Liver cyst
Sometimes during the examination, the patient is told that he has a liver cyst. What it is, how dangerous it is and whether it should be removed, we will find out together with an expert

Liver cysts occur in approximately 5% of the population – approximately one in 20 people walks with at least one cyst. But most people don’t know about it. Only 5% of these patients ever develop symptoms.

What is a liver cyst

A liver cyst is a small sac or capsule filled with fluid, cells, or parasites. It can form on the surface of the liver or inside it.

Most liver cysts are solitary (simple), although some patients may have several small cysts. As a rule, they are all benign, that is, not cancerous.

Sometimes there are cystic tumors. Most of them are also benign and harmless, in some cases they can transform into cancerous growths.

In very rare cases, people with long-term inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) can develop a pseudocyst in the liver, which are products of the pancreas that can accumulate in the liver.

Causes of a liver cyst in adults

There is currently no reliable data on why liver cysts form.

Some doctors believe that birth defects of the organ may be the cause. Sometimes parasites, in particular echinococcus, become the cause of cysts. In some cases, a cyst is caused by some liver tumors.

Symptoms of a liver cyst in adults

Most liver cysts do not show any symptoms. That is why most people who have neoplasms do not even know about them. But in some cases, usually with large cysts, the following symptoms may appear:

  • bloating;
  • pain in the right upper abdomen or under the ribs;
  • a feeling of fullness or discomfort in the abdomen;
  • pain in the right shoulder.

When a liver cyst causes pain, it is small and dull. Sudden severe pain may mean that the cyst is damaged, infected.

Treatment of liver cysts in adults

The cyst is usually detected by ultrasound or computed tomography (CT). Simple liver cysts are always benign. Treatment is required only for patients who develop symptoms.


Doctors usually use ultrasound or other imaging techniques to look for a cyst. In some cases, the doctor will also do a blood test to rule out parasites in the liver.

Modern treatments

Simply removing fluid from the cyst with a needle is ineffective because the cyst refills within a few days. The best treatment is to remove a large portion of the cyst wall. This surgical procedure is usually performed using a laparoscope and requires only 2 to 3 small incisions and an overnight stay in the hospital. Most patients recover completely within 2 weeks. The risk of cyst recurrence is very low.

If a cystic tumor of the liver is found, it will be removed and then carefully examined – this is the only way to know if it is benign or malignant.

A very small number of patients (0,6%) have polycystic liver disease, in which the liver looks like a bunch of very large grapes. This disease does not lead to liver failure, as in the case of the kidneys – a similar condition causes serious problems there. But over time, PCOS can lead to severe liver enlargement and, as a result, bloating, discomfort, and even pain. In severe cases, transplantation is recommended for patients.

Prevention of liver cysts in adults at home

Since the cause of simple liver cysts is unknown, their specific prevention has not been developed.

Popular questions and answers

Answered questions about liver cysts surgeon, head of the surgical department Vyacheslav Cheremisin.

What are the possible complications of a liver cyst?
In the absence of proper treatment, suppuration of the cyst, hemorrhage into the cyst cavity, rupture of the cyst may appear. And this, in turn, can lead to the development of peritonitis and death.
How to identify a liver cyst?
Liver cysts are of two types: parasitic and non-parasitic. Clinically, they practically do not manifest themselves in any way and are most often detected by chance during an ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs.
Is it possible to treat a liver cyst with folk remedies?
In no case should you engage in self-medication, as well as treatment with folk remedies, as this can lead to the development of serious complications, even death.

Treatment of parasitic cysts of the liver is carried out only surgically.

Non-parasitic cysts of the liver of small sizes do not operate. Dynamic observation is carried out – ultrasound control with an assessment of the growth of the cyst, its size, wall thickness. If the non-parasitic liver cyst reaches a large size, a surgical operation is performed.

Can a cyst resolve on its own?
If a liver cyst has formed, then it does not regress back.

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