Liver sausage: do it yourself at home. Video

Liver sausage: do it yourself at home. Video

There were times when liver sausage was bought in stores and ate with pleasure. Alas, today hardly anyone will decide to purchase it for themselves. In the best case, such a liver product is taken for cats and dogs. Liver sausages can be very tasty. Therefore, it is worth preparing this tasty and healthy product at home.

Liver sausage: do it yourself at home

Traditional liver sausage

You will need:

  • 500 grams of beef liver
  • 300 grams of beef heart
  • 300 grams of beef lung
  • 150 grams of lard
  • 2 bulbs
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tsp cardamom
  • a pinch of black pepper
  • pinch of salt
  • 50 grams of gelatin
  • 0,5 cup water
  • pork intestines

Dissolve gelatin in chilled boiling water. Boil lungs, heart and liver. Remember that each of these offal must be cooked for a different time: a smaller liver, about 15-20 minutes, a lung 30-40 minutes, and a heart 40-60 minutes.

Cut the pork lard into 5 by 5 millimeter pieces, fry together with the onions in a skillet until pleasant golden brown. Turn the finished offal with lard and onion 2 or 3 times in a meat grinder, they should turn into gruel.

Pour gelatin into the broth remaining after cooking (1 glass), bring to a boil, but do not boil. Break eggs into minced meat, salt to taste, add pepper and cardamom. Optionally, you can even slightly sweeten it (1-2 tsp granulated sugar). Then mix everything thoroughly, grind with a blender to a puree consistency so that the minced meat becomes homogeneous. Gradually add the gelatin and broth as you mix.

Rinse the intestines thoroughly, fill them with the mass you have prepared. This can be done through a funnel, but then the process will be time consuming. It is better to use a meat grinder, there is a special attachment for sausages. Do not put the minced meat very tightly: the sausage may burst. Tie the edges with culinary thread, regular twine, or just a knot.

Pierce the resulting sausages in several places with a toothpick so that air comes out of there. This will help them not to burst when cooking.

Place liver sausage in a saucepan, cover with cold water, salt and put on fire. After boiling, cook for 30-40 minutes, but over low heat so that the shell does not break. When the sausages are cooked, quickly cool them in cold water and serve or store in the refrigerator.

Liver sausage from beef intestines with rice

You will need:

  • beef intestines, depending on the desired amount of sausage
  • 3 parts beef lung
  • 2 parts kidney or spleen
  • 1 part fat tail fat
  • 2 parts boiled rice
  • onions at the rate of 1-2 pieces per kilogram of offal
  • butter for baking
  • salt, spices, taste

Boil offal, cut into small pieces. Add rice, boiled until half cooked, chopped onions, spices. Mix everything thoroughly and turn it through a meat grinder, preferably several times.

Fill the resulting minced intestines, tie the ends, as in the previous recipe. Boil for 30-40 minutes in salted water with bay leaves, then cool.

By the same principle, you can make liver sausage, it is much more tender than ordinary

For appetizing, you can additionally bake sausages in an oven heated to 150 ° C. You just need to pre-grease them with oil to brown.

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