List of folk remedies, products and medicines for menopause

Dill – a cheap but effective remedy for menopause

Dill water helps relieve the negative symptoms of menopause, reduce the number of hot flashes and normalize sleep. To prepare it, you need to pour 3 tablespoons of dry dill seeds with half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for one hour in a thermos. After that, the composition must be diluted with water, bringing to one liter. Take 3-4 times a day, 100 ml, 30 minutes after meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Results: according to reviews, hot flashes are reduced by 50% after just 2 weeks of regular intake of dill seed infusion. A month later, the number of hot flashes is reduced by 10 times.

Attention! Dill seeds contain substances that increase the tone of the uterus, which can be dangerous during pregnancy. Pregnancy with menopause is possible, especially since women at this age do not lose sexual activity, but take contraceptives lightly, considering conception unlikely. Dill is also contraindicated in people with pressure drops, it can be dangerous for people with low blood pressure.

Red clover with menopause

The composition of red clover is rich in phytoestrogens, which are 10 times more in it than in soy. These plant substances help a woman’s body to carry out self-regulation during menopause. In addition, clover is good for the health of the heart muscle, respiratory system, etc.

prevents breast cancer.

In addition to phytoestrogens, clover contains other biologically active substances, and also has an impressive mineral composition – potassium, selenium, magnesium, chromium, phosphorus and other minerals necessary for humans. A glass of red clover infusion contains more calcium than milk. Red clover also contains vitamins and antioxidants, including retinol and vitamin C.

Useful properties of clover for the body:

  • Diuretic, expectorant, astringent;

  • Restores the sexual activity of women during menopause;

  • Normalizes sleep and improves well-being;

  • Reduces dryness of the skin, restores the protective barrier of mucous membranes;

  • Helps reduce brittle hair and nails.

Red clover tincture

Pour two tablespoons of dry grass with a glass of boiling water and infuse in a thermos for 8 hours. Then filter and take half an hour before meals 1/4 cup daily until the condition returns to normal.

Does red clover help with menopause?

The effectiveness of red clover in menopause has been proven by medical research. More than a hundred women took part in the experiment, who were added to food with red clover extract in capsules. Significant improvements in the condition of the skin, hair, normalization of sleep and general well-being, a decrease in the negative manifestations of menopause, including neurological ones, were found.

Red clover successfully passed the placebo trial. One group of women took two capsules of the clover preparation daily, and the other took a placebo. Three months later, the groups changed after the seven-day elimination period had elapsed. At the end of the experiment, improvements in the condition of women, their skin, nail plates and hair, increased endurance and quality of sleep, and normalization of urination were found. Participants in the experiment also noted an improvement in well-being.

Treatment of menopause with royal jelly

Apiproducts or bee products have a multilateral effect on the body, regulate the functions of the digestive, endocrine, genitourinary and nervous systems. The activity of these systems is associated with the reproductive system of a woman, therefore, during the menopause, it can be disturbed.

Why is royal jelly so useful for menopause:

  • Apitherapy with royal jelly, honey and bee bread effectively relieves the nervous symptoms of menopause, normalizing sleep and relieving fatigue, stabilizes mood and appetite, and removes autonomic disorders.

  • Royal jelly is a constant component of the diet of the queen bee, due to which the regulation of its reproductive function is carried out. Feeding exclusively on royal jelly, the queen bee lays several thousand eggs daily for 7 years. After the death of the queen, any young bee can turn into a queen if she is fed royal jelly.

  • Royal jelly is also useful for restoring the hormonal regulation of the reproductive system in women. It is used to relieve the condition during PMS and painful menstruation, as well as during menopause, to relieve hot flashes and remove neurological symptoms.

  • Royal jelly is obtained during the breeding season of bees. It can be purchased from beekeepers from mid-May to the end of July. The course of admission is two months, it is carried out during the breeding season of bees, so that there is always a fresh substance at hand. Take it in the morning and evening, two or three capsules.

When the breeding season ends, and fresh royal jelly disappears, pollen and perga can be used in apitherapy:

  • Pollen stimulates blood formation processes, increases hemoglobin in the blood and compensates for the lack of sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper and other minerals.

  • Perga – pollen rammed into honeycombs by bees and filled with honey on top – has immunomodulatory properties, rejuvenates the skin and stimulates collagen synthesis, which greatly slows down during menopause.

  • Long-term use of bee bread strengthens the immune system, stimulates regeneration processes and normalizes metabolism. In addition, bee bread is rich in amino acids and fatty acids, including essential ones, increases resistance to stress and relieves nervousness.

To treat the manifestations of menopause, it is recommended to take 20 grams of perga or pollen mixed with honey daily until the symptoms disappear.

