“As it was starting to get cold in the house, I said to my two-and-a-half-year-old: ‘We’re going to put a duvet in your bed because it’s really cold at night. We all meet up for breakfast, so I ask her if she slept well and if she was hot with her new duvet. She looks at me with wide eyes and puts her two hands on her head: “No, I didn’t sleep with the duvets mom” I took 2 seconds before understanding, we were laughing to death … on the other hand, she, was upset. “


“As I pass a bar, my son asks me: ‘What is this store?’ I answer him for a coffee. He then said to me: “I don’t like it. A little further on, he leaves me: “And the milk store, where is it?”

Another day, I ask him if he wants me to cut his apple in quarters. “No, I prefer by truck,” he replied.

One last: after putting on my one-piece swimsuit, he said to me: “Didn’t you put on the two-seater swimsuit?” “


“When we were little, my mother found my sister in front of the mirror looking at her tongue one day. She asked him why she was doing this. My sister replied, “The teacher says my tongue is hanging out, but she’s normal, eh mom?” “


“Two weeks ago, my 15-year-old son learned that you have to write a letter to Santa Claus to get gifts. He immediately set to work and decided to write the letter “E” to her. “


“I ask Suzon, 3, if she wants a fried egg. She replied: “Nah, not fried, in my achiette!” “


“When my son was 4 years old, I asked him one day if he wanted to taste a soft-boiled egg. His response: “It doesn’t spawn roosters, pfff!”, The look up to the sky wanting to say so many things … “

high school-16

“As we are doing some work in the house, we took Lou-Ann to a decoration store. And there, seeing the wallpaper she likes, she exclaims: “Daddy look! This is the one I want as a pastry for my room! “


“This summer, on the way to the beach, my older daughter said to us, ‘I want to be bare-footed”… ”


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