Liver – what does it look like? Basic functions of the liver

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The liver is an extremely important organ and an integral part of our body structure. It is responsible for a variety of processes in our body, most notably the detoxification and metabolism processes. If it were not for the main functions of the liver, our body would not be able to function properly.

What are the main functions of the liver? It is the organ responsible for various tasks and changes taking place in the body. It is worth adding that, unlike, for example, the kidneys, the liver is an odd organ. Just like blood, even with the help of the latest achievements of XNUMXst century medicine, it is in no way substitutable, and in the event of destruction or failure of this organ, it can even lead to death. This is why the liver is an integral part of our body, and the functions of the liver keep us alive.

Liver – appearance

Liver weight may vary by gender. In men, it is usually larger and can range from 1500 to 1700 g, while in women it can be from 1300 to 1500 g. The liver is located in the upper part of our abdominal cavity. It is covered with ribs, and its dimensions in the ultrasound examination should be from 140 to 150 mm, and the dimensions in the anterior-posterior section should be about 120 mm. It is worth adding that the liver is a massive organ and constitutes about 5 percent of our body weight and is a key element of the digestive system. The structure of the liver is based on 4 lobes.

The liver is supplied with blood continuously thanks to the portal vein and the hepatic artery. It is thanks to them that it can work properly. The basic and key element in the structure of the liver are liver cells, which make up about 80 percent of its mass, are involved in most of the chemical processes in the liver, and themselves are responsible for the production of bile. The tissue that makes up the liver is described as soft or often semi-solid. Due to the large blood supply, the liver is reddish brown in color, often referred to as simply red. What are the functions of the liver?

Liver – functions

What are the most important functions of the liver?

  1. It takes part in the process of metabolism of substances absorbed into the digestive system.
  2. It is a place where glycogen is stored, which is our body’s energy reserve.
  3. The liver is the site of glycogenolysis, i.e. the breakdown of glycogen. It is this process that is responsible for the release of energy from glycogen. It is necessary for the proper functioning of our body.
  4. The liver is also responsible for the production of proteins, including plasma proteins. In the case of liver failure, blood clotting disorders may occur, for example.
  5. The liver is the organ that produces amino acids. Amino acids are responsible for the formation of proteins in our body.
  6. Another function of the liver is the metabolism of fats. Fats are made of carbohydrates and proteins.
  7. The liver is primarily responsible for the elimination of toxins in the body and participates in the so-called detoxification process. In the course of chemical processes, the liver transforms both toxins and substances taken from the outside into substances that are harmless to the body and then eliminates them.
  8. Another function of the liver is the production of bile necessary for metabolism.
  9. The liver also contains immune cells to help the body fight disease, cancer and other external factors.

To take care of your liver, reach for the Liver SteroHerbs – a herbal mixture that can be purchased in a large economic package on Medonet Market.

Check: How to take care of your liver

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