Locust bean gum (E410)

This is a purely natural additive from the category of natural thickening elements. It has zero danger, therefore it is often used for the preparation of various products.

Synonymous names: Locust bean gum, Carob Bean Gum.


Locust bean gum, also known to many as E410, is a compound used as an emulsifying or stabilizing component. It is extracted from the legume elements of the carob tree (as the Mediterranean acacia is called in many regions). This heat-loving carob plant is often found in the Mediterranean region.

Gum synthesis requires beans, which can be found inside pods that are not at all short. It can be quite difficult to do this, since the pods themselves often have a peculiar, sometimes very non-standard shape.

The length of the fruit part is about 10-25 cm, and the width is up to 4 cm. Some processing will be required to obtain the finished product. Often it is a mechanical and sifting procedure. As a result, a completely finished product remains – a powdery element of a yellowish-white color.

To do this, legume structures are crushed into husk particles (30-35%), endosperm (40-45%) and sprout areas (20-25%). The crushed particles of the endosperm are presented as a gum base.

Beans have a special polysaccharide in their structure. We are talking about polygalactomannan. It is thanks to this substance that they are distinguished by their hardness and constancy of mass (0,2 g). For the first time, such a pattern was noticed back in Rome. Residents quickly came up with a point of use for this feature. Each grain was considered a unit of weight – a carat. They have been successfully used in trade.

Since plant raw materials cannot be obtained everywhere, entire corporations have emerged that are engaged in the breeding, processing and delivery of raw materials throughout the planet. The largest exporters of gum are three countries: Italy, Spain, Morocco. Production brought this number of states to a new level of economic development.


The chemical composition of the additive is similar to guar gum. It is nothing more than a molecular polymer of monosaccharide elements. This component is just a yellowish powder with a whitish tinge. Virtually odorless. Resistant to various media (including acids, salts and high temperatures). This is a highly viscous residue (with a viscosity of more than 3100 cps), which is completely soluble only in water at a temperature of 85 degrees and above.

There are modifications. So, there is a gray-brown gum powder. It occurs when rubbing dried acacia beans, previously peeled. This is the common form. The substance is pleasant in smell, bitter in taste. It also dissolves poorly. The element should at times enhance the taste and aftertaste of food products, give a special aroma. It is valued in the meat and sausage industry.

It is important to note that thanks to the achievements of modern science and technology, it was possible to synthesize new subspecies of the natural element. Analogues of the substance are easily dissolved in any liquids of different temperatures.


The stabilizer has a number of valuable, unique characteristics. The main properties of gum:

  • strong synergy – actively affects the properties of other colloidal elements;
  • preserves the aroma and taste of various products for a long time.

By adding a food element to the finished product, when it is cooled, all the processes of formation of ice crystals slow down in it. In this way, the production achieves the formation of a homogeneous gel, which has an ordered structuring. When mixing the element with xanthan, alginate, gum at times enhances their qualities.

It is noteworthy that when cooled, the E410 element dramatically and dramatically changes its state, turning into crystalline ice or gel. The main plus of the stabilizer is the connection and effect on other substances. For example, insoluble components after interaction with gum turn into soluble elements.

Areas of use

Additive E410 is often used in the production of dairy products, ice cream, cheese and sour-milk products. Gum is often added to:

  • vegetable and fruit-containing canned food;
  • fish preservation;
  • margarine-containing products;
  • cottage cheese and its derivatives;
  • yogurt products;
  • creamy goods;
  • sauces;
  • bouillon cubes.

Often included in the test. Due to this, the product retains freshness for a long time. There is an additive in jams, marmalades, jelly. Gum is a stabilizing element, provides consistency strength, increases viscosity. The element emphasizes the taste uniqueness. When added together with xanthan gum, carrageenan enhances their thickening effect.

The gum element is allowed as an additive to baby food. Used for breastfeeding.

The gum element is inert in many respects. Gum cannot be called an allergenic agent. With direct contact, it never causes irritation or other changes in the integument. Moreover, there is a favorable role for the element. Once in the blood, it helps to reduce the concentration of cholesterol, gives a feeling of complete satiety.

What is the harm?

According to official data, gum does not break down in the structures of a living organism. After all, it lacks all the enzymes necessary for this. The output of the substance occurs in an unprocessed, original form, since it is a ballast substance. The additive gives the consumer a feeling of fullness, is involved in minimizing the concentration of cholesterol.

Up to this point, the harmfulness of this element has not been proven. Therefore, the supplement is considered relatively safe. The thing is that the element can still do harm. It is dangerous for individuals who have an individual intolerance to stabilizers and other additives. There is evidence that E410 can worsen the condition and well-being of patients suffering from pathology of the digestive tract.

In most cases, E410 is easily removed from the tract naturally. However, it has been proven that in some people, with malfunctions in metabolism, the accumulation of the element is possible. What adverse consequences this leads to is not yet known for sure. There are some assumptions according to which it is gum that contributes to significant stone formation.

The modified nature of the element is much better tolerated, absorbed almost completely – this is not entirely favorable. After all, the element belongs to GMOs. How exactly the use of products containing such an emulsifier will affect human health is difficult to imagine at the moment. After all, all research in this direction is only underway. One thing is clear – it may well provoke outbreaks of mutation at the gene level.


According to generally recognized world standards, the permissible safe concentration of the element should not exceed 20 mg per kg of weight. There is another interpretation of the standard – up to 1% of the mass fraction of finished products.

The element is allowed as an ingredient in the CIS, including Ukraine.

The gum element does not bring a person any benefit or harm. The emulsifier only increases the consumer properties of the product. It is not absorbed at all. That is why it is classified as a safe substance.

Due to the presence of unique and inimitable properties, the element is classified as an additive that allows you to add drinks and other products (including children’s treats) to the preparation of drinks.

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