Although pregnancy is not a disease, as the famous saying goes, it is undoubtedly a very important time for the developing baby, in which the expectant mother should take care of herself. The management of the pregnant woman in the first trimester of pregnancy is particularly important, as it is a very significant period for the developing fetus. Some things should be categorically avoided in order to create the best conditions for the baby’s development.
Why is the first trimester so important? At this time, our baby’s heart is formed, the entire nervous system is formed, various parts of the body gradually appear: jaw, cheeks, mouth, tongue, eyes, chin. Tiny muscles, cartilage, bones, elbows and ankles are formed … the kidneys and stomach work harder and harder. To sum up, life is slowly emerging in us, so certain activities must be eliminated so that it can develop as properly and in good conditions as possible. Here is the list of prohibited items:
- Alcohol and drugs – although it seems obvious that drugs have a destructive effect on our entire body, it should be noted that taking them in the first trimester can damage all internal organs of the fetus, lead to hypoxia and cause sleep disorders, concentration disorders, poor muscle tone, hyperactivity and convulsions. In addition, complete abstinence from alcohol is recommended, because even small amounts of alcohol drinks can contribute to developmental disorders in the baby. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is best not to drink even small amounts of wine, because it can cause the development of an incurable disease – fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).
- Smoking – addiction is a strong opponent, but it can be overcome. A woman expecting a child must get rid of the addiction as soon as possible, because nicotine increases the risk of miscarriage, causes a lower birth weight, and also leads to premature birth and retardation of physical and mental development.
- Excessive effort and certain household chores – of course, taking care of the house is a normal thing also during pregnancy, but some of them should not be part of the duties of a future mother. One of these things is cleaning the garden without gloves and cleaning the cat’s litter box. Contact with the litter box and the ground can contribute to malformations and even death of the child as a result of toxoplasmosis. It’s best to have someone else clean your pet’s litter box, and if we don’t have such a person at hand, you need to wear rubber gloves for this activity and then wash your hands thoroughly. It is also not recommended to overload the body, house cleaning is best divided into stages and done gradually, it is also not recommended to hang curtains and wash windows, because fainting and balance disorders are common in the first trimester. Excessive effort, lifting, sauna, hot baths, practicing dangerous sports – are forbidden for obvious reasons!
- Some cosmetic procedures – you should avoid treatments with concentrated oils, such as aromatherapy, as some oils can seriously harm you and your baby. Laser and wax depilation, body care treatments (anti-cellulite, slimming, etc.), treatments using ultrasound or electricity are also prohibited.
- Eat whatever you want – it is about highly processed products such as sweets and fast-food, blue cheese, feta cheese, oscypek cheese, brie, camembert, etc. are also prohibited, because they may contain bacteria that cause miscarriages and complications. Avoid raw eggs (salmonella), sugary carbonated drinks, coffee, large amounts of black tea, raw meats and fish (toxoplasma and listeriosis).