Lobelia purple or cardinal is a flowering plant that takes root well in latitudes. The culture is responsive to regular watering and fertilization, tolerates frost quite well. In its natural environment, it is found in the central and eastern states of America.
Description of Perennial Purple Lobelia
Purple Lobelia (lobelia cardinalis) is a perennial plant that lives both on the coast and on the water under natural conditions. Therefore, it is successfully grown in gardens, flower beds, and also bred in aquariums. A bush with bright green rounded leaves up to 5 cm wide can reach a height of 50-70 cm, individual specimens of fiery lobelia stretch up to 1 meter.
The stem is erect, not more than 0,3 cm in diameter. May be red or dark green in color.
If the plant is rooted under water, flower stalks always rise above the surface and give flowers first, and then fruits with seeds. A distinctive feature of purple lobelia is attractive bright red hues.
Lobelia has other names that emphasize its color and “status”:
- cardinal;
- blood red;
- fiery;
- shining;
- Lobelia purple-red cascading.
Growing Conditions for Purple Perennial Lobelia
Growing purple lobelia is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Since this is a semi-aquatic plant that can easily grow in an aquarium, it requires certain conditions to be met:
- The site should be completely open, although light shading is also allowed.
- The seedling needs strong soil moisture. It is better to plant a culture on the coast of a reservoir, for example, a country pond.
- The plant prefers warm climates. It is possible to transplant seedlings into open ground only in the second half of May or early June.
- The composition of the soil must include a significant part of the river sand. Thanks to this, it will be possible to create a mixture that, in its structure and composition, resembles a muddy bottom.
Application in design
Cardinal lobelia (pictured) can become a real center of attraction in the garden. Thanks to its bright color, it can be used in almost any application:
- single landings;
- multi-tiered flower beds;
- in street pots.
Aquarium purple lobelia does not bloom. However, it brightens up the space with its vibrant greenery. Seedlings are placed on the bottom. It is best to root them with decorative small stones of the same color (brown, gray).
In the design of the aquarium, cardinal lobelia looks good with other plants.
How does cardinal lobelia reproduce?
Lobelia can be propagated by cuttings and seeds. In the latter case, it is necessary to grow seedlings. This can be done at home, but special attention should be paid to the soil – it should resemble a muddy bottom.
An easier method of propagation is cuttings. There are many side shoots on the stems that can be easily separated. They are characterized by rapid growth, so a new seedling will be obtained in 2-3 months. Cuttings begin in the fall. Sequencing:
- Lobelia purple is dug up and stored at home at a temperature of 13-15 ° C, but no more.
- In February, the pot is transferred to normal room conditions.
- At the same time, side shoots are removed so that the size of the cuttings is 10-12 cm.
- Make a lower oblique cut and immerse the stalk of purple lobelia in a solution that stimulates growth.
- Prepare pots with substrate. Mix peat, sand and humus in equal amounts, moisten the soil.
- Root cuttings at a slight angle.
- Cover with film or glass to create greenhouse conditions. Periodically open slightly so that the seedlings do not rot.
- Constantly illuminated (the length of daylight hours is at least 12 hours).
Cuttings grow in 2-3 months, after which (at the end of May) they are transferred to open ground.
Rules of landing
Lobelia purple refers to heat-loving plants. Culture needs a special type of soil. When growing, it should be noted that under normal conditions, the bush grows on the coast or practically in the water.
Recommended dates
Seedlings obtained from seeds or cuttings are transferred to open ground only at the end of May or even at the beginning of June, when the soil warms up well and night temperatures are not lower than 10-12 ° C. In the South of Our Country, it is allowed to transfer seedlings in mid-May, but not earlier. Temperature (especially at night) is of great importance.
Site selection, lighting
When choosing a landing area, you should pay attention to several features:
- Garden design – how well the lobelia will fit into the landscape.
- Openness – the site should be well lit by the sun throughout the day.
- Good moisture – it is optimal to plant purple lobelia on the coast of a reservoir (for example, near a country pond) or in lowlands. However, the bush does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so it is necessary to prevent waterlogging.
Soil preparation
Although the purple lobelia prefers a special soil, it is easy to make it at home. You will need the following components:
- clean river sand;
- peat;
- humus.
The optimal ratio is 1:1:2. For planting lobelia, drainage is prepared in advance – broken brick, small pebbles, expanded clay.
How to plant purple lobelia
In order for the plant not only to take root, but also to bloom, you need to know the rules of planting. Experienced gardeners recommend following this algorithm:
- The site is thoroughly cleaned and dug up.
- Several pits of small depth up to 25-30 cm are formed.
- Fill with a drainage layer of 5-7 cm.
