
With the advent of autumn, many of us feel a breakdown. Is autumn fatigue a common, almost inevitable thing? No, our experts insist and offer effective ways to take care of yourself in this uncomfortable season.

“The weather is inclement and I am constantly tired,” complains 37-year-old Elena. — In the morning I can hardly get out from under the covers, and in the evening I can hardly get to bed. It has become more difficult for me to concentrate, even the usual things are tiring. I can’t understand what’s the matter: I don’t seem to get sick, I sleep for 8 hours, I don’t sit up at work … Then why do I feel exhausted in the morning? Fatigue makes life difficult for many of us. What’s the matter?

“Sometimes the reasons are obvious: rush at work, sleepless nights on the eve of exams,” says therapist Anna Saldakeyeva. — And then, to restore strength, it is enough to take a full-fledged weekend, be in nature, go to the pool, and get enough sleep. But if a person cannot determine the causes of his condition, and especially if fatigue becomes permanent, a short rest is no longer enough. This is a reason to see a doctor — including to discuss your lifestyle with him: irregular working hours, possible family problems … There are many reasons that can explain the difficulties with restoring strength, and sometimes the onset of real chronic fatigue.

Think about yourself


In most cases, a detailed conversation with a doctor and an examination allow you to find a problem: sleep disturbances, lack of vitamins and minerals, or even depression. “A blood test may be needed to rule out anemia, endocrine problems (thyroid disorder, diabetes) or an unnoticed infection,” says Anna Saldakeyeva. But most often, serious medical intervention is not necessary: ​​it is enough just to reconsider your lifestyle and treat yourself with more care. “Today, many of us simply do not pay attention to the signs of overwork,” says Gestalt therapist Maria Andreeva. – Fatigue can also be pleasant: for example, after a well-done exciting job. But when our classes become a routine, not noticing our fatigue, accumulating it, we literally drive ourselves into a corner. Therefore, it is worth learning to treat ourselves more mercifully, to try so that we always have time for ourselves. “It seems strange that we, as adults, have to relearn how to breathe, eat and sleep,” reflected the famous neuropsychologist David Servan-Schreiber (David Servan-Schreiber). – But, having decided to get rid of fatigue, we agree to an internal revolution. This revolution is peaceful: we need to re-learn to listen to our own body, understand what is good for us, allow ourselves to pause and bring new joys to life.

Move easier

When strength is running out, we dream of only one thing: lie down and not move. Indeed, it is important to be able to slow down. And yet, without a physical expenditure of energy, even a minimal one, we feel even more tired, we sleep worse (that is, there is no feeling of deep, restorative sleep). “Movement allows us to get rid of states of stress and anxiety — the constant precursors of fatigue,” says Iyengar yoga teacher Lyubov Yatsenko. — If the thought of exercising in the gym does not appeal to you, think of an alternative type of activity: do not miss the opportunity to walk, play outdoors with the children — anything, the main thing is to move! Movement saturates the tissues with oxygen, awakens our energy, gives joy to the muscles and increases overall tone. And on autumn days, when we begin to lack sunlight, walking will help to at least partially compensate for this lack and improve our mood. Make them habitual, and very soon you will feel a change for the better.

Breathe freer

“Conscious, calm and deep breathing will help us restore the internal rhythms of the body and calm the flow of thoughts,” continues Lyubov Yatsenko. Canadian doctor David O’Hare suggests mastering a simple exercise and doing it for 5 minutes twice a day: a slow deep breath through the nose for 5 seconds, then exhale completely in the same time — and so on ** . To begin with, it is better to do it immediately after waking up, before the daily bustle begins, and before leaving work. And then you can practice it everywhere. After three weeks of regular practice, we can feel calmer and better. In addition, this breathing exercise promotes concentration, teaches us to detach from everyday problems and listen to ourselves more sensitively.

Better sleep


Good sleep is the key to a good rest. And it’s better to start getting ready for bed in advance, advises David Servan-Schreiber. Dinner is light, perhaps including dairy products (they promote the release of mood-regulating serotonin). The temperature in the bedroom is not hot and not too cold (18-20 ° C); no light sources (even such as a luminous dial), blackout curtains if possible. And do not sit in front of a TV screen or computer for a long time: our brain needs time to calm down and tune in to sleep.

If a night’s sleep is not enough, you can try small siesta to recuperate during the work day. Just 2-5 minutes 3 times a day — this will be enough to relieve stress and cheer up. Close your eyes, relax your body, breathe more evenly and deeply: such micro-sessions of relaxation not only refresh us, but also surprisingly help to establish a night’s sleep.

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Eat … energy

Coffee, sweets, «energy» — these usual invigorating agents actually interfere rather than help get rid of fatigue. “Sugar increases insulin production, which only tires our body as a result, and the stimulating effect of caffeine wears off very quickly,” explains naturopathic physician and psychotherapist Ruediger Dahlke. “Even more disappointing is the result of drinking alcohol: along with energy, our stores of vitamins C and B are melting away. Healthy sweets are ripe fruit, maple sap syrup and rice malt.”*** The doctor advises betting on slow carbohydrates: whole grain bread, brown rice, legumes. And also give preference to foods and drinks with a high content of antioxidants — these are green tea, broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, grapes, citrus fruits.

Our muscles and brain need proteins to function properly, so it’s worth including meat and fatty fish in the menu, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, brain and heart. Bitter chocolate, dried fruits, as well as green vegetables and some types of mineral water will help to fill the lack of magnesium — namely, this microelement that resists fatigue, we lack most often.

* From a presentation by D. Servan-Schreiber in the framework of the international project Biotherm Skin-Ergetic, July 2010.

** D. O’Hare «Weight loss through cadrical coherence» (Thierry Souccar Editions, 2008).

*** R. Dalke «Proper nutrition: food is the source of health» (Ves, 2011).

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