Perennial Lobelia is a low herbaceous culture with small, abundant flowers of various shades (from white to lilac-blue). The plant is unpretentious in care – it is enough to periodically water and feed it 3-4 times per season. Bushes bloom continuously from June to mid-September.

General description of perennial lobelia

Perennial lobelia is a herbaceous plant resembling a small bush (up to 20-25 cm high), densely strewn with flowers. Main colors:

  • white;
  • light pink;
  • blue;
  • saturated blue;
  • purple;
  • lilac;
  • purple.
Attention! Lobelia blooms from the very beginning of June until September.

It is decorated not only with flowers, but also with graceful small leaves of a lanceolate shape. They have a rich grassy green hue, against which the petals look harmonious.

At the end of September, seeds form in dense and dry boxes in lobelia. They can be collected and stored in the refrigerator. Germination is retained for 2-3 years. Almost all varieties can be bred on their own – for this, seedlings are first grown, and then they are transferred to open ground (April – May).

Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

Lobelia flowers reach 2-3 cm in diameter.

Types and varieties of perennial lobelia with photos and descriptions

There are over 300 varieties of perennial lobelia, with only 20 varieties grown in the garden. The most popular of them are:

  • Lobelia Erinus;
  • beautiful;
  • Sapphire;
  • Purple;
  • Red;
  • The swallow nest;
  • Blue river.

The perennial lobelia Erinus (pictured) has flowers of different colors:

  • purple;
  • blue;
  • pale blue;
  • white.

They can be used both in single plantings and in flower arrangements. There are ampel varieties that are hung in flowerpots on the veranda, terrace, next to the entrance.

Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

Perennial bushes are distinguished by splendor and beauty

Lobelia Prekrasnaya is one of the most winter-hardy varieties that can be bred in most regions of Our Country, including Siberia, the Urals and the North-West. It has flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, they are red, pink, purple in color.

Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

A distinctive feature of a beautiful variety is a powerful, tall bush up to 100 cm high.

Lobelia Sapphire is so named because of its deep blue color. It can be grown outdoors and at home. Flowering is long, very lush, the bushes are large. In conditions, it does not tolerate frost well. Therefore, in winter, perennial lobelia should be taken to a heated veranda, insulated balcony or loggia.

Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

Perennial bushes Sapphire look very impressive

Lobelia purple is also called cardinal. It has an uncharacteristic bush shape – erect stems with lush bright red flowers. A very showy, attractive shrub that is best planted in the center of the garden or in another conspicuous place.

Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

This variety loves water very much, so it is better to plant it next to a country pond or other body of water.

Another representative with a bright color is red lobelia. Very powerful, tall shrub with large shoots dotted with attractive flowers. It is characterized by moderate winter hardiness, can be left in the open ground, but be sure to cover it with spunbond, foliage and other improvised materials.

Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

The height of the red lobelia bush reaches 100-150 cm

For lovers of delicate shades, the Swallow’s Nest variety has been specially created with flowers of rich blue and lilac shades. The stems are small in size, reach a height of 25 cm. Winter hardiness is low, so it is better to additionally cover with spandobond, and in cold regions be sure to transfer to a heated room.

Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

Lilac flowers look good against the background of pale green leaves.

Another interesting variety of perennial lobelia is the Blue River. Petals are painted in shades of white, blue and lilac. The bush is quite high (up to 60-70 cm), the flowers are small (2 cm in diameter), with a very elegant shape and original color.

Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

The flowers are double-colored, which makes the bush look picturesque.

Features of reproduction

There are several ways to propagate this plant:

  • growing from seed;
  • cuttings (green shoots);
  • division of the bush.

Seeds for seedlings are planted in February or March, first they are grown at a temperature of 24-25 ° C, then they are hardened, and in early May they are transplanted into open ground. Green cuttings are obtained in the summer, germinated, then transplanted to a permanent place in the fall. The division of the bush is carried out only in adult plants aged at least 3-4 years. Usually the procedure is practiced in the spring. Each delenka should have 2-3 strong shoots.

