Liver diet: menu, inadvisable products and recommendations
Liver diet: menu, inadvisable products and recommendationsLiver diet: menu, inadvisable products and recommendations

The liver diet should be used primarily by people who have temporary or permanent liver problems. Healthy people should rather use a balanced and healthy diet, appropriate for their age, sex and health condition. The liver diet is not an easy diet, but it consists of a few simple rules that you just need to remember.

Liver diet: what you need to know

  • Firstly, when using the liver diet, alcohol must not be consumed, and hot spices must not be added to dishes;
  • The liver diet also requires regular consumption of meals, they should not be too large, but certainly more frequent and eaten at the same times;
  • People using the liver diet should eat regularly at least 5 times a day, approximately every 2-3 hours. This prevents the annoying feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Liver diet eliminates bloating, constipation;
  • In the liver diet, only fresh, recently prepared food should be eaten. It is not recommended to eat reheated or prepared dishes much earlier;
  • When eating, wait a moment after preparing the meal. It should be warm but not hot. You should also not eat cold food, especially those that have previously been fried or boiled;
  • It is worth preparing your meals by cooking them in water or steaming. 

The liver diet has a purpose and it really works

The use of a liver diet helps in the fight against liver ailments. It really soothes the ailments and enables normal, everyday functioning. By using a liver diet, we give the liver time to regenerate.

What to eat while on a liver diet?

Virtually all foods can be consumed, except for those listed below:

  • Avoid alcohol, salt and hot spices;
  • You should also give up strong coffee and tea;
  • Fatty milk, cheese, yogurt and kefir should be avoided;
  • Unfortunately, it is not advisable to drink cocoa;
  • You should also say a firm “no” to dishes containing fatty meat, margarines, excess butter, or very sweet dishes – cakes, desserts, cakes;
  • It is also forbidden to eat dishes with dough, such as pancakes, noodles, pasta, dumplings;
  • You should also give up French fries, potato pancakes, peas, beans, onions, cucumbers or legumes.

Liver diet + help from the pharmacy

Using the liver diet, you can also help yourself with special drugs from the pharmacy, which are available without a prescription. Capsules and tablets of this type help fight hepatitis, reduce digestive ailments associated with a poor and inadequate diet and endure the effects of toxic substances, which further supports liver regeneration.

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