Liver profile – when to test the liver and what tests should be performed?

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The liver is one of the key organs of the human body that appears to be reliable. Eventually it regenerates and is able to perform a multitude of functions at the same time. Sometimes, however, this important organ can also be affected by various diseases. Then, and also prophylactically, it is worth performing liver profile tests.

What is a liver profile?

The liver is an organ with a wide variety of functions. Responsible, inter alia, It is responsible for metabolizing carbohydrates and proteins, neutralizing toxins, storing vitamins and iron, and also affects the body’s immunity. If there are disturbing symptoms that may be related to improper liver function, they are detected by tests belonging to the hepatic profile.

A package of tests with a liver profile it is used to assess the excretory, metabolic and secretory functions of the liver, as well as the possible degree of damage to the cells of this organ. It is also possible to carry out diagnostics extended to include tests for infectious diseases.

Do you want to perform liver prophylaxis, but also check your general health and consult a doctor? Choose a preventive screening package with home blood sampling or a liver package – diagnostic tests that you can order right now on Medonet Market.

When to perform a liver profile test?

Prophylactic exercise is recommended liver tests once a year, also during pregnancy. A particular indication in this direction is the occurrence of the following symptoms, especially those observed together:

  1. chronic weakness and fatigue;
  2. muscle cramps;
  3. nausea and vomiting;
  4. diarrhea;
  5. yellow tinged whites of the eyes;
  6. pain on the right side – under the ribs or in the chest;
  7. menstrual disorders;
  8. itching;
  9. decreased libido or problems with potency;
  10. repeated nosebleeds and gums;
  11. flatulence;
  12. rapid weight loss.

Liver problems can have very serious consequences. If they keep coming back, be sure to see a doctor. Use the online teleconsultation at an internist on the website to get professional support and learn about further treatment options.

Liver profile tests are important in the case of poisoning, liver diseases (acute and chronic), as well as alcohol-related diseases. The basic tests in this profile are liver tests, i.e. ALAT, ASPAT, GGTP, ALP and bilirubin. Find out what the standards are for liver function tests.

Part of the research used in diagnosing liver disease it is also included in the group of tests with a metabolic profile. In contrast to the hepatic profile, it also includes, inter alia, lipidogram, measurement of electrolytes and glucose, and is used to detect the metabolic syndrome.

Do you often have liver pain? Start with proper diagnostics. Laboratory analysis for liver diseases is a test package that you will perform in several hundred facilities throughout the country. Make an appointment quickly and safely at Medonet Market.

Remember about health prophylaxis:

  1. General Research for Women
  2. General Studies for Men
  3. Child’s profile, i.e. what tests to perform in a small child

ALaT level test

The concentration of alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) is tested due to the important role of this enzyme in the body – it is responsible for protein metabolism. Too high ALT in the context of the liver may indicate gland damage or viral inflammation, while too low – cirrhosis or hepatic cholestasis. The norms for the ALAT enzyme vary by gender and age, and you should always consult your doctor about the test results. For the designation alanine aminotransferase levels we will pay about PLN 8.

ASpaT level test

ASPAT, i.e. aminotransferaza asparaginianowais another enzyme involved in the process of protein transformation. It is found in the liver, but also in the pancreas, kidneys and brain. ASPAT activity should be within the normal range of 5–40 IU / L for women and men. Abnormalities may indicate liver damage. The price of the ASPAT test is about PLN 8.

GGTP study

Liver tests also include the GGTP test, i.e. the level of the gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase enzyme. According to the standard, GGTP should be lower than 35 U / l for women and 40 U / l for men. Inadequate levels of the enzyme indicate the likelihood of inflammation or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, liver damage from drugs, or liver cancer. Increased levels of GGTP also occur in people who abuse alcohol. The price of the GGTP test is on average PLN 5-12.

ALP study

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found in the cell membrane, particularly in the intestines, kidney tubules, and also in liver cells, that is, hepatocytes. As with other liver function tests, the concentration is measured with a blood test. Abnormalities (30–120 U / L for adults) suggest various conditions, including cirrhosis, cancer, and hepatitis. The cost of ALP designation is usually from PLN 7 to PLN 20.

Bilirubin test

The concentration of bilirubin, or bile pigment, allows the assessment of liver function and the detection of inflammation or damage resulting from drug, drug or fungal poisoning. During liver diagnostic tests, the level of conjugated bilirubin and unconjugated bilirubin is significant. Total bilirubin concentration in blood should be in the range of 0,3–1,2 mg / dL. Determining the bilirubin concentration on the basis of laboratory tests costs about PLN 10.

Extended hepatic profile – research

If we want a more accurate diagnosis and also include additional tests, it may turn out to be useful extended hepatic profile. Supportive tests that will help to detect specific liver diseases include:

  1. albumin concentration – assessment of the level of albumin, i.e. proteins produced in the liver, indicates a number of different diseases, including viral hepatitis; the standard for adults is 3,5-5,5 g / dl, and we will pay nearly PLN 10 for the test.
  2. HBs antibodies – by examining the blood for anti-HBs, we can detect the presence of hepatitis B virus (HBV); the price of the test is about PLN 25-30.
  3. HCV antibodies – thanks to this test we can diagnose hepatitis C, i.e. hepatitis C; The price of the test for HCV antibodies, depending on the laboratory, is in the range of PLN 30-40

Swanson curcumin and black pepper is a dietary supplement that supports the work of the liver and digestive system. Curcumin stimulates the liver, has a bactericidal effect and supports the body in the fight against inflammation. Black pepper, in turn, stimulates the stomach to digest, supporting its work. The offer also includes a set of dietary supplements for the liver with milk thistle, zinc and magnesium.

See also: Doctors have found a cure for HCV

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