Application in landscape design

The stems of perennial lobelia begin to branch from the roots, they grow about the same, so as a result, the bush quickly takes the form of a beautiful, symmetrical ball. It densely covers the soil, thanks to which the plant is used in a variety of ways:

  1. To decorate nondescript corners of the garden.

    Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

  2. In compositions with other colors (borders, mixborders).

    Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

  3. Planting in rows (from one or more varieties of perennial lobelia), especially along paths for zoning the garden.

    Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

  4. Planting in discounts or in unusual flower beds.

    Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

  5. Planting in pots and pots. Containers can be placed in any part of the garden, which is especially convenient for creating original compositions that can be arbitrarily changed.

    Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

    Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

    Lobelia is combined with hostas and other ornamental shrubs.

    Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

    Low-growing flowers perfectly frame a flower garden or flower bed

    Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

    Flowers of blue shades are harmoniously combined with white

Planting perennial lobelia

One of the most effective ways to grow perennial lobelia is to plant seeds in seedlings. Seed germination is almost 100%, and it is not difficult to breed seedlings, this can be done at normal room temperature.


Before being transferred to open ground, seedlings are grown for 50-60 days. Therefore, usually seeds begin to be sown already at the end of February or at the beginning of March, in order to transplant them at the end of April – beginning of May.

Even if the deadline is missed, you can plant the seeds in April. Then flowering will begin after 3-4 weeks. But if the gardener plans to collect seeds, this method will not work, because. they ripen at the end of September, and in October they may already die due to early frosts.

Preparation of containers and soil

It is most convenient to grow perennial lobelia seeds in individual peat tablets. The fact is that they are very small, and picking seedlings one at a time is almost impossible. Therefore, it is better to immediately plant in tablets or in small pots, cassettes and other containers.

Почву можно приобрести в магазине или составить самостоятельно на основе торфа и садовой земли в соотношении 1:1. Неплохо добавить в грунт 2-3 щепотки песка и 1 шепотку древесной золы. Предварительно землю дезинфицируют в 3% растворе перекиси водорода или замораживают на 5 дней. Использовать органические компоненты (перегной, компост) не рекомендуется.

Important! Plastic cups and other tall utensils for growing seedlings should not be used.

Planting perennial lobelia seeds for seedlings

The seeds of perennial lobelia are very small, so they are worked with a moistened toothpick. Landing sequence:

  1. The containers are disinfected in a weak solution of peroxide or potassium permanganate, drainage holes are made.
  2. The soil is thoroughly crushed and poured into prepared containers.
  3. Seeds are transferred (2-3 pieces) and left on the surface – there is no need to sprinkle with earth.
  4. Moisten abundantly.
Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

Seedlings of perennial lobelia are best grown in individual pots.

Growing seedlings of perennial lobelia from seeds

Seed containers are covered with a film with holes or glass and cleaned in a warm place. First, it is kept at a temperature of 25 ° C, then it can be reduced to 20-22 ° C. The instruction is quite simple:

  1. The soil must be moistened regularly.
  2. It is advisable to highlight up to 12-13 hours a day.
  3. After the appearance of three leaves, they are seated (if the planting is too tight).
  4. The greenhouse is periodically ventilated, and the film is finally removed after a month.
  5. 2-3 weeks before transfer to open ground, they begin to harden – they are transferred to a balcony or outdoors (desirable temperature is 15-18 ° C).
Important! After picking, lobelia shoots should be pinched every 2-3 weeks, stimulating the uniform growth of all branches.

Planting and caring for perennial lobelia in the open field

In the south, seedlings are transferred already at the end of April, in the middle lane – at the beginning of May, in the Urals and Siberia – at the end of the month. The place for transplantation should be open and sunny, slight partial shade is allowed. It is better to choose a small hill, because. lobelia does not like lowlands.


The transplant technology is simple – perennial seedlings, together with an earthen clod, are transferred to pre-prepared holes (15-20 cm interval). At the stage of digging, a complex mineral fertilizer can be applied to the site. Do not use organic.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

Water lobelia abundantly and regularly. In the absence of rain 1-2 times a week, and during a drought three times. Waterlogging the soil is not worth it, because. this can negatively affect the roots.