Healing tea with oregano

Hot flashes of intense intensity help relieve oregano tea, which has a calming effect on the psyche and reduces bleeding. Other useful properties of oregano are stimulation of lactation, prolongation of the ovaries during early menopause, normalization of the cycle. However, during pregnancy, you can not drink such tea, otherwise there may be a miscarriage.

Recipe. Pour two tablespoons of dry oregano herb into a thermos and add two cups of boiling water. After four hours, when the herb is infused, the remedy can be taken orally. The infusion is drunk three times a day before meals until the negative symptoms stop or the hot flashes disappear.

Dry oregano can be added to mixtures of medicinal teas, as well as black or green tea. With regular use, hot flashes will stop or go much easier, health will improve and insomnia, excessive drowsiness, fatigue, irritability and fatigue will disappear.

Treatment of menopause with herbs should take place under the supervision of a doctor, before proceeding with it, determine your hormonal status from a gynecologist.

List of foods with phytoestrogens

According to researchers from Japan, a diet with an abundance of soy helps to mitigate the negative manifestations of menopause. So, Japanese women traditionally eat soy-based dishes, so menopause is easier for them than for residents of America and Europe.

Phytoestrogens are found in the following foods:

  • Soy. Soy contains phytoestrogens-isoflavones – daidzein and genistein, as well as glycitein, which accumulates in soy sprouts. Isoflavones are presented as glycosidic compounds, which are broken down in the intestines into sugar and a non-sugar component (aglycone). It is aglycones that exhibit estrogenic activity and are capable of inducing a cell response. The most active component of soy, which provides its estrogenic effect, is equol, which is formed as a result of transformations of the isoflavone daidzein and resembles estradiol in effect.

  • Red clover. Red clover contains the isoflavones formononetin and biochanin-A, as well as the phytoestrogen coumestrol from the coumestan group. Clover, along with soybeans, is often used to correct the negative manifestations of menopause in women. But its use can be unsafe, because, unlike soy, red clover is not classified as food, but is classified as a medicinal plant. This means that there are no reliable data on the effects of its long-term and regular use. In addition, the use of clover in hormone replacement therapy instead of estrogen is not supported by scientific research.

  • Alfalfa. Alfalfa, like its sister red clover, contains coumestrol and formononetin. The presence of phytoestrogens in this plant was detected by the effect on sheep that ate alfalfa in pastures. They found violations of the reproductive system, an increase in the number of miscarriages. The effects of alfalfa phytoestrogens on humans have been little studied.

  • Linen. Flax phytoestrogens – lignans – are contained in its seeds and in the process of metabolic transformations produce enterodiol and enterolactone, which have an estrogenic effect. Lignans are similar in mechanism of action to isovlavones.

  • Sweet. The licorice root phytoestrogen glabridin belongs to the group of isoflavones. Glabridin has a dual effect – in high concentrations it inhibits the growth of cancer cells, and in small quantities, on the contrary, stimulates their growth.

  • Red grapes. The phytoestrogen resveratrol found in wine and red grapes, when ingested, works as a powerful antioxidant that prevents free radical damage to cells.

  • Hop. Based on hops, such a popular drink as beer is made. But in the composition of this plant there is a powerful phytoestrogen – prenilnaringenin. Its estrogenic effect is so great that in the old days pregnant women were not allowed to harvest hops, as they could bleed. The ability of hop phytoestrogens to influence the menstrual cycle and the reproductive system of women forces one to be wary of products based on it. However, beer contains negligible amounts of these substances, so moderate consumption is not harmful to health.

Non-hormonal drugs for menopause

To alleviate the condition of women during menopause, doctors often prescribe hormone replacement therapy. However, hormonal drugs are not suitable for everyone, moreover, they can pose a serious health hazard, provoking the growth of cancerous tumors. Among the non-hormonal treatments for menopause are anticonvulsants, homeopathic remedies and antidepressants, as well as drugs and nutritional supplements to lower blood pressure.

Antidepressants for menopause

Antidepressants are not only able to improve the mental state of women and alleviate the neurological manifestations of menopause, but have a peculiar side effect that reduces the intensity of hot flashes. The effect of antidepressants and sedatives on blood vessels in menopausal women was discovered by researchers from Plisilia. In 60% of women who took depressants during menopause, a decrease in the frequency of hot flashes and an improvement in well-being was found – normal sleep, even mood and good appetite.

Sedative preparations based on the active substance venlafaxine:

  • Efevelon

  • Velafax

  • Fluoxetine (Prozac, Profluzac, Fluval)

  • Velaxin

  • Poroxetine (Adepress, Actaparoxetine, Rexetin, Paxil, Plizil).

Antiepileptic drugs

Medicines with anticonvulsant action can also reduce the intensity of hot flashes. Antihypertensive drugs are also quite effective in treating menopause, since many women at this age experience the first symptoms of hypertension, which significantly worsen their well-being.

