users, and of course, to be a really interesting marketing tool for hoteliers and catering professionals.
Communication has changed and Social Networks are a great showcase to show the culinary creations of our premises and at the same time an important attraction resource to attract young audiences.
In order to be able to compete and capture the art and creativity of the famous culinary photographers, the contest has been divided into two categories:
- Foodie Category, to test mobile devices.
- Professional category, for all those snapshots taken with cameras.
Up to three photographs may be submitted for each participant, and the participant may be registered in one or both categories.
Like any contest, it will have its winners and important prizes, trips, getaways and dinners are at stake.
All the bases of the photography contest are attached to you in the following link on the Malaga se eats website and until May 24 there is a deadline to send the Photos to the email and become a follower on the Facebook and Twitter networks .