
Lobsters (lobsters) are marine animals of the order of decapod crustaceans. This is a valuable commercial species, the meat of which at all times was considered a true delicacy. In fact, the lobster is a marine crayfish, which differs from the latter in its huge pincer limbs and large size. Lobsters live for a long time – up to 70 years. The weight of one copy that has reached the age of five rarely exceeds 1 kg.

Lobsters live in all seas except the Baltic and are valued for their rich, balanced composition. This is one of the healthiest protein foods. In 100 g of lobster meat, 1/2 of the body’s daily requirement for selenium is concentrated, 1/3 for iodine, 1/6 for calcium and magnesium.

With regular use of seafood, the condition of the cardiovascular system, liver and blood composition improves. In addition, lobster meat is the strongest aphrodisiac that can normalize sexual function in men.

general description

Lobster is a member of the invertebrate family with a long body and a massive muscular tail. [1]. It has ten pairs of limbs, of which the first is the largest and strongest. The body of an arthropod is a rigid protective exoskeleton consisting of a belly, tail and cephalothorax, which is covered with a chitinous shell. Lobsters are constantly growing and periodically molt. On his head are eyes and a long mustache, helping the animal to navigate in a muddy environment on the bottom of the seas and oceans. Due to the high concentration of copper, crustacean blood is blue in color.

Interestingly, the mass of the largest lobster caught in the history of mankind was 20,2 kg. Large specimen caught off the coast of Canada.

Lobsters are real centenarians, whose true age is difficult to determine [2][3]. Interestingly, the older the marine crayfish becomes, the stronger its reproductive function and the more numerous offspring. This phenomenon is explained by the peculiarity of the structure of chromosomes, at the end of the DNA sequences of which there are telomeres. As a rule, such reducing enzymes are absent in vertebrates. It is necessary to take into account the fact that during the molt, up to 15% of lobsters die of exhaustion. The remaining 85% of invertebrates grow throughout their lives, reaching impressive sizes. With age, the exoskeleton begins to collapse, which leads to the death of the arthropod.

Lobsters live in the coastal strip on rocky, sandy and muddy soils. Animals live alone in burrows under rocks or in crevices. They are omnivorous, but prefer live prey (fish, molluscs, worms, crustaceans) [4]. There are cases of cannibalism (in captivity). In nature, arthropods can eat their old skin after molting. Sea crayfish slowly move along the bottom. When danger is detected, they are able to reach speeds of up to 5 m / s.

On average, the length of an adult individual varies in the range of 25-50 cm.

The value of a lobster depends on the hardness of the shell and the age of the animal. The greatest delicacy is represented by specimens that have recently shed their old shell, their meat has a higher taste. At the same time, the new shell has not yet coarsened, but is as thin as paper.

Interestingly, in the coastal areas, a lobster dish is valued at $8-10, while in a Parisian restaurant its cost increases 10 times.

Chemical composition

In 100 g of boiled lobster meat, 89 kcal, 78,11 g of water, 19 g of protein, 2,14 g of ash and 0,86 g of fat are concentrated. The share of non-essential amino acids accounts for 9,387 g, essential – 8,972 g [5].

The fat composition of the seafood is represented by omega-9 – 0,215 g, omega-3 – 0,257 g, omega-6 – 0,075 g. 100 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids, 0,34 g of monounsaturated fatty acids, 0,253 g of saturated, 0,208 g of trans fats are concentrated in 0,013 g of arthropod meat and 0,146 g of cholesterol [5].

Due to the meager triglyceride composition and low calorie content, seafood is classified as dietary and is recommended for people suffering from obesity. [6]. The abundance of protein in the composition contributes to the long-term digestion of food and, accordingly, reduces the feeling of hunger for a long time. In addition, the body spends a lot of energy on the breakdown of protein foods, burning fat reserves.

The proteins contained in lobster meat accelerate the biochemical reactions that take place in the body, acting as enzymes. They are responsible for the transport function, providing the supply of oxygen to the tissues.

Seafood is an important component of the athlete’s daily diet. Because of their rich amino acid composition, they serve as a “building” basis for the formation of connective tissue, membranes, muscles, and bones.

Remember, it is impossible to gain muscle mass without eating healthy protein foods.

Table № 1 “The chemical composition of lobster”
NameThe content of nutrients in 100 g product mg [5]
Choline (B4)80,9
Niacin (B3)1,83
Pantothenic Acid (B5)1,667
Tocopherol (E)1,0
Pyridoxine (V6)0,119
Thiamine (V1)0,023
Riboflavin (V2)0,017
Folic acid (B9)0,011
Cyanocobalamin (B12) [7]0,00143
Retinol (A)0,001
Macronutrients [8]
Trace Elements

The lobster vitamin-mineral complex is an excellent tool for strengthening immunity and increasing the body’s resistance to infections and viruses. Potassium in combination with fatty acids prevents the development of hypertension, supporting the cardiovascular system.

