Little Zosia with a congenital limb defect is fighting for a normal life! Its future is in our hands

Zosia was born with a congenital limb defect (bilateral fibular hemimelia), which happens once in a quarter of a million births. Her legs are completely deformed. The only salvation for the 11-month-old girl is the leg reconstruction surgery at the Paley Institute in the USA. Without her, Zosia will never be able to stand alone. Let’s help stop the sentence!

The parents found out that Zosia would be sick in the 21st week of twin pregnancy. There was no exact diagnosis. There was no treatment plan. One thing was known – Zosia would be born with a number of lower limb defects, her legs would be deformed, some bones would be missing … But in order to assess what to do next, her parents had to wait until the birth.

The girls were born on December 8, 2016, Zosia two minutes after Zuzia. It was the most beautiful day in the life of the whole family, and also the day when the fight for Zosieńka’s health began.

Zosia was born with no fibula bones in both legs. The tibia are also bent in both legs. The thighs and lower legs are deformed, the legs are significantly shortened. The feet are rudimentary, in one there are three, in the other only two toes. Without treatment, Zosia will never walk. She will only be able to crawl. She will never be independent … This is what fate – disability – had pronounced on her.

Parents started looking for help in Poland and abroad. It turned out that there is a hospital in the world that can help the girl regain her fitness. This is the Paley Institute, a clinic founded by the world-renowned pediatric orthopedist Dr. Dror Paley. This is where children with extremely rare skeletal defects are treated, including the one that Zosia has.

Dr. Paley is a pioneer in the treatment of this type of defect in the world. The effects of treatment in the clinic are amazing, they can restore hope to everyone. Children, elsewhere considered hopeless, doomed to amputation, walk, run, function fully normally! – I read on

Unfortunately, medical care in the USA is one of the most expensive in the world, and Zosia’s surgery, rehabilitation and stay at the Paley Institute cost over $ 160!

Fighting for our daughter’s health is a fight against time. Zosia will be 18 months old in June 2018, and she will celebrate her second birthday in December. We have to make it by then, because if we do not manage to collect the necessary funds, Zosia will lose her chance – I read on

Information on how to help Zosia in her fight against the disease – FIND HERE >>>

There is really little time! The collection lasts until December 28, 2017!

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