Living Kidney Donor – Can You Become One? Check!
Start Treatment of kidney diseases Transplants in Poland Live donation of the kidney Nephrogenic anemia
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About 80 die every year from chronic kidney failure. Poles. The lives of many of them could be saved by a transplant. Would you like to join other “Distinguished Transplant Donors” but are not sure if you meet the criteria? We invite you to take the test, there are 10 questions ahead of you and only one correct answer …

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A candidate for a “Living kidney donor” may be a person who has completed:

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The age of a donor candidate is not strictly defined, however, in most centers, the lower limit is 18 years, and the upper limit is 65 years.

A candidate for a “Living kidney donor” may be a person who has:

Legal capacity
Full legal capacity
Limited legal capacity
Full legal capacity Next question
Legal capacity is the ability to acquire rights and incur liabilities by taking specific actions.

A relative contraindication, but not a disqualification for kidney donation, is:

Smoking tobacco
Obesity, especially when BMI> 35
Both answers are correct
Both answers are correct Next question
Other relative contraindications include, inter alia, history of gestational diabetes, age under 18 and over 65, previous, single episode of nephrolithiasis, moderate or easily treatable arterial hypertension, slight abnormalities of the urinary system.

According to the regulations in force, a living person can donate a kidney:

A person from the immediate family
A person from the immediate family or an unrelated person, if they are closely related to the donor (in such cases, the consent of the court is required)
A person from the immediate family or an unrelated person, if they are closely related to the donor (in such cases, the consent of the court is required) Next question
The laws in force are designed to prevent organ trafficking and other similar, illegal and immoral practices.

A kidney donor cannot be a person:

Having diabetes
After a heart attack
Both answers are correct
Both answers are correct Next question
A kidney donor can only be a healthy person who has been excluded from diseases of the kidneys, circulatory system (coronary heart disease, circulatory failure), digestive tract, respiratory system and other systems and organs.

A person with the blood group Rh-

He cannot donate a kidney
He can donate a kidney only to a person with the blood group Rh-
May be a kidney donor
May be a kidney donor Next question
The Rh factor is irrelevant in kidney transplantation.

A person with blood group 0 can donate a kidney for:

For recipients with blood group 0, A, B, AB
For a recipient with blood group 0
For the recipient about the AB group
For recipients with blood group 0, A, B, AB Next question
A person with blood group 0 is a universal donor

A person using:

A vegan diet
Vegetarian diet
None of the answers are correct
None of the answers are correct Next question
If the diet fully covers the body’s needs for all nutrients, especially essential amino acids, iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid, then there are no contraindications for becoming an organ donor.

A person suffering from:

Both answers are correct
Both answers are correct Next question
Autoimmune diseases exclude the possibility of kidney donation

Potential kidney recipient:

He does not have to agree to receive it from a loved one
He must give his consent in writing to receive it from a loved one
He must give his oral consent to receive it from a loved one
He must give his consent in writing to receive it from a loved one Next question
Both recipient and donor must give their consent in writing

In case of a positive cross-check:

I will not be able to donate a kidney to a loved one
I will be able to donate to a loved one
We will be able to participate in the cross-transplant program
We will be able to participate in the cross-transplant program Next question
Cross kidney transplantation is hope for many patients. A person who, for immunological reasons (blood group incompatibility, anti-HLA antibodies in the recipient) cannot donate to his or her relative, may donate a kidney to a recipient from another pair, in exchange for a kidney transplant from a living donor from that pair, which is in a similar situation .
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As you can see, not everyone can become a “living kidney donor”. That is why we invite you to the website: There you will find a lot of useful information and learn about the qualification procedure.

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Still not sure if you meet all the criteria? Or maybe you would like to know more about cross transplant? For more information, please visit:

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There are all indications that you may become a Living Kidney Donor candidate. Anyone who would like to donate a kidney to a loved one should visit a nephrologist who looks after the recipient at a dialysis center or at a nephrology clinic. The nephrologist will make an initial assessment of the donor’s health and, if there are no contraindications, will arrange the donor and recipient to visit the Transplant Center.

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