Longevity menu: what to add to the diet

Some products, even in the smallest quantities, have a unique effect on the body. They speed up metabolism, slow down aging and increase efficiency. In addition, they make the daily diet more interesting and varied.

In terms of their chemical composition, these superfoods are unlike other foods: a high concentration of protein, vitamins, minerals, essential acids, antioxidants and other beneficial substances with a minimum of calories is amazing. The benefits of these products are backed by scientific research and years of experience.

1. Matcha tea (or matcha)

Powdered green tea leaves with a very rich, delicate and slightly sweet aftertaste give a boost of energy, increase physical endurance and improve mood.

In addition, matcha tea is a source of antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. Connoisseurs of this drink are sure that one cup of it brings as much benefit to the body as 10 cups of regular green tea. This refreshing drink is great to start the day.

2. Black sesame

Unpeeled sesame seeds differ from the usual white sesame in a pronounced aroma and taste. In addition, black seeds contain 60% more calcium. 30-40 g per day provide 37% of the body’s daily requirement for this trace element.

Sesame improves blood composition, metabolism and the digestive tract, and also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Sesame also lowers blood cholesterol levels and regulates sugar levels, preventing the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and diabetes.

An important nuance: sesame seeds need to be soaked for at least 8 hours so that it is better absorbed. It also makes delicious sesame milk.

3.Linen white and brown

Flax seeds are the main Russian superfood. It is an excellent source of protein, fiber, omega-3 polyunsaturated acid, minerals (manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium and iron) and phytoestrogens (lignans). Flax normalizes the hormonal system, which is important for women. In addition, flax seeds work as a sorbent, cleansing the body of cholesterol and harmful toxins.

And a mixture of one tablespoon of flaxseeds and three tablespoons of water replaces eggs in baking, which is important for those who do not eat animal products.

An important note: to neutralize phytic acid, flax must be soaked for 8 hours. The resulting mucus is useful, and it is not necessary to wash the flax after soaking.

4. Green buckwheat

Another primordially Russian superfood. Buckwheat is grown in our latitudes, which corresponds to one of the principles of a healthy diet – the use of local products. The composition of green buckwheat (not to be confused with brown fried) is amazing. Its beneficial effect is associated with the content of a unique protein of the highest quality, vitamins, minerals and flavonoids, which contribute to longevity.

Green buckwheat sprouts easily, which increases its beneficial properties tenfold. Another advantage of “live” buckwheat is that harmful substances from fertilizers do not accumulate in it. Therefore, it can be safely called a safe and environmentally friendly product.

5. Almond flour

Almonds, ground into a fine powder, retain all their beneficial properties and do not lose them even during heat treatment. Almond flour contains saturated fatty acids, almost the entire line of B vitamins, choline, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements.

At the same time, almond flour contains practically no gluten. It can replace ordinary flour in the preparation of pastries, marzipan, pancakes, fritters and other confectionery. But there is an important note: almonds are very high in calories, so overweight people should use them with caution.

6. Coconut oil and Ghee

The latest trend in nutrition is to reduce carbohydrates in the diet by increasing fats and proteins. Fats are essential for the body, but choosing the right sources is important. For example, coconut oil and ghee. It is best to fry on them, because they withstand high temperatures when heated, without forming toxic and carcinogenic substances.

Coconut oil – one of the main sources of saturated fatty acids. In addition, the product contains calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C and E. Coconut oil has a positive effect on the brain, increases the level of “good” cholesterol and lowers the level of “bad”. It also has an antioxidant effect, reducing the likelihood of vascular and heart disease.

Ghee oil highly regarded in Ayurveda. It is lactose free, easy to digest and nourishes the body. Ghee does not increase the level of “bad” cholesterol, cleanses the liver and intestines, strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism, removing all unnecessary from the body. And dishes cooked with this oil have an excellent taste.

7. Gomasio mix

A popular Japanese seasoning based on sesame, algae and sea salt improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Gomasio can be used instead of regular salt as a seasoning for soups, salads and other dishes.

8. Hemp oil

One of the healthiest oils, the plant-based essential fatty acid champion with the perfect balance of omega-3s and omega-6s. Feel free to include it in your diet, but remember that you can’t fry on it because of the low smoke point. It is better to add to already prepared dishes.

9. Kombucha

A fermented drink based on tea leaves, sugar and kombucha itself has a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Kombucha strengthens the immune system by supporting healthy intestinal microflora, the composition of which determines 80% of the body’s immune response.

The miracle drink perfectly quenches thirst, and in summer it can be drunk instead of lemonade. Kombucha also helps to maintain normal weight by improving metabolism and reducing body fat.

Caution: Kombucha should be used with caution in diabetes and hyperacidity of the stomach. An allergic reaction is possible in cases of individual intolerance to one of the components of the drink.

10. Chia seeds

These little grains have 8 times more omega-3s than salmon, 6 times more calcium than milk; 3 times more iron than spinach; 2 times more potassium than bananas; 15 times more magnesium than broccoli. Such a rich composition makes chia seeds a real vitamin and mineral complex. In addition, chia contains a lot of fiber and slows down the process of absorption of food, helping to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time and preventing the appearance of extra pounds.

About expert

Olesya Tereshchenko — certified health-coach, partner and head of educational programs Lecture hall of a healthy food supermarket “Garden City”.

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