Top dressing is applied 3 times per season:

  1. Immediately after transplantation – nitrogen or complex mineral fertilizer.
  2. During flowering – superphosphates and potassium salt (can be done every 3 weeks).
  3. The last potassium-phosphate top dressing is carried out in mid-August.
Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

Regular fertilization guarantees long, stable flowering of perennial lobelia

Advice! If you mulch the roots with sawdust or peat, the soil will stay moist longer, and watering can be reduced.

Weeding and loosening the soil

Usually perennial lobelia quickly crowds out weeds. But periodically, 2 times a month, it is recommended to carry out additional weeding. With the same frequency, you need to loosen the soil – this is especially important to do after fertilizing.


Perennial lobelia bushes grow quite quickly and luxuriantly, so they need to be pinched to give the correct shape. Strongly protruding shoots are shortened by 5-7 cm or more – it is necessary that the plant takes the form of a ball. In the case of cardinal, purple and other upright varieties of lobelia, it is not necessary to pinch. However, it will not be superfluous to shorten the branches a little, which stand out strongly from the general row.

Preparation for winter

Features of wintering perennial lobelia depend on climatic features:

  1. Leaving all types of perennial lobelia in open ground is allowed only in the southern regions.
  2. In Siberia and other areas with frosty winters, almost all varieties are best carried home.
  3. In the Moscow region and the middle lane, everything depends on the characteristics of a particular variety. Winter-hardy bushes are cut almost to the root (leave 2-3 cm) and fall asleep with fallen leaves.
Advice! During winter storage, it is necessary to ensure the temperature is not higher than 8-10 ° C, otherwise the lobelia may start growing again. It is placed on a warmed balcony or on a loggia.

Pests and diseases

Different varieties of perennial lobelia rarely suffer from diseases or pests, but sometimes they are affected by fungal infections:

  • rust;
  • powdery mildew;
  • root rot.

Therefore, immediately after transplanting seedlings into open ground, it is advisable to treat them with any fungicide, for example, Ordan, Tattu, Profit. Re-treatment is carried out only if there are signs of the disease (spots on the leaves, yellowing, wilting).

The most common pests are thrips and slugs.

Lobelia perennial: photo, planting and care, features of growing from seeds

Insects can be controlled with any insecticide.

Actellik, Fitoverm, Confidor, Decis cope well with the task. Folk remedies help get rid of slugs. You can scatter stone chips or crushed eggshells near the planting row.

Periodically, bushes of perennial lobelia should be inspected for signs of disease.


Perennial Lobelia is one of the most beautiful plants, which, thanks to its lush flowering, will decorate the garden throughout the summer and even in autumn. You can grow seedlings of any variety at home. In the future, caring for the bushes is simple, but for the winter in most regions they should be carefully covered or moved home.


Irina, 38 years old, Arkhangelsk
Lobelia loves the light very much, and it is usually overcast here. Perennial bushes still bloom well, quite lush. I love growing purple and gerardi. These are the brightest varieties – their stems are straight, elongated, like sabers, high. Gerardi is winter-hardy, it can be cut in September, covered with foliage for the winter and forgotten. A neighbor still breeds Lobelia Swallow’s Nest, but she is more capricious, it is necessary to dig it out and store it at home. Before buying, be sure to check winter hardiness – this is very important.
Irina Sergeevna, 56 years old, Omsk
Many are scared away that perennial lobelia grows like an annual. Those. you grow it one season, and then you transfer it home. Or you can grow seedlings again, and like this – every year. But sending it to the loggia for the winter is nothing complicated. Can be stored in the cellar, if available. But the result is worth it. Perennial lobelia is almost the only flower that really blooms from June to September. The rest bloomed and then wait a whole year, but this bush is stable, it decorates the garden great.
Tamara Alexandrovna, 52 years old, Izhevsk
Уже десять лет развожу несколько сортов многолетней лобелии – Пурпурная, Герарди, Красная, еще люблю Эринус, с недавних пор стала выращивать Сверкающую и Дортманна. По выращиванию они некапризные, уход одинаковый: поливаем еженедельно. Подкармливаю до 4 раз за лето – тогда она длительно цветет, и формирует очень пышные кусты. Единственный нюанс – некоторые многолетние сорта лобелии лучше выкопать в октябре и хранить дома. А другие можно засыпать листвой.
perennial lobelia

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