«Long tail COVID-19» and the vaccine. How do patients react? A surprising study
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More and more people are experiencing the symptoms of the so-called long tail COVID-19. Complications can last for months, maybe even years, making it impossible to live a normal life. Long covid research continues to provide scientists with surprising information. One recent finding is the response of some patients with complications from COVID-19 to the vaccine. This is very good news.

  1. There are people who have beaten COVID-19 but have not recovered. Complications can last for many months. This is called COVID-19 long tail
  2. The symptoms of the “long covid” include debilitating fatigue, exercise dyspnoea, brain fog, neurological disorders, insomnia
  3. Study: In some patients, the symptoms of ‘long tail’ have disappeared after vaccination against COVID-19. It is not known yet what could be the reason for this
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«COVID-19 long tail» – the most common symptoms

Scientists are starting to pay more and more attention to what happens to patients who have had COVID-19. It is becoming increasingly clear that there are people who have overcome the coronavirus infection, but have not recovered. «You cannot feel safe. SARS-CoV-2 can make you disabled for months, if not years, ”warned emergency medicine specialist Ken Scheppke a few months ago. This condition has been dubbed the “COVID-19 long tail”.

It is estimated that up to 30 percent may experience it. people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Many of them are young people who had no previous health problems. Moreover, the severity of the course of the coronavirus infection does not seem to be the decisive factor here.

The most common symptom of “COVID-19 long tail” in young and previously healthy people who have had COVID-19 is debilitating fatigue similar to CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome. A symptom may also be, among others breathlessness with exercise or movement (exertional dyspnoea), “brain fog” (non-medical term used to describe symptoms such as confusion, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, communication problems), neurological disorders, insomnia.

  1. Long COVID-19. The list of ailments keeps getting longer. What do convalescents suffer from?

“COVID-19 Long Tail” is still not well understood. Research on it provides scientists with puzzling information. One of the most recent (albeit preliminary) findings is what happens to people who are struggling with “long covid” after receiving the vaccine.

What happens to patients after vaccination against COVID-19? Study, the story of Arianna

The reactions of convalescents with complications after COVID-19 to the administered vaccine are optimistic. A study from the University of Bristol showed that in some patients the symptoms of ‘long tail’ disappeared shortly after receiving the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.

The COVID-19 vaccine was given to 44 people with complications after being infected with the coronavirus. Their response was compared to a group that also struggled with “long covid” but had not been vaccinated. The researchers reported that those who received the vaccine had “little overall improvement in long-term COVID-19 symptoms”. It is not known yet what could be causing this. Scientists note that this may be due to the placebo effect. This study has not been evaluated by the scientific community.

Meanwhile, there are stories in the media of complicated survivors who felt better after vaccination. They were described by “The Washington Post”, “Huffington Post”, “Philadelphia Inquirer”.

One of them is 34-year-old Arianna Eisenberg. For eight months after her illness, she struggled with muscle pain, insomnia, fatigue, and “brain fog”. Meanwhile, as early as 36 hours after receiving the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, these symptoms subsided.

«COVID-19 long tail». One-third of the patients saw improvement after vaccination

Daniel Griffith, an infectious disease clinician and researcher at Columbia University, estimates that about a third of the “long-tail COVID-19” patients they care for report improvement after receiving the vaccine.

Similar results were obtained in a survey conducted by scientific journalist Gez Medinger among 473 people with complications after COVID-19 (from one of the support groups). About a third of them saw improvement after vaccination.

Information on vaccine responses in people with “long covid” is only one in a series of “enigmatic reports” on the condition. Scientists also cannot explain why the majority of patients who develop “COVID-19 long tail” are women (some scientists believe this may be due to a stronger immune response in women).

  1. The “COVID-19 long tail” symptom. Women observe disturbing changes

Perhaps soon we will learn more about the complications after the coronavirus has passed. American national health institutes have received over $ 1 billion from Congress to study the “long tail of COVID-19”.

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