Little things we can do every day to improve self-esteem
Leaving guilt behind and striving to focus on the positive are keys to loving ourselves more

Loving yourself is one of the most difficult loves that we face in our life. And it is that although it seems obvious that we are the ones who should have the highest esteem, we are also the first to throw ourselves to the ground. We always see our flaws and our imperfections, and it is much more difficult for us to keep the good things. Even many of those characteristics that we consider ‘bad’ are actually something that makes us special, or like many people, and we are not able to see.
Loving ourselves is what we call Self esteem. This, explains Aída Rubio, psychologist and coordinator of the TherapyChat team of psychologists, is an abstract concept, since
“It is made up of the sum of many factors and has been built over the years since we are born.” When she talks about these “factors”, the professional refers to the first relationships we establish, the different experiences of life and how we interpret them, and our personality characteristics.
Usually, a person with low self-esteem She is often too demanding of herself and often crushes when she makes mistakes. Says psychologist Sara Navarrete, author of ‘Increase your self-esteem. The 10 keys you need to change your life ‘, that it is essential to assume that nobody is perfect. “Making mistakes is normal and it is healthy to recognize that we have made a mistake, ask for forgiveness and assume that we are in a certain way,” he explains.
Six tips to improve your self-esteem
To improve and work on self-esteem, the most important thing is to start from a point where we want to do it and it is not an imposed obligation By others. Aída Rubio leaves six key tips to motivate this self-esteem:
1. Reflect on your strengths and positive characteristics: Make a list of the ones that come to mind and do not leave aside what others have highlighted about you. It can help you to remember what your achievements in life have been and how you came to achieve them.
2. The dynamics of the mirror: Take a moment each day to face each other in the mirror and, leaving all judgments on yourself, smile and say pleasant words to yourself. Take advantage of the previous list to help you.
3 Acts: It is possible that due to a lack of confidence in yourself and fear, you have been limiting your experiences. You may have thought that you could fail, that your abilities were not enough, or you have considered that you did not deserve to receive good things from life. Low self-esteem has been able to slow you down and make you fall into the trap of not changing and stagnating.
4. Drop the blame: It is another self-esteem trap not to change, since it takes us back to the past when the focus should be on living in the present and working on the future.
5. Treat yourself how you want to be treated: We unconsciously dictate to others how they should treat us, and if you treat yourself badly, or put yourself in a submissive position, you will be sending signals to others that they can do the same.
6. Take care of the language you speak with: Even the most wrong ideas, if repeated 100 times, can sound credible. It is not necessary to give examples of crazy ideas that have come to convince thousands of people. Imagine then the power of an idea repeated ad nauseam. Instead of repeating yourself that you are worthless, or that you are this or that, break up that distorted speech and replace it with kind language about yourself that highlights the positive in you.