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Rounded, but not fat, dense, but not plump … A figure with seductive curves is in fashion. Will it help us love the most conspicuous part of our anatomy? And what are the ways to increase its elasticity and attractiveness?

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Finally, the hour of revenge has come for everyone who suffered from complexes about their “rear”. Shakira, Beyoncé, Scarlett Johansson, Kim Kardashian earn millions and are considered the sex symbols of the era. What else unites them? Hips, which can be called appetizing, lush, juicy, rounded, sensual, and in other words – wide. Yes, yes, in our time, lush buttocks have become relevant again. This happened largely under the pressure of sociologists and doctors. From the mid-60s to the beginning of our century, skinny top models, who had nothing to show from behind, set the fashion. And protruding buttocks began to be perceived by women as a lack and a sign of fullness. They tried to reduce them with fitness, diets, slimming underwear, liposuction … But in the mid-90s, when the struggle for thinness reached mass anorexia, and infertility and other gynecological problems in the West sharply aggravated, it became clear: beauty criteria need to be changed. More precisely, to return to the natural canons. After all, fatty tissue on the female thighs and buttocks serves as a natural depot of sex hormones. And if it is too small, reproductive difficulties cannot be avoided. That’s why ten years ago, emaciation was outlawed, and the canons of beauty began to set stars who have something to demonstrate from behind.

Pop culture

It is a mistake to think that by adding a few centimeters below the waist, you will become the standard of beauty. In fashion now is not just voluminous forms, but the so-called “Brazilian”. In other words, rounded, elastic, without sagging, folds and cellulite, like the dancers from Rio de Janeiro, who famously move their charms at carnivals. True, most often this beauty is the result of injections and operations (in addition to physical exertion, of course). By nature, Brazilian women have far from perfect rears. It would be more honest to give the palm to African women. That’s someone whose genetics did not let us down!

Representatives of other races are not so lucky. This zone is least expressed in Mongoloid women (Japan, China, Korea). But we must pay tribute to the men of these countries, who tactfully excluded the buttocks from the list of sexual objects. In Europe, the attitude towards these “hemispheres” has changed dramatically from century to century. In ancient Greece and Rome, they were the object of worship, as evidenced by the sculptures of that time. In the Middle Ages, on the contrary, the fifth point was considered a devilish place, associated with the machinations of Satan and carefully disguised by both women and men. Elizabethan England, on the contrary, revered volumes, in the absence of which women put pillows under their dresses. During the prim Victorian era, the bulges below the back were looked askance. And in the twentieth century, the role of the main sex symbol went to the female breast. Now, finally, harmony has come, and the accents are placed for everyone’s pleasure. But another problem arose: how to get the coveted “Brazilian ass”?

It is clear that after decades of open war, it is difficult for us to love this part of our body. After all, for a long time she symbolized the struggle with extra pounds, making it difficult to get to the ideal figure. But the essence of the problem is not so much in love for your fifth point, but in the understanding that, regardless of size, the buttocks should be elastic, pumped up, muscular. And this is not easy to achieve with a sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, under the influence of gravity, the buttocks sag: this law of physics equally affects both thin and full “rear”. So let’s stop complexing about the size of the buttocks and let’s work on their elasticity with pleasure. After all, she changes everything!

Gleb Kordovsky

Stay in the saddle

There are two major and several minor muscles in the buttocks. The gluteus maximus muscle originates from the base of the back and, descending, is attached to the upper thigh. It is to her that man owes upright walking and his status as Homo erectus. On the sides are the small and middle gluteal muscles. Their main function is to lift the legs. All these groups need to be trained. The “bridge” exercise (lifting the buttocks up while lying on your back with bent knees) gives a very quick result, as well as lunges, squats and jumping out of the squat. If you are exercising at home and do not have a barbell or dumbbells at hand, then you can use plastic water bottles to increase the load. But trainers warn against a zealous passion for squats and lunges: this is how you can pump the front surface of the thigh. To prevent this from happening, alternate exercises with leg swings while standing or lying on your side. In the gym, the main allies of the buttocks are step and exercise bike. The latter gives a result only if you “ride”, rising above the saddle, alternately loading either the right or the left leg. This will work all the gluteal muscles, and not just the calves.

And be sure to complement the exercises with targeted care. In the morning and evening, after showering and before exercising, massage your thighs for at least 5 minutes. Take a little cream, rub it in your palms, grab a fold of skin from the bottom of the thigh with your fingers and pull it up, making a wave. So work out the buttocks completely. For such a massage, choose products with draining, firming and detox components in the composition.

Gleb Kordovsky

Goals and means

Previously, plastic surgeons only reduced the buttocks in volume with the help of liposuction. Now, clinic clients are not so much concerned about the size as the shape, elasticity, strength, lack of wrinkles, and so on. Special devices that tighten and strengthen the skin (LPG, BodyLine, Skintonik, VIP Line, BodySculptor …) allow you to get closer to the ideal. But the form can really be changed only surgically. “There are two ways to do this – the use of artificial implants and your own fat,” says plastic surgeon Nicolas Vaillot, head of one of the EMC clinics. But most often, doctors combine both techniques: “When a woman is completely devoid of buttocks, the contours of the implant can be noticeable. In this situation, we mask them with injections of our own fat.” True, the doctor does not hide that his sympathy is on the side of lipofilling: no suture (although it is tiny during implantation), prohibitions on physical activity, and a recovery period. Own fat is the substance that takes root better than thread and prostheses. Moreover, fat for lipofilling is taken from other problem areas (knees, abdomen, and so on), thereby bringing the contours of the body to perfection. But many doctors treat the new method of thread “pop-lifting” with caution. “Too much effort with a controversial result. And with durability, not everything is clear: the practice is a little more than two years old ”- this is their verdict.

The shape of the hips is set anatomically, and it is impossible to change it without outside intervention. To make the buttocks more toned and elastic – yes, but rounded or, conversely, flat – no. So, there are four types of buttocks.

A-shaped. They are also called inverted heart. This is the benchmark: the waist-to-hip ratio is 0,7. The upper part is small, the lower fleshy, the rounding from the base of the legs to the waist is sharp.

V-shaped. “Filled” at the top, but tapering down into a funnel.

Round. The waist is equal to the width of the pelvic bones, but the buttocks are convex. As a rule, the owners of such virtues easily lose control over them and gain weight in this zone.

Square. The width of the waist bones is equal to the width of the pelvic bones, but the buttocks are flat. M. T.

In general, despite the fact that our rears are capricious, self-willed and, moreover, produce all the effect behind our backs, they deserve the closest attention. After all, even if the buttocks are far from Brazilian, it is on them that the gaze of a man will certainly stop, who will turn around after your dazzling smile.

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