Local weight loss. Is it possible to?

There are a lot of examples of local weight loss, the classic ones are a quick release of body fat from the hands of those who are engaged in armwrestling and reduction of body fat on the legs of cyclists. However, speaking about the arms of armwrestlers and the legs of cyclists, it is important to understand that these people perform increased sports loads for years, which are not comparable to the load of ordinary people. And low body fat is often accompanied by increased local muscle volume. The idea that by developing more of one muscle (or muscle group), you can achieve a noticeable result in losing weight in this part of the body, has existed for more than a dozen years, but how realistic is it?


Fat burning process

In order for the process of fat burning to begin, it is necessary that hormones with lipolytic abilities (calorizer) are released into the blood. This happens both under the influence of external and internal factors.

The process of burning fat in the body consists of three stages:

  1. Breakdown of fat (lipolysis);
  2. Transport of fat cells to body tissues for subsequent “burning”;
  3. Oxidation (so-called “burning”) of fat cells in body tissues – muscles and liver.

According to some experts, local fat burning is possible if there is an increased amount of blood in a given area of ​​the body or a specific muscle. It is achieved during stressful loads that cause a strong burning sensation and pain. For example, static-dynamic exercises performed for 20-30 repetitions in one approach.

Local slimming technique

Interesting scientific research has been carried out on this topic by many scientists around the world. Russian professor V. Seluyanov summed up the scientific evidence base for the statement that local fat burning is quite possible. Citing examples of not only professional bodybuilders, but also ordinary women who are engaged in shaping in the gym or at home swinging abdominal muscles, he showed examples of the so-called point fat reduction.


Body fat is distributed under the skin as well as under each muscle group. It is this “axillary” fat that is removed when blood flow to a particular muscle increases, thereby accelerating the process of lipolysis. This can be achieved either with exercises or with special vacuum devices.

Other studies disprove this idea. For example, a 2007 study by Stallknecht B et. al., during which the subjects did extension of one leg in the simulator with intensities of 85%, 55% and 25% of the maximum. Indeed, the subjects showed an increase in blood flow in the working leg during low-intensity (multi-repetitive) work – 25% and 55%, which did not occur at high intensity of 85%.

The results of the study showed that in half an hour of local muscle work, it was possible to mobilize only 0,6-2,1 milligrams of fat from 100 g of adipose tissue.


That is, suppose that you have accumulated as much as 3 kg of fat on your belly: 0.6-2.1 mg / 100 g * 1000 g / kg * 3 kg = 18-63 milligrams of fat you will burn in 30 minutes of abdominal exercise. And one milligram is equal to one thousandth of a gram.

Practical guidelines for local fat burning

Losing weight locally is not easy. Therefore, we advise you to lose weight first everywhere, and only then work out problem areas. Physical training, carried out three times a week for 1,5 hours, is not as effective for local weight loss than daily 15-20 minute exercises. After a while, as soon as the body gets used to the loads, they must be increased so that the process does not stop.


An alternative to static-dynamic exercise for burning fat is low-intensity cardio. During cardio in the fat burning zone, you burn about 5 calories per minute, which in half an hour will allow you to burn 150 calories, which is about 15 grams of fat. However, this fat will be mobilized from different parts of the body (calorizator). Choose which is best for you – 18-63 milligrams locally or 15 grams from the whole body.

It is worth remembering that the processes of weight loss and muscle growth are most active during sleep, so do not neglect proper rest and sleep, as well as a light dinner consisting of complex carbohydrates or a portion of lean meat, which will help restore strength.


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