List of gluten-free and gluten-containing products

List of gluten-free and gluten-containing products

Celiac disease is a pathology that has multiple causes of origin, but the main one is considered to be a violation of digestion inside the intestines. Celiac enteropathy occurs against the background of damage to the villi located in the small intestine by those products that contain an allergen, that is, gluten, or proteins identical to it – avenin, hordein, etc.

Avoiding the consumption of gluten is quite problematic, which is due to the fact that this gluten is found in the diet of every modern person. Up to 80% of common foods contain this protein. It is very difficult to completely remove gluten from the menu, which is primarily due to its hidden presence in many finished products.

People suffering from gluten intolerance give a pathological reaction not only to this protein, but also to its derivatives, as well as to some components contained in the products. This explains the fact that a certain product is suitable for someone, and for someone it causes allergies. The severity of celiac disease varies, therefore, when paying attention to gluten-containing products, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of a person. After all, it is simply not possible to predict the possible response of the body in each specific case.

Gluten Products

It is important to understand that you will have to stick to a menu that does not contain products with an allergen throughout your life. There are many such products, and almost every day a new nutritional component appears, which contains gluten, which is dangerous for the patient. Labeling that a product contains gluten is very often simply not available, so the proposed list is worth learning, or simply always having free access.

List of gluten-free and gluten-containing products List of gluten-free and gluten-containing products

Gluten Free Diet for Kids – Practical Advice for Parents

  • In order to store what the child will eat, a separate locker is needed. It is important that this is not a shelf that is located in a common closet, but a separate storage space.

  • Children must have their own utensils. In order to better identify it, you can make a marking. Cooking and frying is also worth it in separate pots and pans; you need to find a place in the kitchen for an individual baking sheet, slotted spoon, scoop and other kitchen utensils.

  • The board on which the bread for the child will be cut must also be individual. This rule also applies to knives.

  • If there is an allergic reaction to dairy products, then a separate knife should be available for cutting the spread without milk content.

  • The hands of a person preparing food for a child should be thoroughly washed after preparing food for healthy people.

  • At the beginning, the dish that the child will eat, and then everyone else, should be tasted.

  • Pastries containing gluten should not be cooked with gluten-free food at the same time in the same oven.

  • What is forbidden should be out of the patient’s access zone.

  • You should not take into account and even more so put into practice advice from people without medical education regarding the fact that any product can or cannot be eaten with this disease.

  • If there is any doubt as to whether a particular product can be consumed, then tasting it should be abandoned.

  • If a product is offered for the first time, it must be the only new item on the menu for that day.

List of gluten-free and gluten-containing products

Ingredients in English that should alert

If you have to buy food that does not have a translation on the label, you need to be extremely careful, as gluten can be hidden in the following items:

  • The product contains cereals containing a dangerous protein: oats, rye, wheat;

  • The following indicators indicate that gluten additives may be present in products: modified starch, or the same phrase, but with the addition of the word food, or the word starch separately. The words and phrases malt or malt flavoring, just flavoring, vegetable with the prefix gum or protein, or hydrolyzed vegetable protein, emulsifier, stabilizer can indicate danger;

  • The presence of traces of protein is indicated by the inscription may contain traces of gluten.

List of gluten free products

Those companies that produce products that do not even contain residual allergen particles sell them at a fairly high cost. However, a person with a pathology has to purchase such products. An alternative way out is to cook absolutely all food at home. If a product is gluten-free, then this is evidenced by the label “gluten free products”.

The list of manufacturing companies is as follows:

  • The Italian company Dr. Shar;

  • German firm Glutano;

  • Finnish Moilas;

  • Swiss Finax.

It is important, focusing on the existing list of products that do not contain an allergen, to take into account that the production technology often changes. Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted reactions, it is necessary to carefully study the labeling.

In addition, protein can even get into a clean product when it is transported, produced or in a single container (equipment) with those products that contain the allergen.

List of gluten-free and gluten-containing products

Sample gluten free menu for the week


  • First meal: rice porridge and berries, honey, almond flour based bun, natural cocoa.

  • Lunch break: meat soup.

  • Snack: corn bun, fruit salad, milk.

  • End of the day: kefir and porridge with millet.


  • First meal: dessert based on cottage cheese and fruits, rice bread, natural coffee and milk.

  • Break for lunch: potatoes, baked fish and greens, green salad, berry compote.

  • Snack: rice cakes with jam, cocoa;

  • End of the day: buckwheat porridge with goat milk, soy-based bread.


  • First meal: milk and corn flakes.

  • Lunch break: pancakes on buckwheat flour with meat, chicken broth.

  • Snack: tea and baked apple, nuts.

  • End of the day: vegetables stewed in sour cream, fresh juice.


  • Meal XNUMX: Cheese added to an omelette, cornmeal tortilla and coffee.

  • Lunch break: fish soup, boiled egg, stewed beans.

  • Snack: banana tea.

  • End of the day: cottage cheese and rice flour casserole, tea.


  • Start of the day: boiled fish, rice porridge and cocoa.

  • Lunch: soup with spinach and cheese, steamed vegetables.

  • Snack: boiled egg, tea.

  • End of the day: boiled meat and buckwheat porridge.


  • Start of the day: cocoa and cottage cheese.

  • Lunch break: vegetable soup, baked fish, optional with milk.

  • Snack: buckwheat bread, berry juice.

  • End of the day: vegetables in the oven with cheese, tea.


  • First meal: rice cakes, tea with milk.

  • Break for lunch: soup with meatballs, vegetable salad.

  • Snack: nuts and muesli, fruit juice jelly.

  • Dinner: Vegetable stew.

List of gluten-free and gluten-containing products
List of gluten-free and gluten-containing products
List of gluten-free and gluten-containing products
List of gluten-free and gluten-containing products
List of gluten-free and gluten-containing products
List of gluten-free and gluten-containing products

Author of the article: Dietitian, Vera Kuzmina, specially for

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