Long sitting

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Heavy stomach, discomfort, fatigue, sometimes fever. These are just some of the symptoms of troublesome constipation. To ignore them or fight them? Does age make the intestine lazy? We are looking for answers to these and other questions.

There is probably no person who has not struggled with this problem. Emotions, stress, and a change of location have the same effect on digestive disorders as an inactive lifestyle and a diet that is low in fiber. As a result, even people with a good metabolism can sit on the toilet having trouble defecating. It’s not a bad thing if it lasts for several days. It is worse when constipation recurs or accompanies us every day. And this is often the case in old age. Maria Królewicz, MD, PhD points out that this should not be underestimated. – Chronic constipation not only irritates the intestines, causing inflammation, but also leads to toxemia and rectal varices, he warns. So how do you prevent them?

What you need to know about digestion

Digestion is the mechanical, chemical and enzymatic breakdown of food substances into simple compounds – so that they can be absorbed through the intestinal mucosa into the bloodstream. Digestion begins in the mouth. This is where the teeth grind food, and the salivary glands secrete the saliva needed to mix the food and break down the complex sugars. From the mouth, food travels through the esophagus to the stomach, then to the duodenum and intestine. And although food in every part of the digestive system is broken up, mixed and even portioned (as is done in the stomach), the final digestion and absorption of the substance occurs in the small intestine. This 3-4-meter organ consists of three parts: duodenum, jejunum and ileum, the first two of which are strongly folded and highly vascularized. As a result, the surface of digestion and absorption increases several hundred times. The undigested remains are moved through the large intestine to the anus.

Proper bowel movement is possible thanks to the proper functioning of the intestines, and it depends not only on their tension, but also on their mobility. As a result, the food content is displaced and gradually dehydrated. The two mechanisms work together, so if one of them fails, the bowel is not working properly.

Why is he denying?

Food may remain in the intestines for up to 13 days. This is an extreme case. – We talk about constipation when we have a slow passage of the large intestine, defecation occurs less frequently than once in 3 days, defecation is painful, and the fecal mass is hard and compact – says Maria Królewicz.

Why is this happening? – First of all, diet and little physical activity are to blame. Lack of exercise weakens the abdominal muscles, which slows down bowel movements, and foods low in fiber, folic acid and magnesium do not stimulate them to work. Very often, especially in the elderly, we are also dealing with drinking too little. Older people do not like to use the toilet. So they drink less to urinate less often, which also leads to constipation. Faecal masses in the rectum, fecal stones appear and defecation hurts. Everyone resists it. In this way, the circle closes – explains Dr. Królewicz, noting that in such situations we are talking about habitual constipation.

It turns out that our body needs a certain stability. Therefore, when we change our place of residence, diet, quit smoking, and even change the water, constipation may appear. So instead of sitting on the couch, let’s go for a half-hour walk, get on the bike, sign up for the swimming pool. It is not only our digestive system that will benefit from it.

Diet is an important thing

Constipation is dealt with in various ways. The simplest one is a laxative tea, the healthiest one is a change of diet. Fiber and dairy products play a very important role in it: yoghurt, kefir, buttermilk. The latter are not only a rich source of calcium, but also contain valuable lactic acid bacteria that populate the colon and, consequently, stimulate it to work.

– When fighting constipation, we should limit the consumption of highly processed foods. Be careful with flavor enhancers, preservatives and leavening agents, such as in soups, powdered dishes, bouillon cubes, sauces, cheese, cold cuts, and avoid fatty and fried foods, sweet drinks and chocolate – the doctor advises.

Peace is what counts

The intestines are most active in the morning. That’s when we visit the toilet after the first coffee, tea or breakfast. However, when there is no time for a quiet sitting, we stop the bowel movement. – Mistake! Better to get up earlier and find time to visit the toilet. Do not make the intestine lazy with habitual constipation, but get used to regular behavior. It is very important. Many diseases begin in the head – emphasizes the doctor.

Dr. Królewicz warns not to underestimate sudden constipation. It can be a symptom of both gastrointestinal and systemic diseases. So, if they appear unexpectedly and we do not associate them with anything, it is better to see a doctor so that he excludes the risk of other diseases.

Constipation can be a signal not only of a polyp of the intestine, tumors inside the intestine or oppressive from the outside, scars in the wall, hernia, varicose veins or a painful anal fissure, but also hypothyroidism or pituitary gland, acidosis, hypokalemia (too low blood potassium levels), hypercalcemia (too much calcium), diseases of the nervous system.


Constipation can also be emotional:

• when we feel uncomfortable (e.g. during a stay in a hospital),

• we lead a stressful lifestyle,

• we are traveling,

• we withhold physiological needs.

A charitable blend

Maria Królewicz, MD, PhD recommends:

Mix 3 tablespoons of wheat bran with natural or fruit yoghurt and eat for breakfast with fruit or herbal tea. It is better to use laxative teas occasionally, if necessary. Overused, they can make the intestine even more lazy, because our body will simply wait for an “external stimulus”. The same applies to osmotic drugs, e.g. lactulose, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. It helps, it cannot be overdosed, it does not interact with other drugs, but taking it will not replace the proper functioning of the intestine.

Text: Anna Niewiadomska

Consultation: Maria Królewicz, MD, PhD, specialist in internal diseases, Praga Hospital in Warsaw.

Source: Let’s live longer

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