Lithium, mental disorders, injuries … How’s Axl Rose doing today?

Guns N ‘Roses recently played at the National Stadium. The band leader and vocalist is Axl Rose. In his youth, he did not avoid stimulants, which was reflected in his body. The singer also has an extensive mental health record as well as several accidents on stage. What do we know about Axl Rose’s health?

  1. Axl Rose turned 60 in February. He is one of the most popular singers in the world, but also one of the most health experienced
  2. His teenage years are a time of mental disorders resulting from a traumatic childhood, as well as drug abuse.
  3. In later years, Rose became “more polite”, but did not avoid accidents on the stage
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Axl Rose and mental disorders

Axl Rose’s early years were marked by traumas. As a teenager, he learned that his mother’s husband at the time was not his biological father. Before, he was beaten by his stepfather and told about the sexual harassment he experienced when he was a young boy. He explained his explosive nature with his childhood experiences.

He tried to heal mental disorders. Doctors said he had bipolar disorder, then called manic depressive disorder.

– I went to the clinic hoping that they would somehow remedy my changing moods – he said in a conversation with «RIP» in 1989 – But it ended only with a test with five hundred questions – you know, putting small black dots in the appropriate boxes. Suddenly the diagnosis is “manic-depressive state!” We are taking Axl for drug treatment – he added. He was prescribed a solid dose of lithium, but pharmacology did not help.

“My development stopped at the age of two,” he said some time later. —When someone says Axl Rose is a screaming two-year-old, he’s right. There’s a screaming two-year-old inside me who gets pissed off, but often hides too often and doesn’t show up to anyone.

In 1991, he opted for a controversial regressive therapy, wanting through it to reach the source of their unstable nature and find a way to deal with it.

—It was looking for a way to break the chain. I am trying to repair myself, turn around and help others – he later told in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. The therapy helped him. “My life still has its extremes and ups and downs, but this work makes it so much better,” he explained.

Rose’s depressive states were also talked about later, for example on the occasion of his relationship with Stephanie Seymour, which ended with a bang, but for a long time this topic has not appeared anymore.

Exhausted organism

Guns N ‘Roses was said to be “the most dangerous band in the world”. Being a famous rocker in the early 90’s was “obliging”. The singer did not avoid any stimulants and – as he admitted many years later – strong partying and drugs destroyed his kidneys and liver.

At the beginning of his career, Rose was considered the owner of one of the best voices in world rock, his scale covered five octaves. The abuse of this instrument, especially the “drive” technique, and the not very hygienic lifestyle, meant that he often had problems with the larynx. He developed an occupational disease, i.e. nodules on the vocal cords, which meant that he seriously limited his singing for a few years. In 2000 or 2001, he underwent an operation, after which his voice became clearer, but for a moment the characteristic hoarseness disappeared because doctors prohibited its use.

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In the early years of the band’s existence, Axl Rose was known for a rather sloppy approach to concerts. Many hours late, cancellations or interruptions for trivial reasons were quite common. In later years, the singer was much more responsible, but often the exhausted body – not necessarily stimulants – took the top.

During the 2018 tour in the United Arab Emirates, Rose felt terrible. He vomited for several hours and eventually ended up under the drip. However, the concert was not canceled, which was appreciated by the audience and a bandmate.

«Axl Rose has worked a miracle. The guy was terribly sick, and he did something that I hadn’t seen in 40 years of playing. You all helped him in that »wrote bassist Duff McKagan on Twitter.

Accidents on stage

Intensive touring also means injuries on stage. There are few musicians who have avoided the injuries sustained during the performances. Rose had several of them. In 1991, during a concert in New York as part of the tour promoting the album «Use Your Illusion», he jumped so unfortunate that he injured his foot on landing. This excluded him from a few concerts, but it did not take any serious consequences.

A much more serious injury happened to him in 2016. While performing in San Diego, he slipped on stage and broke the bone of his foot so severely that an orthopedic intervention was necessary.

Another collapse took place in 2019. This time he injured his knee and ankle. Fortunately, not too seriously. After the incident, Axl Rose tweeted: “Thanks for all the wishes and if I didn’t have shoes, belts and everything I do for my ankles, it would have been worse.”

Plastic operations

The voice is not what it used to be, the silhouette is far from perfect, and what happened to this face – these are quite frequent comments that appear after the band’s recent concerts. In fact, the 60-year-old singer’s physiognomy may look strange. Rumors of alleged — and unsuccessful — plastic surgeries or aesthetic medicine procedures have been appearing for several years.

Most often, in the appearance of Axl Rose, he looks for traces of face lifting and botox injection. There are also rumors of nose surgery from time to time, but this part of the rockman’s face has remained unchanged for years.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, we asked Orina Krajewska what, according to her, a holistic approach to health is. How to combine the three aspects – body, spirit and mind to enjoy balance and good health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of the topic in the latest episode of our podcast.

1 Comment

  1. Na jednom diskuzním fóru nedávno o tom napsal někdo, kdo se přátelí se členem jeho rodiny. Axl je dvojčetem svojí matky a má její obličej. S plastickým operacemi silně nesouhlasí. Když ho viděli na pohřbu dcery Presleyho, “sedli si na zadek”, jaká je tam neuvěřitelná podoba.

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