The Muscovite wanted to boast of an unusual achievement, but faced harsh criticism.
Once Irina Zotova and Ivan Zimak bought a dozen eggs in a store. No signs of trouble. The couple accidentally left the package on the windowsill and, with peace of mind, went to the dacha for three weeks.
Returning home, Irina found that some of the eggs cracked and chickens began to hatch from them. The girl posted a photo proof on her personal blog. She was confused and did not know how to behave in this case.
Tuesday night of adventure. Just returned from the dacha, and here it is. At first we heard a squeak, we thought the equipment was junk. They checked everything, looked everywhere – zero. It turned out that the package of eggs left on the windowsill paid off. Tell me what to do. How to feed, how to care? ” – turned to the subscribers of Zotov.
Over the next night, two more chickens were born from the purchased eggs. Irina posted a video that she shot at the time of their birth. The girl was overjoyed.
Irina showed how the kids look like. The Muscovite invited the followers to shelter the chickens, as well as help her come up with nicknames for them. Despite the fact that every day Zotova shared details about the chickens online and provided evidence, Internet users found this story implausible. They believe that the girl just decided to draw attention to her page.
Followers noticed that the name of the Russian Fleece brand was visible on the pack of eggs. The Metro edition contacted the director of the factory, Sergei Mikheenkov, who confirmed that they only offered unfertilized eggs for sale, and the incident was simply impossible. According to him, many conditions must be met in order for the chick to hatch: for example, a hen incubates an egg for 21 days, and the temperature is 36-38 degrees with a humidity level of more than 60%.
This factory does not have a broodstock with a chicken and a rooster. The hens lay eggs on their own there. In stores, eggs are stored in refrigerators where the embryo cannot develop. Therefore, even if their apartment has ideal conditions and 38 degrees, can a chicken hatch from there? This is some kind of nonsense, ”Mikheenkov said.
Many Internet users supported his point of view, sharing their opinions on various sites and on the girl’s blog.
Andrey Ovchinnikov, farmer near Moscow, Metro:
– I don’t really believe in it, most likely it’s a fake. Even if it was a hatching egg, someone can hatch from it only if it got into the incubator within 5-7 days after it was collected. And incubation is not easy: eggs must be turned 3-4 times a day, otherwise they dry out and no one will hatch, and due to lack of moisture, the shell will stick to the chicken and it will not be able to breathe.
Alexander Antipin, partner of PR-agency Fields4e, Pikabu:
– Could such a story have been invented for PR? It looks like a viral ad when you want to draw attention to a person or company. This is probably a one-time promotion to increase the number of Irina’s subscribers. She would be suitable for a budding blogger who wants to blog about chickens, but Irina offers the services of a host. The audiences are completely different, and if the action has an effect, it is a one-time, this method of promotion will not work. She will continue to post from her events and people will unsubscribe. It could be good PR for an egg producer, but in that case they would choose a real blogger, not Irina.
Samantha, Instagram:
– Where did you get such eggs? They are all not fertilized for sale. The situation is similar to delirium.
Julia Borisova, Instagram:
– Laughing out loud! A mistake in a factory, after being transported in a refrigerator, an egg not fertilized by a rooster … But miracles do happen, of course. Thanks for the good mood!