Antiepileptic drugs based on gabapentin:

  • Catena

  • Gabagamma

  • lily of the valley

  • Neurontin.

Preparations with phytoestrogens

Dietary supplements with biologically active substances of plant origin – phytoestrogens – are able to normalize the hormonal regulation of the reproductive system. This is due to their ability to induce a hormonal response of cells, similar to natural hormones, in particular, estradiol.

  • Estrovel. Contains Cimicifuga extract, wild yam root, soy isoflavones, indole-3 carbinol, organic boron (fructoborate), nettle leaf extract, vitamins E, B6, folic acid, amino acids 5-hydroxytryptophan, DL-phenylalanine.

    The benefits of the drug. The advantages of the drug include its safety with constant use, prevention of breast cancer, osteoporosis, and a complex effect on all manifestations of menopause.

  • Klimadinon and Klimadinon Uno. Contains an extract of rhizomes of cicifuga racemose, excipients – cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, corn starch, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium carboxymethyl starch.

    The benefits of the drug. The advantage of this drug is its safety in use even for women who are contraindicated in hormone replacement therapy, effective treatment of menopause manifestations. In 30% of women taking Klimadinon for mastopathy, the symptoms of the disease disappear, in another 40% the disease stops progressing. Thus, the remedy can be used not only to relieve menopausal syndrome, but also to treat mastopathy. An improved form of Klimadinon Uno is more convenient to use, one tablet a day is enough to relieve hot flashes and improve well-being.

  • Feminalgin. Contains cimicifugaracemose, magnesium phosphoricum, pulsatila pratensis and excipients – lactose monohydrate, cellulose and magnesium stearate.

    The benefits of the drug. Help reduce the intensity of menopausal manifestations, improve mental state, also used for irregular cycles and painful menstruation. It goes well with both hormonal preparations and other homeopathic remedies. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating people with lactose intolerance should take it carefully and under medical supervision.

  • Feminine. Dry extract of red clover with 40% isoflavone content and auxiliary components – cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, gelatin, titanium dioxide.

    The benefits of the drug. Isoflavones are phytoestrogens found in high amounts in red clover and soy, and in high concentrations act similar to the natural estrogen estradiol. Clover isoflavones relieve hot flashes, reduce sweating, tachycardia and nervousness. The drug also reduces the chance of breast cancer with long-term use. However, it should be taken under the supervision of a physician and with caution, as it can provoke the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors.

  • Femicaps. Vitex fruit extract, Passoflora incarnate herb extract, alpha-tocopherol, magnesium oxide, primrose oil, evening primrose oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride.

    The benefits of the drug. This drug is hypoallergenic, well compatible with other drugs. Successfully copes with the negative symptoms of menopause – hot flashes, sweating, nervousness and tachycardia. It is also used to treat gynecological diseases such as cysts, endometriosis, hypermenorrhea, uterine fibromyoma and mastopathy.

  • Ci-Klim. Contains dry cimicifuga extract, auxiliary components – cellulose, starch, calcium stearate, silicon dioxide, hypromellose, titanium dioxide (E 171), polysorbate-80, macrogol-400, iron dye red oxide, iron dye brown oxide.

    The benefits of the drug. It has a sedative effect on the nervous system, removes the mental manifestations of menopausal syndrome, relieves vegetative-vascular disorders and has a rejuvenating effect on the skin due to the estrogen-like action of isoflavones.

  • Red brush. Contains the root and rhizomes of Rhodiola four-cut.

    The benefits of the drug. It relieves vasospasm, reduces the intensity of hot flashes, and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the genitourinary system.

  • Another climate. Contains soybean extract with 40% isoflavones, sunflower oil, hydrogenated soybean oil, soy lecithin, fish gelatin, glycerin, starch, titanium dioxide, red iron oxide.

    The benefits of the drug. Isoflavones in the composition of the drug can bind to receptors and cause an estrogen response of cells, thus restoring the self-regulation of the reproductive system in women during menopause. At the same time, soy isoflavones do not provoke the growth of hormone-dependent tumors, as drugs for hormone replacement therapy.

  • Tribestan. Tribulus terrestris dry grass (250 mg per tablet), excipients – cellulose, silicon dioxide, povidone, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, opadra, talc.

    The benefits of the drug. Removes menopausal syndrome in women, helps lower blood cholesterol levels, treats erectile dysfunction in men.

  • Menopace. Ingredients: retinol, tocopherol acetate, cholecalciferol, thiamine monohydrate, pyridoxine chloride, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, biotin, zinc sulfate monohydrate, folic acid, niacin, ascorbic acid, calcium pantothenate, para-aminobenzoic acid, iron fumarate, magnesium oxide, manganese sulfate monohydrate , potassium iodide, copper sulfate monohydrate, chromium, sodium selenate, sodium borate.