In the fight for health

Interestingly, back in the 100th century, lobsters were used only as a natural fertilizer for fields and natural bait for fish. Currently, there are over XNUMX varieties of lobsters. However, due to the constant catch and the impossibility of breeding them in artificial conditions, their populations are constantly declining.

The color of the lobster depends on the type of arthropod and varies from gray-green to blue-green (when raw). The most valuable and tasty specimen is the Atlantic (Norwegian) lobster, and the largest is the European one. It is able to grow up to 1 m in length and gain weight up to 10 kg.

Lobster is a dietary protein product, a source of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3), essential amino acids, B vitamins [9].

Beneficial features:

  1. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, lowers blood pressure (PUFA).
  2. Normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system, promotes the production of testosterone in the body of men.

Due to the high content of zinc and protein, lobster meat is recognized as a natural aphrodisiac.

  1. Separates harmful fatty acids, resists their absorption, improves intestinal motility and the process of digestion of food (chitin).
  2. Strengthens the immune system, protects against the growth of malignant tumors (vitamin E).
  3. Restores the functioning of the nervous system, increases mental performance (vitamins of group B) [10].

To improve the state of health and feel the beneficial effect of the product on the human body, it is recommended to consume lobsters at least 3 times a week for 100-150 g.

Due to the high cost and scarcity, lobsters can stay on store shelves for a long time. In the process of choosing seafood, you need to be extremely careful not to buy spoiled goods. Make sure the crustacean is fresh. To do this, you need to inspect the shell. It should be free of spots, dents, evenly colored and firm. Fresh product has a marine smell.

Caution lobster

Sea cancer is a forbidden product for allergies and people suffering from gout. Animal meat contains purine substances that contribute to the accumulation of uric acid in the tissues. The latter, in turn, worsens the course of the disease.

Due to the presence of cholesterol in the composition, older people should limit their consumption of seafood. Otherwise, its level in the body may increase, which increases the risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, myocardial infarction. [11].

Guarding youth

Lobster shell is made of chitin (chitosan), a valuable substance used in cosmetology for the production of hair and skin care products. Throughout life, arthropods regularly renew their cover, and during the first year, molting occurs up to 17 times. The extraction of a valuable mucopolysaccharide does not involve the killing of an animal. You should wait a little (3-5 months) until the crustacean sheds its protective shell.

In the cosmetic industry, chitin is used as a gelling agent, moisturizing and softening agent, anti-inflammatory and film-forming agent. Due to its high biocompatibility with the skin, it exhibits a high water-retaining capacity. In addition, chitin has a powerful positive electrostatic charge and has bacteriostatic activity. As a result, the electrical conductivity of the hair surface increases, which leads to the inhibition of charges, the manifestation of pronounced antistatic properties, facilitates the process of combing, and gives smoothness to the strands. This feature of chitin is used for the production of hair care products.

The benefits of cosmetics with chitosan:

  • increases skin resistance to environmental factors;
  • activates the processes of regeneration;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • provides delivery of macro- and microelements to the deep layers of the dermis;
  • promotes skin rejuvenation;
  • has antibacterial action [12].

Chitosan is added to liquid soaps, styling products, creams, shampoos, hair lotions, toothpastes, shower gels, gommages. It is absolutely non-toxic, interacts well with living cells, and is suitable for caring for sensitive areas of the body and face.

For intensive moisturizing products containing armor of arthropods, use 1-2 once a week.

Dietary supplement, artificial skin, weight loss

By its chemical composition, chitosan, extracted from the protective shell of a lobster, resembles cellulose. The polymer is safe for humans. Due to its unique properties, biologically active additives are prepared on its basis, which normalize immune reactions, increase blood circulation in the vessels, purify the lymph, remove drug residues, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, poisons and toxins, and heal wounds. It is a powerful adsorbent that absorbs toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. [13].

Chitosan, as a source of glucosamines, stimulates the rapid conversion of collagen fibers into the skin, and also suppresses the development of cancer.

A natural polymer from the shell of an arthropod is used in traditional medicine as a hypoallergenic suture material capable of self-absorption. On its basis, artificial skin is made, with the help of which traumatic injuries of the dermis are treated. Chitosan is used in cosmetic correction for wound healing without scarring.

Interestingly, the fibrous product is used in the process of producing slimming products. When ingested, it binds lipids, preventing them from assimilating, followed by the elimination of waste material. Thus, chitosan from lobster prevents the accumulation of body fat. Only one molecule of natural polymer can attract molecules of triglycerides, which in 8 times its weight.

