And so we were left alone at home with a refrigerator! And this is still a temptation! Especially now, when the level of stress is increased and treating yourself to something tasty is not only a satiety effect, but also refers to a way of self-soothingness.
However, sooner or later the quarantine will end, and the excess weight will remain. And you will need to get rid of it with increased physical training, diets, restrictions – in general, for everything that you put on now, you will have to pay anyway. So maybe you shouldn’t open the refrigerator so often? It is much better to adhere to the rules that will not allow the waist to grow in breadth.
Eat fiber
Fiber gives a feeling of fullness, while not overloading the stomach and intestines, it helps to remove toxins from the body. With enough fiber in your diet, you will not experience discomfort such as cramps and bloating. At the same time, excessive use of it – a huge amount of salads from vegetables or fruits – will just work the other way around.
Eat protein
Protein is the basis for building muscle. And the muscles, in turn, give our body the desired shape. Protein saturates quickly and for a long time, which means that there will be almost no room for desserts. Look for lean meats and fish, seafood, egg snacks, and salads with nuts or legumes.
Don’t get carried away with alcohol
Not only is alcohol a high calorie source, it also makes you eat much more often. The more alcohol, the less control over the absorption of snacks. Carbonated alcoholic drinks can cause bloating and indigestion. Alcohol slows down your metabolism.
Drink plenty of water
Water speeds up metabolism, improves digestion, relieving the body from dehydration. Thanks to the water, you will always look younger and more invigorated. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses a day of clear, still water, with the increase in salty foods and alcohol, the amount of water you drink should also increase.
Eat small and slow
Break your portion into several meals and most importantly eat very slowly, enjoying every bite of the dish. Slow eating prevents excess air from being absorbed, which can cause gastrointestinal discomfort. And do not eat in front of the TV – this way you will probably lose control over the amount of food you eat.
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A home workout will help you get rid of food and drink as soon as possible. Physical activity speeds up metabolism, invigorates and maintains your body in good shape.