List of the best films about aviation

Movies about planes, the list of which we have prepared, are interesting not only with fascinating plots, but also with a variety of genres. Among them are military dramas and historical films, Soviet classics and action films, thrillers and melodramas. Each viewer will find their favorite picture among the films about planes, which will give you several hours of fascinating viewing.

10 Squadron “Lafayette”

List of the best films about aviation

Our list of films about aircraft opens with a military drama “Squadron “Lafayette”. It tells about the fate of the famous American fighter squadron “Lafayette”, operating during the First World War. It was formed in 1916 from volunteers – mostly young American pilots. Technicians, mechanics, aircraft and uniforms were French. In two years, the squadron destroyed about 100 enemy aircraft, but itself lost 51 pilots. Based on these events, a picture was created about male friendship, planes conquering the sky and their brave pilots.

9. Airport

List of the best films about aviation

The film adaptation of one of the best novels by Arthur Hailey continues the list of interesting films about airplanes, the thriller “Airport».

Passengers hurrying about their business do not even realize how phenomenally huge the modern airport is and how difficult it is to manage it. This is a huge job and an incredible responsibility that falls on the shoulders of the airport manager.

The film consists of several storylines. A Boeing 707-320B passenger, pushed to the limit by poverty, is about to blow up the plane so his family can get insurance. One of the main characters of the picture, the commander of the plane Vernon Dimirest, is trying to sort out a love relationship with the stewardess Gwen, and the chief manager of the airport, Mel Bakersfeld, is almost never at home due to hard work and is increasingly moving away from his family.

8. Air America

List of the best films about aviation

The next movie on our list about airplanes is an action comedy starring young Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr.”Air America».

Billy Covington joins Air America, a cargo airline that delivers cargo to Laos. Pilot Gene Ryack becomes his partner. He honestly warns the newcomer that the company’s planes carry not only ordinary cargo to Vietnam, but also contraband – drugs and weapons. Gene advises not working for Air America if it’s against Billy’s principles. But the latter really needs money, and he decides to stay.

7. Aviator

List of the best films about aviation

The list of the best films about aircraft continues with the biographical drama starring Leonardo DiCaprio “Aviator“. It tells about the American inventor and millionaire Howard Hughes. The financial situation of his parents allowed him to engage in serious technical developments from childhood. Hughes had a great interest in aircraft construction and personally participated in the development and testing of innovative aircraft. The millionaire was a creative and versatile person – in addition to managing the family business, he was engaged in directing. One of the films created by Hughes was awarded the Oscar. Huge wealth did not bring happiness to Hughes – he was considered an eccentric and outrageous person, and at the end of the life of a millionaire, complete seclusion and severe mental illness awaited.

6. Crew

List of the best films about aviation

The list of the best films about airplanes would be incomplete without the first Soviet two-part disaster film “Crew“. The focus of the picture is the crew of a Tu-154B passenger plane, which is assigned a dangerous task – to land at the airport in the mountainous city of Bidri, where a powerful earthquake occurred and evacuate Soviet citizens working there. The film was awarded several prestigious awards and received cult status.

5. The wind is getting stronger

List of the best films about aviation

«The wind is getting stronger“- one of the best animated films about airplanes, created by the great Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki.

The cartoon is based on real events and tells about the famous Japanese aircraft designer Jiro Horikoshi, who created one of the most successful fighter aircraft in Japan during the Second World War.

The protagonist of the film dreams of becoming a pilot, but realizes that due to his severe myopia, his dream will never come true. Then he decides to become an aircraft designer and gets a job at the Mitsubishi company, which develops and creates aircraft internal combustion engines.

4. Amelia

List of the best films about aviation

Not only men dream of conquering the sky. History knows many examples of female pilots. The most famous of them is the American pilot Amelia Earhart. The next film about aircraft from our list is dedicated to her – the biographical drama “Amelia».

Since childhood, Amelia has been interested in books about great discoveries. Having once visited an air show, she became interested in aviation. She became the first female pilot to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. An attempt in 1937 to make a round-the-world trip ended tragically for Earhart – her plane disappeared in the Pacific Ocean.

3. Air Marshal

List of the best films about aviation

The detective thriller continues the list of the best films about planes.Air Marshal».

Bill Marks is a US Air Marshal. His duties include, under the guise of an ordinary passenger, to be present on board a passenger aircraft and ensure the safety of all people on board. The next flight does not portend any trouble, but when the plane takes off, the air marshal’s phone receives messages through a secret channel that every 20 minutes one of the passengers on board will die if a large sum is not credited to the criminal’s account.

2. Perl Harbor

List of the best films about aviation

Military melodrama “Perl Harbor”is the story of two friends Rafe and Danny, shown against the backdrop of the tragic events that occurred in the winter of 1941 at the American naval base Pearl Harbor, attacked by Japanese bombers.

1. Go to fight some old people

List of the best films about aviation

The list of the best pictures about planes also includes the Soviet military drama with the magnificent Leonid Bykov in the title role.Go to fight some old people“. The picture received the status of a cult film, and monuments were erected to two characters in the film – Captain Titarenko and his mechanic Mikhalych.

The picture tells about the everyday life of Soviet fighter pilots during the Great Patriotic War. The second squadron of Captain Titarenko is famous not only for its victories over the enemy, but also for the fact that after combat duty it turns into an orchestra. For this she was nicknamed “Singing”.

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