Cooking application

On the shelves of stores lobsters are presented in live, frozen or canned species. Lobster is considered ready after it acquires a rich red color. It is strictly forbidden to put live sea crayfish into boiling water, as animals suffer and die within 3 minutes. In Italy, a penalty of 500 euros is charged for such actions.

Before cooking, lobsters are killed. The first way: they are placed in a freezer, the second: the body is torn in half, the third: they inject a special solution into the brain, the fourth: they are subjected to a discharge of an electric current of 5 A with a voltage of 110 V. The last method is considered the best option, during which the animal practically dies lightning fast for 0,3 seconds.

Lobster is an expensive and gourmet dish that adorns the menu of good restaurants. However, the marine inhabitant will not become superfluous on the table of home cooking. This is a real delicacy. Meat is used for food, concentrated in the legs, tail, under the shell, as well as coral caviar.

Soufflés, mousses, soups, salads, aspic, croquettes are prepared from lobster. Interestingly, the meat of males is much more tender and tastier than females. The most valuable is concentrated in the “neck” (tail part) of the lobster. In the paws and claws, the meat is denser, but no less tasty.

The most popular cooking methods for lobster are boiled whole and grilled tails. Before proceeding with the preparation of the crustacean, it is pre-frozen for killing.

Cooking option number 1 “Cooking whole”

Principle of preparation:

  1. Defrost lobster, rinse with water.
  2. Fill the pan ¾ with water, salt, based on the calculation of 20 g of salt per 1 liter of liquid. Drop the lobster head down into the boiling water. Cover the container with a lid, reduce the heat.

The duration of heat treatment depends on the size of the animal. Lobster weighing up to 0,6 kg cook for 15 minutes, from 0,6 kg to 0,9 kg – up to 20 minutes, from 0,9 kg to 1,4 kg – up to 25 minutes, from 1,4 kg to 2,7 kg – up to 28 minutes, from 2,7 kg to 3,5 kg – up to 30 minutes.

If the weight of a marine animal exceeds 3,5 kg, the duration of its exposure to boiling water is calculated based on the calculation of 4 minutes for every 0,5 kg.

Lobster is considered ready when its shell gets a bright red color.

  1. Remove the lobster from the pot and place on a plate to cool.

Serve whole with a nutcracker to break the claws, a cup of melted butter, a bowl to discard the broken shell.

Cooking Option No. 2 “Grilled Tails”

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the grill.
  2. Spread lobster tails using sharp kitchen scissors, insert skewers. The cut line should go along the center from the bottom. Lubricate tails on both sides with olive oil.
  3. Place tails cut side down on the grill. Cooking time – 5 minutes. When the meat ceases to be transparent, and the shell becomes bright red, this is a signal that the lobster should be removed from the fire.
  4. Finished tails are served cut side up, sprinkled with salt, pepper and finely chopped garlic. Drizzle with olive oil on top. To make the meat soaked with spices, you can additionally sweat it on the grill for another 2-3 minutes.

Baked lobster tails are served with lemon wedges and melted butter. The green paste in the lobster, the so-called tomalli, is the pancreas and liver, it is not recommended to eat it. Despite the exquisite taste, it contains a high concentration of poisons and toxins. There are more of them here than in other parts of the lobster.

In Italy, fettuccine pasta with seafood and lasagna is made from lobster, in Spain – paella and bouillabaisse fish soup, in France – beignet donuts, in Japan – sushi, in Jamaica – chowder. Asian style lobster is a stew with garlic and ginger. The Creole way of cooking crustacean is boiling with Tabasco sauce and a lot of spices, the Thai way is grilling.

Lobster meat is a source of “good” cholesterol, proteins, mineral salts, but it is difficult to digest.

Differences of lobster from lobster

At first glance, these animals are very similar, and it is easy to confuse them. However, this is not the case, they are completely different. To avoid deception and not become a victim of incompetent advice, you should know how these arthropods differ.

First, the lobster is much larger than the lobster. If the length of the animal exceeds 60 cm, most likely you have a lobster in front of you.

Secondly, the lobster’s front claws are much smaller in size than the huge powerful limbs of lobsters.

Raw lobsters have a grayish or even bluish color. The surface of the spiny lobster is covered with reddish spikes. Their tail is much thicker than that of lobsters. That is why expensive, gourmet restaurant dishes are prepared from lobster meat.

How to eat

At the sight of an armored handsome man, it is difficult not to get lost in conjectures about how to eat it correctly. According to the rules of etiquette, lobsters are allowed to be taken by hand from a common plate. To facilitate the process of cutting the crustacean, the restaurant provides special tools, however, if they are not served, you can manage without them.

