List of the most necessary products and remedies for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common and well-known types of dementia. This disease is common in older people. But this is not a sentence. According to research, active intellectual activity (reading, crossword puzzles, logical tasks, board games), communication, as well as regular consumption of certain foods and vitamins can prevent the development of the disease.

Ginkgo biloba in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

List of the most necessary products and remedies for Alzheimers

The very first symptoms of the disease in many people usually do not cause concern, they are attributed to age or considered a temporary result of the experiences. But the first signals of a developing serious illness appear 5–8 years before the final diagnosis.

Most often this is manifested in a slight difficulty, if necessary, to recall any facts that the patient has learned recently. A person does not remember new information well, he can forget the meanings of some words known to him (sometimes the most ordinary ones). The patient may have problems with concentration and abstract thinking. Gradually there is a progressive decrease in memory, impaired speech and motor abilities, up to complete helplessness.

Unfortunately, there is no complete cure for this disease. But in the early stages of the disease, there is a high degree of probability to slow down this process. Regular use of ginkgo biloba courses can help prevent a decrease in brain activity.

Hericium (mushroom) accelerates the growth of neurons

List of the most necessary products and remedies for Alzheimers

Old age is considered to be the main risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. With each passing year after reaching the age of 65, the risk of the disease almost doubles. Another feature is that the disease is difficult to treat with drugs. It is easier to try to prevent or stop this disease at the earliest stages of development than to cure it.

One of the remedies recommended for this purpose is the gericium mushroom. It contains polysaccharides, phenols and other useful substances. They stimulate the immune system, have an antitumor effect, and help with chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Hericium, as a medicine, is sold in special pharmacies (natural or mushroom) in the form of a powder, extract or tablets.

Find out more: Hericium against pancreatic cancer

Folic acid (vitamin B9) keeps the brain young

Another important element in the fight for a clear mind and memory is the regular intake of vitamin B9, which is known to many as folic acid. The use of this drug slows down the aging of the brain, helps to preserve memory, thinking, orientation, speech and other cognitive functions of the body.

So far, there is no reliable evidence that folic acid intake at a dosage of 800 micrograms daily can prevent Alzheimer’s disease. But scientists believe, using the example of studies that have been carried out, that with the help of regular intake of this vitamin, people can slow down the development of various pathologies that lead to this serious disease.

List of the most necessary products and remedies for Alzheimers

TOP foods by folic acid content

On average, the optimal dosage of folic acid for an adult is from 400 to 800 mcg per day. This amount of vitamin B9 helps maintain health and helps prevent heart disease.

Folic acid is sold in ordinary pharmacies as an independent drug, as well as as part of vitamin complexes. But you can find this useful vitamin not only in pharmacies, but also in ordinary foods. For example, just half a cup of lentils contains about 180 micrograms of folic acid. One cup of sliced ​​avocado will provide you with 90 micrograms, while the same volume of steamed green asparagus will provide you with 79 micrograms.

A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice is already 74 mcg, and a large whole orange is 55 mcg of vitamin B9. Greens are no less useful – just half a cup a day gives the body 50-90 micrograms of natural folic acid. Another type of juice containing a large amount of vitamin – tomato. A glass of this juice contains 48 micrograms of folic acid.

Other high folic acid foods available are listed in the table:

Name of food

Vitamin B9 content in 100 g/mcg



Beef liver, chicken


Pork liver


















Barley grits


White mushroom (boletus)








Do not forget that any heat treatment of food (cooking, frying, stewing) significantly reduces the amount of vitamins in them, including folic acid. For example, when meat is fried, 95% of its vitamin B content is destroyed.9! And the usual boiling of chicken eggs reduces it by 50%.

Omega-3 (fish oil) for dementia and Alzheimer’s

List of the most necessary products and remedies for Alzheimers

Omega-3 fatty acids have long been recognized by doctors as substances vital for the harmonious development of the body and maintaining health. These useful acids are not produced in the human body, but enter it only with certain foods. Omega-3s play a special role in reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Scientists recommend taking preparations containing Omega-3 and including a lot of marine fish in the diet. This will protect against a decrease in brain activity.

Find out more: What foods contain omega-3s?

Vitamin E inhibits the development of Alzheimer’s disease

Vitamin E plays an important role in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. It is a natural immunomodulator and a powerful antioxidant. This vitamin is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It has been proven that daily intake of this vitamin slows down the decline in brain activity in Alzheimer’s disease.

