Locoid – composition, action, uses, contraindications

Locoid is an anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling cream or emulsion medicine used to treat inflammation of the skin caused by allergies.

Composition of the Locoid preparation

The active substance in Locoid is hydrocortisone butyrate.

Action of Locoid

Locoid soothes inflammation of the skin on exposed and hairy surfaces, including the scalp. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents swelling.

Locoid indications for use

Locoid is used to treat inflammation of the skin caused by allergies. Locoid cream can be applied to dry and oozing lesions. Locoid solution is applied to the scalp. Locoid in the form of an emulsion is used in the case of oozing lesions on the hairy and exposed skin. In some cases, treatment with Locoid cream and lipocream is used alternately.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Locoid

Locoid is not intended for the treatment of bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic skin lesions. It is not indicated for the treatment of skin ulcers, wounds and acne lesions – both in acne vulgaris and rosacea.

It is not advisable to use Locoid cream and emulsion during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If necessary, the use of Locoid by a breastfeeding woman should be as short as possible. If it is necessary to apply the cream to a large area of ​​the body, breastfeeding should be stopped.

How to use Locoid cream?

The locoid is spread in a thin layer on the affected skin. The frequency and duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, individually for a given case.

Side effects of Locoid

During treatment with Locoid cream or emulsion, skin atrophy may appear, which may be irreversible. Other side effects of using this preparation include dilated capillaries, purpura, skin stretch marks, rosacea-like lesions and dermatitis around the mouth.

Locoid can also become addictive to the use of topical steroids. It can delay wound healing, cause excessive skin hair and lead to skin discoloration. In some cases, the skin may develop changes due to contact allergy. Locoid can cause an increase in intraocular pressure and the appearance of cataracts.

Precautions when using Locoid cream

Locoid must not be used on the mucous membranes and eyelids. When using the preparation, the eyes and mucous membranes should be protected against contact with it. After applying Locoid cream to the affected area, wash your hands thoroughly. The preparation should not be used in intimate areas. Locoid should only be applied to the scalp in justified cases.

Locoid cream and lipocream should not be used after the expiry date stated on the package. The preparation should be stored at room temperature, in a tightly closed container, out of the sight and reach of children.

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