On October 26, 2021, at 9.00, the XNUMXth edition of the scientific conference Palliative and hospice care – medicine, humanism, volunteering will begin, this year under the slogan “Loneliness at the end – challenges of supportive care during a pandemic”.

Press material

Due to the current epidemic situation, the conference will be held in a hybrid form: stationary at the Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University at ul. Krupnicza 33 in Krakow and on-line using the MS Teams application.

The conference is organized jointly by the Jagiellonian University, the Jagiellonian University – Collegium Medicum and the Society of the Friends of the Sick “Hospicjum im. st. Łazarza ”in Krakow.

The conference is open to the public and participation is free of charge.

The conference coincides with the World Hospice and Palliative Care Day, which has been celebrated for over a dozen years in mid-October. Thus, it is part of the educational mission that sensitizes society to the fate of sick and suffering people. In addition, this year, it accompanies the 40th anniversary of the operation of the first Hospice in Poland, that is TPCh “Hospice im. st. Łazarza ”in Krakow.

It has already become a tradition that since 2015, as part of this event, people of good will meet at the Jagiellonian University, who want to bring disinterested help and relief from suffering to people at the end of their lives.

During the XNUMXth edition of the conference, topics will be discussed that at present – during the pandemic – have acquired a new meaning and at the same time set new challenges. We will focus, among others, on psychological problems in patients, loneliness in passing away, the role of communication in medical, psychological and spiritual care, the importance of the patient’s contacts with the family and loved ones. We will discuss topics related to pediatric palliative care and non-cancer terminal states.

The Speakers, representing various fields of knowledge and science, will show, through lectures and workshops, the possibilities and methods of help in enduring suffering in dignity at the end of life. The conference is accompanied by discussion panels and workshops.

Participation in the Conference and workshops / only stationary / requires filling in the application form, available at https://paliatywna.uj.edu.pl/formularz

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