The results of the studies once again confirmed the importance of taking vitamin E not only for prevention, but also in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

TOP foods by vitamin E content

On average, the recommended daily dose of vitamin E for adults is considered safe in the range of 200–400 IU. But for some diseases, doctors may prescribe higher dosages to patients.

Vitamin E can be taken not only in tablet form, but also with food.

A variety of oils are rich in vitamin E. In order for the vitamin to be preserved in oils, it is necessary to use them in a “live” form, without subjecting them to heat treatment:

oil Name

Vitamin E content in 1 tablespoon/mg

Wheat germ oil








Vitamin E can be found in a wide variety of foods, most of which are available throughout the year:

Name of food

Vitamin B9 content in 100 g/mcg













Sea buckthorn


















Salmon, zander






Barley grits


Sea fish, soy products, greens, milk, chicken eggs, liver and meat are also rich in vitamin E.

Other essential minerals and vitamins

List of the most necessary products and remedies for Alzheimers

In the fight against Alzheimer’s disease and for the prevention of this disease, it is necessary to use a whole complex of vitamins and minerals.


This mineral is needed to maintain the normal state of the cardiovascular system. It also helps to lower cholesterol, cleanse the body of toxins, etc. The daily intake of magnesium for adults is 400–500 mg.

Magnesium is found in large quantities in nuts (cashews, pine nuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts) and buckwheat. Magnesium can also be obtained in sufficient quantities by eating seaweed, oatmeal, peas, etc.


Selenium, together with vitamin E, protects the body from free radicals. Selenium has antitumor properties, contributes to the normalization of immunity, helps the synthesis of thyroid hormones, improves cardiac activity, etc. The optimal amount of selenium consumption per day is about 50–70 mcg.

Most selenium is found in the liver of turkey and duck. In a smaller volume, selenium is present in chicken, pork and beef liver. Also, selenium can be found in eggs, corn, cereals (rice, barley, wheat), legumes (peas, beans, peanuts), nuts (pistachios, walnuts, almonds), etc.

Find out more: Products-record holders for the content of selenium

Vitamin A

Vitamin A performs many important functions in the body: it improves immunity, normalizes vision, participates in antioxidant protection, promotes resistance to infections, etc. It is enough for an adult to take 1,5-2 mg of vitamin A per day. The dosage can vary significantly depending on age, gender and disease.

A large amount of vitamin A is found in chicken and beef liver. There is a lot of vitamin in wild garlic, viburnum berries, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, seaweed and other products. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C increases the body’s resistance to any adverse external or internal effects. It helps to cope with stress, hypothermia or overheating of the body, with infectious or allergenic attacks, etc. 

A healthy adult needs 70-100 mg of vitamin C per day. But the need for the vitamin increases dramatically, and the dosage increases significantly with colds and infectious diseases.

The record content of vitamin C in ordinary rose hips is 1000 mg per 100 g. There is a lot of vitamin C in sweet peppers, black currants and sea buckthorn berries. Also rich in vitamin C are kiwi, honeysuckle berries, wild garlic, cabbage (Brussels, broccoli, cauliflower), viburnum berries, mountain ash, strawberries, citrus fruits, spinach and some other foods.

B vitamins

B vitamins play an essential role in metabolism at the cellular level. All vitamins that belong to this group (with the exception of vitamin B12) do not accumulate in the body. They need to be replenished daily with the help of tablets or the intake of certain foods.

B1 is found most in pine nuts, pistachios, peanuts, pork, etc.

B2 – in pine nuts, almonds, liver, mushrooms, eggs, etc.

B3 (PP) is most found in pork and beef liver, porcini mushrooms, peas, mushrooms, peanuts and other products.

B5 – peas, hazelnuts, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), cauliflower, offal, etc.

B6 is found in significant amounts in pine nuts and, in descending order, in beans, walnuts, sea buckthorn, fish (tuna, mackerel, sardine), etc.

B7 (H) is found in all foods, but most of all – in the liver, corn, chicken eggs, oatmeal, peas.

B12 is not found in plant foods. Significant vitamin B content12 – in beef liver. Further in terms of vitamin content follow: pork and chicken liver, fish (mackerel, sardine), rabbit meat, beef. Also B12 found in egg yolk and dairy products.

Alzheimer’s disease is a severe incurable disease that can be prevented or slowed down. For this, early diagnosis and the use of a whole range of measures, including taking the necessary vitamins, products and special remedies for Alzheimer’s, are important.

[Video] Dr. Berg – AGING BRAIN: How to slow down? What prevents it?

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