Loan repayment schedule in Excel

This example will show you how to create a loan repayment schedule in Excel.

  1. We use the function PMT (PLT) to calculate the monthly payment on a loan with an annual interest rate of 5%, a duration of 2 years and a cost (loan amount) of $20000. We gave names to the cells with the original data:
    CellValueFirst nameName (rus)
    B22 yearsYearsCredit term
    B4$ 20000AmountLoan_cost

    As a result, we got the expression:

    =PMT(AnnualInterestRate/PaymentsPerYear, Years*PaymentsPerYear, Amount)

    =ПЛТ(Годовая_процентная_ставка/Платежей_в_год; Срок_кредита*Платежей_в_год; Стоимость_кредита)

  2. Use the function PPMT (OSPLT) to calculate the main payout. The second argument specifies the payment number:

    =PPMT(AnnualInterestRate/PaymentsPerYear, A7, Years*PaymentsPerYear, Amount)

    =OCПЛТ(Годовая_процентная_ставка/Платежей_в_год; A7; Срок_кредита*Платежей_в_год; Стоимость_кредита)

    Loan repayment schedule in Excel

  3. Use the function IPMT (IPMT) to calculate the interest payment. The second argument specifies the payment number:

    =IPMT(AnnualInterestRate/PaymentsPerYear, A7, Years*PaymentsPerYear, Amount)

    =ПРПЛТ(Годовая_процентная_ставка/Платежей_в_год; A7; Срок_кредита*Платежей_в_год; Стоимость_кредита)

    Loan repayment schedule in Excel

  4. Update balance:



    Loan repayment schedule in Excel

  5. Highlight a range A7: E7 (contribution) and drag it down one line. Change the balance formula:


    Loan repayment schedule in Excel

  6. Highlight a range A8: E8 (second payment) and drag it down to line 30.Loan repayment schedule in Excel

It will take 24 months to repay this loan. See how with each payment the principal increases and the percentage decreases.

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