How to eat lobster

First of all, the claws are unscrewed, after which they are broken with the help of culinary tongs, a hammer. Then the tail is separated from the body, the spindle-shaped fin is torn off. To get the meat from under the shell, it is pushed with the handle of a spoon or a thin fork. This is the tastiest part of the lobster. After proceed to the removal of the protective shell from the abdomen. Small claws should be broken off at the joints. The meat is sucked out of them like a tube.

Seafood is usually served with white wine and sauce. In France, the lobster is cut into 2 pieces and served to the customer.

Selection and storage rules

When buying a lobster, one must take into account the fact that by nature they are loners. This type of arthropod even fights with each other, so there cannot be many of them in the aquarium where they are kept.

It is not recommended to buy lobsters that are in artificial conditions for more than two weeks. As a rule, after 14 days of captivity, they significantly lose weight, which affects their taste.

Remember, crustaceans are freedom fighters. When the seller tries to catch them, they try to catch on to something. The passive reaction of the animal to what is happening indicates a long stay of the lobster on the counter, which indicates the stale product. Choose an active lobster that curls its tail under its body. Do not buy broken animals or those whose shell looks like a hard white cobweb. This indicates that it is old.

Fresh lobster is mobile. He moves his claws, antennae, moves his bulging eyes. The price of a lobster depends on where it was caught. Seafood caught in cold waters is more expensive due to its cleaner and richer flavor than those caught in warm waters.

The best way to store lobster is with an ice pad. So that the animal does not wind up and retains its nutritional value, it is covered with algae and a damp towel from above. Never wrap a crustacean in a bag. The maximum shelf life of a fresh arthropod is a day, ready – 2 days, provided that the lobster is placed in a cold place with a temperature of up to 6 degrees above zero.


Lobsters are inhabitants of the water world, belonging to the family of crustaceans. Representatives of this species have a strong shell, ten legs, of which the two front ones have turned into massive claws. Under natural conditions, the color of the arthropod is gray-blue, and after heat treatment it changes to red. Young lobsters that have reached the age of 6 are considered the most delicious. As a rule, their weight does not exceed 1 kg.

Due to its rich chemical composition, lobster meat is recognized as a useful dietary product. The balance of incoming components has a tonic effect on the immune system, improves blood formation, lowers blood pressure, stimulates the growth of body cells, strengthens blood vessels and arteries, restores the function of the nervous system.

In addition, a representative of the crustacean family performs an important mission in preserving the ecosystem. The lobster transforms plant cells into a food base for waterfowl. However, due to the unique taste, a real hunt for the animal has now unfolded. As a result, the lobster population has drastically declined. [14].

In haute cuisine, sea crayfish are usually boiled and served whole. It can be baked, fried, steamed or grilled. In Italy and the UK, a law has been passed that says that if you put a live animal in boiling water, these actions will be punished by a fine of 500 euros [15]. Before cooking, lobsters are pre-placed in the freezer for 2 hours. This time is enough for him to become numb, lose consciousness and not suffer during the heat treatment.

The easiest way to cook lobster is to boil it in water with spices. When the meat becomes tight, turns white, the tail of the animal presses against the body, and the shell turns evenly red, the crustacean can be taken out of boiling water, cooled and served. Enjoy your meal!

Sources of
  1. ^ South Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library. – Overview of Homarus americanus: the American bass.
  2. ↑ Canadian Science Publishing. – New perspectives on the growth and longevity of the European lobster (Homarus gammarus).
  3. ↑ Сайт National Geographic. – American lobster.
  4. ↑ Smithsonian magazine. – Don’t listen to the buzz: lobsters aren’t actually immortal.
  5. ↑ ↑ ↑ U.S. Department of agriculture. – Crustaceans, lobster, northern, cooked, moist heat.
  6. ↑ American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications. – Nutritional quality of the edible tissues of European lobster Homarus gammarus and American lobster Homarus americanus.
  7. ↑ Taylor & Francis open journal. – Contribution of seafood to total vitamin B12 intake and status of young adult men and women.
  8. ↑ The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. – Dietary calcium, protein, and phosphorus are related to bone mineral density and content in young women.
  9. ↑ Wiley online library. – Shellfish: nutritive value, health benefits, and consumer safety.
  10. ↑ Health website Healthline. – Is lobster healthy? Everything you need to know.
  11. ↑ Health website Healthline. – Lobster and cholesterol control.
  12. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Microbial degradation of lobster shells to extract chitin derivatives for plant disease management.
  13. ↑ Интернет-ресурс ScienceDaily. – Chitin from lobster shell shows great healing and bio-stimulant properties.
  14. ↑ Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. – 2020 American lobster benchmark stock assessment and peer review report.
  15. ↑ Layroots website. – Lobster law 101.

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