- 4-5 seedlings are planted in one hole at once.
- Well moisturize.
- Cover with a jar or film to ensure greenhouse conditions. Shelter can be held for several days, periodically removed for ventilation.
- The soil must be mulched. A layer of spruce branches, peat or hay will help retain moisture in the soil, as well as prevent the rapid development of weeds.Advice! The purple lobelia bush is quite compact, so the seedlings can be placed at intervals of 25 cm. However, if you want the planting to look more free, it is advisable to increase the distance to 35 cm.
Features of seedling care
Since purple lobelia is a full species and not a hybrid, it can be grown from seed. Collect them at the end of August. To do this, cut off the seed boxes and fray the shell. Seeds are placed in bags made of natural fabric and stored in the refrigerator until the next season (maximum 4 years). Sowing for seedlings is carried out at the end of February or in early March.
The rules for planting and caring for seedlings are generally simple, but there are some peculiarities:
- A mixture of sand, peat and humus is taken as the soil (ratio 1: 1: 2).
- The soil is poured into containers and moistened well from the sprayer.
- Seeds of purple lobelia are distributed on the surface – they should not be buried.
- Grown first under a film or glass, at a temperature of 22-24 ° C.
- Constantly illuminated with a phytolamp. Daylight hours should be at least 10 hours.
- Periodically ventilate the greenhouse. Glass is removed 2 weeks after planting.
- Continue to grow at room temperature (20-22 °C).
- A month after planting, the seedlings dive, i.e. seated. Containers are chosen 1,5-2 times larger in diameter.
- Then, 2 weeks before planting, the seedlings are hardened at a temperature of 14-15 ° C.
Rules for caring for cardinal lobelia
The rules for caring for Lobelia purpurea differ significantly depending on the environment. If it grows in open ground, agricultural technology will be more difficult than in the case of an aquarium. Bushes must be provided with regular watering, fertilizing and abundant light.
In open ground
Lobelia purple is very sensitive to even the slightest lack of moisture. Do not allow drying, especially cracking of the soil. Watering is always plentiful – a bucket per 1 m2. In drought, drip irrigation should be organized.
Top dressing is applied several times per season:
- nitrogen supplements – in April or immediately after transplanting seedlings into open ground;
- as soon as the buds have formed, superphosphates and potassium salt are added, a similar composition is added at the flowering stage of purple lobelia (with an interval of 15 days);
- the last time top dressing is given in mid-August.
The purple lobelia bush needs shaping. Therefore, during the period of active growth, the upper shoots should be pinched so that the plant also gives side branches.
Preparation for winter
Lobelia purple is characterized by an average degree of winter hardiness. In almost all areas (except the southern ones), the plant should be prepared for the winter period:
- If the region has severe winters down to -25 ° C and below, the bush must be dug up and sent to spend the winter in pots at home (not higher than +10 ° C). The ideal storage location is the basement.
- If the winters are not too frosty, you can leave the seedlings in the open field. In this case, the branches are cut almost under the stumps (no more than 3-4 cm in height). Next, the lobelia is covered with a layer of dry leaves (20 cm).
In water
Lobelia purpurea is much easier to care for in water. Usually it is planted along the side walls, rooted in rocky soil. Conditions of detention are standard:
- temperature 22-25 ° C;
- the reaction of the medium is neutral;
- water hardness in the range of 5-15;
- the lighting is bright and long (from 10 hours a day).
Under these conditions, lobelia develops very quickly and soon produces flower stalks that can form purple flowers above the surface of the water. To prevent this from happening, the tops need to be pinched off before they reach the surface.
Pests and diseases
Purple Lobelia is resistant to many diseases, including root rot, as it can grow confidently even in water. However, its foliage and stems are often affected by a fungal infection – powdery mildew. Also, slugs can actively eat greens.
You can learn about the first signs of the appearance of powdery mildew on the leaves of purple lobelia by a characteristic whitish coating. It is possible to save the culture in the first stages. To do this, it is enough to spray the cardinal lobelia with any fungicide:
- Bordeaux liquid;
- Tattu;
- Speed;
- Topaz and others.
As for slugs, they are easier to destroy manually. Any insecticides and other drugs are unlikely to help. However, it is still possible to overcome the invasion of these small mollusks. To do this, stone chips, small eggshells are poured around the bushes of purple lobelia, and a sidewall from a broken ceramic pot is placed.
A rough surface will interfere with the movement of slugs, because of which they will not be able to access the plant itself.
Lobelia purple is one of the brightest and most attractive flowers in the garden. Both experienced and novice gardeners will be able to grow a cardinal bush. If there is a pond on the site, the seedlings will decorate not only its banks, but also the water surface.