List of the best movies about horses

Horses are one of the first animals tamed by man at the dawn of civilization. For thousands of years we have not only lived side by side, but we have gone through many difficulties together and helped each other. Like dogs, horses for humans are not only pets that bring certain benefits. They have been our friends for a long time. We bring to the attention of readers films about horses – a list of the best pictures about noble animals and true friends of man.

10 black horse

List of the best movies about horses

Opens our list of the best pictures about horses adventure film “black horse».

The boy Alex, who went on a sea voyage with his father, did not suspect what trials he would have to go through. On the ship, he sees a magnificent, night-black Arabian horse, violently resisting attempts to drag him into a stall. Alex, amazed by the beauty and strength of the animal, brings him a treat. At night, the ship is wrecked, and only the horse and the boy remain alive. They are thrown onto a desert island, where they try to survive and find a common language. When Alex is rescued by another ship, he does not abandon his friend, but convinces the crew to take the horse to the ship. Back at home, Alex meets a former horse trainer. Together they begin to prepare the Black Steed for the races.

9. Black handsome man

List of the best movies about horses

On the 9th place in the list of the best pictures about horses is the melodrama “Black handsome man“. This is the story of the life of the stallion Black handsome, told to the audience on his behalf. Fate has prepared for the hero of the film not only many difficult trials, but also meetings with true friends. Having lived a difficult life full of suffering and hardships, the Black handsome man will be rewarded with the long-awaited peace and care of people who love him.

8. Favorite

List of the best movies about horses

The extraordinary story of a horse named Rusk, told in the historical drama “Favorite”, takes 8th place in the list of the best pictures about horses.

During the years of the Great Depression in the United States, people survived as best they could. Hippodromes were a small outlet in a hard life full of job searches. Here one could not only admire the races, but also earn extra money by making a winning bet. When a new participant appears on the hippodrome – a small, thick-set horse Suhar, she is considered an outsider in advance. A blind young boxer becomes a horse jockey, and a forgotten circus strongman becomes a trainer.

7. My beautiful star

List of the best movies about horses

Drama “My beautiful star“takes the 7th line in the list of the best films about horses.

Fleur Liz suffered a terrible tragedy as a child – the death of her mother. When a newly born foal becomes an orphan on her father’s horse farm, the girl replaces his dead mother. Her pet grows into a beautiful horse Marquise. Fleur begins to train her pet and it turns out that a good racehorse could come out of her. Winning the Normandy races is a chance to improve the financial situation of her father’s farm, and Fleur decides to enter the competition.

6. Horse Whisperer

List of the best movies about horses

On the 6th place in the list of the best pictures about horses is the drama “Horse Whisperer“. This is one of those films that amaze with its soulfulness. The tragic story of a girl who became a cripple is shown against the backdrop of magnificent landscapes. Gray was injured during a horse ride, falling under the wheels of a truck. She lost her leg and is very worried about her horse Pilgrim, who, due to an accident, does not let anyone near her. Annie, Grace’s mother, wanted to invite Tom Booker, the famous horse tamer, to New York, but he refused to leave his ranch in Montana. Then Annie takes her daughter and Pilgrim and moves to the Wild West, hoping to heal the spiritual wounds of Grace and the horse.

5. silver wind

List of the best movies about horses

The list of the best movies about horses continues with the drama “silver wind“. Once in the Alps, a foal of an unusual silver color was born, which received the name Taura, or the Silver Wind. He became the fastest and wisest horse in the Cascades, inspiring respect. Taura had only one enemy – the hunter Egan, who dreams of catching a freedom-loving stallion and joining his herd. Thus began the confrontation between two strong personalities.

4. Flicka

List of the best movies about horses

One of the best horse moviesFlicka”is an amazing picture of fortitude, devotion, love and freedom. Young Katie lives on a ranch in the mountains. Since childhood, she has been surrounded by magnificent nature and horses. Once she met a two-year-old mustang, beautiful and freedom-loving. He saves Katie he attacks the cougar, driving away the predator. The girl’s father hardly catches a wild animal and drives it to the ranch. Katie names the stallion Flicka. She sees in him a kindred spirit with a strong character. But the girl’s parents do not like the daughter’s friendship with a wild and dangerous animal. Flika is in fourth place in our rating.

3. Champion

List of the best movies about horses

The list of the best movies about horses also includes biopics. “Champion”- a picture about the legendary horse Secretariat, who won three prestigious races.

Penny Tweedy once had to completely change her life – from an ordinary housewife she became the owner of a stable. The death of her mother and the incurable illness of her father forced her to leave four children in the care of her husband and take control of the stable in her own hands. Penny has to make difficult decisions – she fires a dishonest worker who was trying to sell valuable horses. With the help of her father’s friends, she finds a good coach, hoping to keep the family business going. Soon a foal is born to one of the horses, who is destined to become a legend of equestrian sport.

2. Eastern wind

List of the best movies about horses

Melodrama “Eastern wind“takes second place in the list of the best pictures about horses.

Mika is sent to a farm by her parents for bad studies and bad behavior at school. Under the supervision of a strict grandmother, she must study all summer. In one of the sheds, the girl finds a stallion that no one can tame. Mika manages to win the trust of the wayward East Wind and become his true friend.

1. Battle horse

List of the best movies about horses

The first place in the list of the best films about horses is occupied by a military drama “Battle horseby Steven Spielberg. This is a picture of the devoted friendship of the young man Albert and the thoroughbred stallion Joey.

Parents are forced to sell the horse to the army to pay for the farm. The officer who bought Joey promises Albert to take care of him and bring him back after the war. During the two years of the war, the horse endured many trials. Albert, having waited for the draft age, goes to the front. Wounded during the Hundred Days Offensive, they meet on the battlefield.

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