Live blood drop test

Live blood drop testing is only used in alternative medicine. It consists in observing the blood drop taken from the finger under a microscope, which is to be “alive” for up to 40 minutes from the collection. Its supporters say that thanks to it we can learn the causes of many diseases that attack us. Detects the sources of overweight, fatigue and skin problems. Apparently, thanks to it, we are able to find out the cause of a headache, which prevents us from sleeping at night and functioning normally during the day. Scientists, on the other hand, say it is a scam.

Live blood drop testing – what is it

You should not drink alcohol at least 24 hours before the test. Coffee should not be drunk on the day the sample is taken. It is also impossible to be right after eating – at least 2 hours should pass from the last meal. Before taking it, you need to drink half a liter of water. A blood sample is taken from the fingertip, and then the collected drop is carefully examined under a special microscope and then analyzed. The patient can also get a picture of his blood. On the basis of the obtained result, a special plan is very often created for a specific patient. As the study is only related to natural medicine, no specific performance standards have been established.

Live blood drop test has not been considered reliable by conventional medicine, even they are referred to as fraud. There is no scientific evidence to conclude that it is effective.

Live blood drop test – reviews

Live blood drop test it has its supporters and opponents, therefore opinionwith whom you can come across about it are different. Some say that this is the best method to detect parasites. It is also said that during this simple test, bacteria that are harmful to humans are detected, as well as the possible lack of digestive enzymes. However, this method has not been recognized by conventional medicine, and you can meet a lot of negative ones more often opinions about it. A large proportion of people say that this study is simply a scam.

For examining a live drop of blood we will pay an average of PLN 150. Followers live blood drop tests they speak of a series of abnormalities in the body that they are able to detect by taking only a small drop of blood. They recommend their test for almost every ailment, saying that other tests are not as accurate. Usually, the result we get has little to do with the actual state of our health. We cannot detect, for example, the presence of fungi or other parasites under the microscope itself. If we really want to check the state of our health, it is worth trusting medical research, the operation of which is confirmed. Only this will allow us to know the true cause of our possible ailments.  

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