    The benefits of the drug. Vitamin preparation to support the body during menopause. Contains vitamins of group B, necessary for the health of the nervous system, which can reduce the neurological symptoms of menopause. Pantothenic acid and a complex of minerals stimulate the synthesis of its own estrogens, while antioxidants tocopherol and ascorbic acid protect cells from premature aging under the influence of free radicals.

  • Bonisan. Ingredients: Solgen soy isoflavone extract, active ingredients: isoflavones (daidzein, genistein, glycitein) – 58,0%.

    The benefits of the drug. It has a complex effect on all manifestations of menopause, removing hot flashes and tachycardia, sweating, irritability, mood swings and insomnia. In addition, it stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which contributes to skin rejuvenation, and is also the prevention of osteoporosis during menopause. Analogues are drugs such as klimalanin and femiwell

  • Klimadinon. Each tablet of Klimadinon contains 20 mg of the active ingredient – a dry extract of the rhizome of cimicifuga (BNO 1055). The extract contains highly specific and organ-selective phytoestrogens with clinically proven pronounced estrogen-like and dopaminergic properties.

    The benefits of the drug. The absence of stimulation of proliferation of endometrial cells and estrogen-dependent carcinoma is an indisputable advantage of Klimadinon. The drug is contraindicated in the manifestation of allergic reactions.

  • Lady’s formula Menopause

    The product contains a complex of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances:

    • Boron, magnesium, selenium, chromium, manganese;

    • Tocopherol, nicotinic acid;

    • Spirulina, pantothenic acid, angelica.

    The benefits of the drug. When taken regularly, 1 tablet per day helps to overcome pronounced menopause syndromes: fever, headaches, pressure surges, insomnia, swelling, etc.

  • Climactoplan

    Complex homeopathic preparation containing:

    • Cimicifuga extract in dilution D2;

    • Sanguinaria in breeding D2;

    • Sepia (cuttlefish ink sac contents) at D2 dilution;

    • Ignatia in breeding D3;

    • Lachesis snake venom in D5 dilution;

    The benefits of the drug. It acts in a complex way: first due to estrogen-modulating activity and a calming effect on the hypothalamus, then it stimulates the formation of estrogens and their release from adipose tissues.

    In the absence of a clinical effect in the first two weeks of taking, a deterioration in well-being is possible. In this case, you must stop using the drug.

  • Climaxan

    Pack of 20 tablets, each containing:

    • Cemicifuga, C200 dilution;

    • Apis (bee venom), C200 dilution;

    • Lachesis (snake venom), C50 dilution.

    It is widely used by gynecologists to relieve premenopausal syndrome. There is a possibility of combination with other pharmaceutical products.

    The excipients include lactose, so patients with lactose intolerance are not recommended to take the drug. Allergic reactions to the components of the drug are possible.

  • Klimakt-hel

    Active ingredients:

    • Potentilla Canadian drug D3 – 30 mg;

    • Cuttlefish ink drug D4 – 30 mg;

    • Sulfur drug D4 – 30 mg;

    • Tin preparation D4 – 60 mg;

    • Surukuku snake venom (Lachesismutus) drug D12 – 90 mg.

    The benefits of the drug. In menopause, the remedy compensates for functional failure in the ovaries and other neurohormonal disorders, including depression, melancholy, dizziness, neurosis, migraine, etc.

    It is contraindicated for patients during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In the presence of liver diseases, the drug can be prescribed only after consulting a doctor. Due to the presence of lactose in the composition, the use of patients with lactose or galactose intolerance is not recommended.

  • Ovariamin. BAA, produced in tablets weighing 155 mg with 10 mg of cytamine each. The main active ingredient – cytamine, is a set of vitamins, proteins, nucleic acids and trace elements extracted from the ovaries of cattle. In a non-hormonal way, it is able to slow down the synthesis of follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH), is an analogue of estrogen.

    The benefits of the drug. The drug helps to normalize the menstrual cycle and smooth out the symptoms of menopause.

    The exact dosage regimen is prescribed exclusively by the doctor. Treatment with ovariamin is not recommended during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, and is also discontinued if individual allergic reactions are detected.

  • Epifamin. Epifamin powder is obtained from the epiphysis of pigs and cattle. A complex of nucleic acids and polyproteins is necessary for the prevention and correction of disorders in the functioning of the pineal gland, which occurs as a result of various diseases. 1 tablet contains 10 mg of epifamin powder. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in the presence of individual allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

  • Altera Plus. Contains 100 mg extract of racemosus roots, Chinese angelica roots and Japanese dioscorea roots, as well as 15 mg of soy isoflavonoids.

    The benefits of the drug. It is able to alleviate the state of hormonal imbalance in the periods before, during and after menopause without the use of hormonal pharmaceuticals. By regulating the functioning of the reproductive system, it improves the condition of the skin and hair.

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