Logan (Logan)

In the XNUMXth century, the Swiss absinthe Logan was as popular as Pernod or Lemercier. In those days, as now, Logan was loved for its pleasant wormwood-citrus aroma and unusual taste, in which almost no anise notes are felt. The drink is worth a try, if only to know what absinthe really was, driving European bohemia crazy one hundred and fifty years ago. In addition, Logan is one of the few absinthes with a maximum thujone content.

In 1907, the production and sale of absinthe was banned in Switzerland. Records, recipes, results of experiments of thousands of blenders and distillers became useless. Meanwhile, sensible people already then understood that unscrupulous manufacturers are to blame for most of the troubles attributed to wormwood tincture.

Therefore, some small distilleries in remote cantons simply went underground, continuing to make excellent absinthe. Even after the introduction of the ban, buying this drink in Switzerland was not difficult. However, the industrial scale of production or export of absinthe was out of the question.

At the end of the XNUMXth century, in most European countries, the ban on the manufacture of absinthe was canceled. Several entrepreneurs who appreciated the pleasant taste of Logan absinthe created the company “Logan Distribution, Inc” and registered it in Panama. The problem was that in Switzerland the ban on this drink was still in effect.

The solution was found quickly: they organized the production of Logan in the Czech Republic. However, Logan is a distilled absinthe, and most Czech absinthes are produced using maceration technology (instead of final distillation and herbal staining, the tinctures are simply filtered). Logan Distribution had to rush to upgrade the skills of its employees.

All-natural Czech absinthe Logan enjoyed a well-deserved success. But in 2005, the production of the drink was allowed in Switzerland. Logan Distribution opened the production of branded absinthe there as well. So now you can find two variants of Logan absinthe in stores: Swiss and Czech.

Logan (Logan)

Types of absinthe Logan

The exact recipe for Logan absinthe is a trade secret. However, it is known that the composition of the tincture mixture includes: bitter wormwood (the main ingredient), pontic wormwood (used to color the drink after the final distillation), green anise, fennel, angelica seeds, hyssop, lemon balm, lemon peel, licorice root, coriander, calamus, veronica and cardamom. The secret of the special taste of the drink is in the exact dosage of all the ingredients.

The following types of Logan absinthe are produced with a strength of 68%:

  • Fils is a yellow-green absinthe, which is produced in Switzerland according to the original recipe and contains 100 mg of thujone per liter. The drink is aged in oak barrels. The longer the drink is aged, the lighter it is;
  • Fils La Blanche is a colorless, transparent Logan Fils absinthe that is not dyed after the final distillation;
  • Fils Modern – Logan Fils containing 10 mg of thujone per liter;
  • Logan 100 is a light green absinthe that contains 100 mg of thujone per litre. The drink is produced in the Czech Republic;
  • Logan 10 is a green Czech absinthe containing 10 mg of thujone per litre.

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