
Useful properties and application of lobelia

Description of lobelia


Lobelia is an amazing perennial plant of the Bellflower family. Its homeland is the territory of southern Africa. For horticultural purposes, this plant is used as an annual plant. Many types of lobelia are incredibly valued in medicine. And no wonder – this beautiful flower has many useful properties. The height of this highly branched plant can vary from 10 to 25 cm. Small flowers can have different shades – white, pink and even purple.

Useful properties of lobelia

Magnificent lobelia is an excellent remedy for infectious diseases, acute heart failure, as well as serious conditions with low vascular tone. Also, this plant perfectly helps with a low and sharp decrease in blood pressure, and after heavy blood loss. Lobelia has an unusually beneficial effect on the human body, providing the necessary tone to the nerve ramifications in the peripheral vessels.

Nitrogen-containing organic compounds – lobelanin and lobeladin, which are part of the plant, will quickly relieve tension from the muscles of the bronchi, soothe them, and minimize the formation of sputum. In herbal medicine, this plant is considered one of the most useful, it is used in various herbal teas. Lobelia is a very “smart” herb, as it, in combination with other herbs, is surprisingly transferred to those areas of the body that require treatment.

Lobelia is a very effective remedy in the treatment of serious diseases of the important respiratory tract and central nervous system. In addition, this plant perfectly removes toxins from the body. After a series of studies, scientists have found about 40 components in lobelia that can effectively cope with viral and inflammatory processes in the human body.

It was found that such a plant delays free radicals, which in turn can lead to very deplorable consequences – various fatal diseases. It should be mentioned that lobelia is an excellent remedy, which also has exceptional antioxidant properties.

The use of lobelia

Due to its unique medicinal properties, lobelia is often found in many popular drugs that are effective in solving respiratory problems. For example, the drug “Lobelin hydrochloric” has such a compound as lobelin hydrochloride, due to which the agent has an incomparable positive effect on stimulating breathing.

It is used for diseases of the respiratory tract – bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, and is also used for asphyxia in infants, for suffocation with substances that cause poisoning, drug intoxication. Its action restores breathing in drowning people, and it is also effective in other cases when it is necessary to quickly stimulate respiratory activity.

In America, a unique dietary supplement is produced, which includes lobelia. This drug has a number of beneficial effects. It reduces inflammation in the digestive system, has analgesic properties, mobilizes the digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract, generally increasing the body’s defense mechanisms. Lobelia is also used to make leaf tea and alcohol tincture. They have an antibacterial effect, and also help to cope with diarrhea and Staphylococcus aureus.

For many years now, scientists have been wondering whether epilepsy can be cured with the help of lobelia. The first experiments showed that this plant stops convulsions in the muscles affected by the disease, it also promotes the release of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brain, which serves as the most important inhibitor of the human central nervous system. Lobelia as a medicine is considered an indispensable tool that perfectly complements the main pharmacological complex of drugs.

Lobelia Care

It is necessary to pay great attention to feeding lobelia, but the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. For flowering density, you need to use only organic fertilizers – you can use Effekton-Ts or Flower. If suddenly an aphid attacks the lobelia, it must be sprayed with a solution of the Inta-Vir preparation. In the case of the development of a fungal disease of plants, for example, powdery mildew, the appearance of rust or spots on the leaves, it is better to use copper-containing preparations. One of these effective drugs is copper sulfate.

Growing lobelia


Lobelia is a rather whimsical plant that needs a lot of sunlight. It is better to grow it on open surfaces with minimal shade areas. At first after planting, she behaves capriciously, her seeds may not sprout for a long time. The plant loves moist soil very much, it is problematic to recover after drought, it needs frequent watering. Lobelia loves water procedures, its leaves must be regularly sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

How to plant lobelia? Lobelia seeds are sown in early spring, preferably at the very beginning of March, in special boxes intended for seedlings. The earth must be used with the addition of peat and sand, so that it is soft enough. Seeds do not need to be sprinkled with earth, it is better to just sow them. Next, you need to sprinkle the seeds a little with water from a spray bottle.

At the next stage, the boxes must be covered with a greenhouse film or glass and not removed until germination. Keep such boxes at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C. Shoots of lobelia, as a rule, dive twice. It is better to plant lobelia in the ground in June, when it will already be warm and the soil will warm up well. When planting in the ground between flowers there should be a distance of at least fifteen centimeters. Lobelia loves transplanting and this should be done regularly once every two years. In the cold season, it is better to dig out the lobelia and transfer it to the winter garden.

Lobelia varieties

There is a great variety of lobelia. In the wild, lobelia is found in America, Australia, and other southern territories. The color of these flowers varies from light blue to blue. Breeders also brought out lobelia of various shapes, sizes and colors – white, purple and red. Lobelia is both perennial and annual. Of the perennial species, the most interesting are fiery lobelia, or brilliant, Dortman’s lobelia, Gerardi’s lobelia.

Of the annuals – the most famous lobelia erinus. It forms bushes resembling balls, but can also spread along the ground. Lobelia can have a different color – lilac, blue, purple, white flowers. In general, there are more than 400 species.

Lobelia is actively used in landscape design, it can be grown in flower beds, seated on alpine hills, also planted in pots and hanging planters – it will always look bright and chic.

This plant can also be placed in decorative ponds, since the flower loves high humidity, it will feel great there.

Contraindications lobelia

It should not be grown at home, as lobelia is poisonous. Before using various preparations based on lobelia, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Signs of poisoning may include vomiting, nausea, dizziness and general weakness. In case of poisoning, it is imperative to go to the hospital for gastric lavage.

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